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Posts posted by Craig_VG

  1. Yes those dead bodies that keep laying on the floor defenatly cause problems,

    also is there any way to prevent people to use that damn editor in mp games because

    they keep spawning helicopters, they send hundreds of artillery explosions to destroy someones base up

    there should be a solution right as they never seem to use that 3rd party exploits in other mods

    Yes of course they do. Just remember its a beta version, so issues like that are to be expected.

    Preventing people from using lost key is dependent on the server host. Some allow 3rd party addons and some don't, but I can't control that.

    Have a good one,


  2. Okay, next beta update for the upcoming 1.05 release!

    Some fixes:

    Zombies with bandages now delete eventually (the time before deleting needs some tweaking, though)

    Zombies should spawn better now (not right on top of you) But if you still have issues with them spawning close, just say on the forums.

    Players won't end up being sent to 0,0 randomly anymore, there was a small syntax error.

    On respawn, the player won't lose their NV goggles anymore

    Dedicated was running code meant for clients, fixed

    Cleaned up zombie spawning function

    Zombies were getting deleted far to easily, leaving many bodies laying around. This has been adjusted, and a more efficient method of killing off the stray zombies was added.

    Updated the zombie spawn FSM some more

    Here is the link:




  3. hi there got to play via me dedi pc and

    1- with new spawn system zeds just spawn infront of ya even though its sets to max spawn distance please fix this one I hate it when they spawn up your ass :(

    2- i know ACE version aint ready yet but its bugged to hell with ace it use to work not to bad before now I cant deply weapon I get major lag and stutter when I try to do so I cant put any thing on me back nor use backpacks that I find

    1. It isn't finished yet, still being worked on. Don't worry yet.

    2. I haven't tried it with ACE, so I wouldn't know :/

    Expect an improved version today.

  4. Any plans to allow players to clear cities? Kill enough zombie to stop them respawning inside a certain city or zone.

    Definitely a possibility, and something that I could do. Currently, however, performance is #1 priority.

    Holy crap prevented Zeds walking through objects this is fantastic news building bases is now worth it you are the man thanks so much :)

    It is step forward indeed. And Tonic did most of the scripting for it, so thank him. :D

    Awesome ! If new zombies spawn are ok, can't wait for playing, building base and fighting zombies !

    ETA on this ?

    For feedback, support and bug report, where do you prefer ? DevHeaven, twitter, here ?


    Now: http://bit.ly/1-05Testing

    Zombies are now controlled by the clients themselves. The server should be freed up. As a client expect the occasional micro-stutter, which may get worse. I am working to tone it down a bit.

    My Dedi is currently running it. Just search "Dynamic Zombie Sandbox Official" in host, or just filter Dynamic Zombie Sandbox in mission.



    ---------- Post added at 08:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:42 PM ----------

    Also, just so you guys are aware. To turn on the new spawning system, select it in the zombie spawning options in parameters. It isn't automatically on.

    ---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

    And one more thing. The zombie spawning is now done via FSM (Finite State Machine) which greatly increases performance on that front, and eliminates the microstutter mentioned earlier.

  5. Hey guys,

    I'm still working on this of course. With the help of [TAW] Tonic, we made it so zombies stop walking through barriers placed by clients. (We send the position placed by the player to the server and the server replaces the objects, so the server's zombies can see the objects)

    Also I've started work on a completely new spawning system, not at all like the one Celery has in place. It may fix a lot of performance issues of all past versions. I'm testing on the official dedicated now.

    ---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 PM ----------

    Err scratch that, defcon server's "Update to 1.62" is broke, for now.

  6. Dynamic Zombie Sandbox V1.0

    Note, 1.0 doesn't and will never mean final version for this mission.


    After quite a long time, I finally have 1.0 ready for release. This is the most complete, stable version of the mission that I have. It also most fulfills what I wanted to put into this mission back in Version .75. Many new features have been added and many, many fixes have been made. Also, I have already started work on 1.05 :D

    Making the mission more stable was one of the largest goals of 1.0. It still won't last forever on dedi, but it will last longer. Further improvements are in my head and will be added in 1.05.

    What's Added?

    This is definately the longest changelog to date, and the amount of work I've put into it has been quite staggering. I live quite a busy life, school, work, sports, friends, (pretty active in the party scene too, but don't tell my parents :p) so I can only work on this in what spare time I have.

    I have fairly detailed descriptions on dev-heaven of each of the bugs and features if you want to click the links.


    • Fixed some lag issues from .95
    • Weapons in buildings, a little like DayZ
    • Local hosts couldn't use the logistic features
    • GPS would put markers on other players
    • Sidemissions never end
    • Weather can be completely random
    • Sidemission markers no longer give the exact location, if chosen


    Roadmap found at Devheaven

    [TABLE=class: list related-issues, width: 1616]

    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #30290: Ammobox Sidemission[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #30291: Time doesn't sync to JIP[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #30292: Markers do not update to JIP[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #30293: Helicopter crash is still bugged[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]



    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]



    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #30307: Refresher.sqf kills off all units that are not players[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #30313: Picking up objects (To put in cars)[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #30352: Sometimes players spawned in a mob of zombies[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #30359: Long trains of cars can be made![/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #30362: Car/object list doesn't get updated on dedicated sometimes.[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #30374: Massive Lag[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #32855: Objects get placed floating[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Bug #35643: Start with no map and no weapons parameter sometimes doesn't work.[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Feature #30314: Parameter to choose how many weapons will spawn in side missions. (Ammo cache's)[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]



    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Feature #30364: Apocalypse Siren on siren poles[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Feature #32590: Weapons in buildings[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Feature #32628: Parameter to get rid of sidemission markers[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Feature #32725: Random Weather Option[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Feature #32805: Sidemissions loop[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Feature #32806: Increase Respawn timer[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Feature #32808: More robust player position finder script[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Feature #32809: Make weapon finding script more efficient and with more features.[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Feature #36039: Spawn just outside of towns[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Task #30353: Remove GPS -- Allows cheating[/TD]


    [TR=class: hascontextmenu]

    [TD]Task #35603: Expand the "Players start together" parameter[/TD]




    CO version (Flagship version):

    Requires patch 1.60 of ArmA 2 Combined Operations. No other mods/addons required, works with ACE to a degree, full ACE integration is on the way (@stk2008)


    OA version:

    Requires patch 1.60 of ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead . No other mods/addons required


    A2 version:

    Requires patch 1.10 of ArmA 2 or ArmA 2 Free. No other mods/addons required


    All 3 Versions in one Goodie Bag:


    Thanks to:

    SRU team, thanks for the ideas and the testing - http://www.sruclan.net/

    Dethorath - Helped a lot with sounds and testing

    Tonic - Told me to abandon construction, and made the new Loading screen, he also made the time sync correctly!

    VVC team

    Loyal players

    Everyone who hosts the mission

    Celery for making the zombies!! (and ArmA 3 MP)


    1. A2 version hasn't changed much, but I did add make it so weapons would spawn in vehicles, and a few bugfixes. The CO version is the main one I work on, and A2 lacks a lot of the scripting features of OA and CO, which makes it much harder to port the latest version over to it.

    2. If you spawn with a weapon but cannot shoot, just press F.

  7. They are not.

    The only difference is that Chernarus cut out #1 has a southern coast which is unplayable since it's really small and is more like a background.

    And chernagorsk lost its industrial section, and this:


    So it isn't JUST the new "accross the river part", but it isn't very much different, no.


    In takistan there is this on a mountain top:

    Original Takistan:


    Cutout Takistan:


  8. Hey guys, another question:

    I have an issue with my dedi server, as soon as I load into Dynamic Zombie Sandbox, the server crashes with:

    [font=lucida console]
    23:10:01 "Server Time: Jip Var set and synced"
    23:11:14 Virtual memory total 4095 MB (4294836224 B)
    23:11:14 Virtual memory free 2566 MB (2691153920 B)
    23:11:14 Physical memory free 2588 MB (2714583040 B)
    23:11:14 Page file free 5 MB (5468160 B)
    23:11:14 Process working set 1246 MB (1307455488 B)
    23:11:14 Process page file used 1330 MB (1395474432 B)
    23:11:14 Longest free VM region: 809295872 B
    23:11:14 VM busy 1620770816 B (reserved 183799808 B, committed 1436971008 B, mapped 26238976 B), free 2674065408 B
    23:11:14 Small mapped regions: 9, size 65536 B
    ErrorMessage: Out of memory.
    Your swap file is too small, only 5 MB of free space left.
    Increase your swap file size or delete some files from your hard disk

    Here is the entire .rpt for that session:


    == C:\GameServers\dzs\GameServers\TC77073350556808411232748\arma2oaserver.exe

    == "C:\GameServers\dzs\GameServers\TC77073350556808411232748\arma2oaserver.exe" -config=server.cfg -port=2502 -profiles=C:\GameServers\dzs\GameServers\TC77073350556808411232748\ -name=server -maxplayers=24 -mod=beta


    Exe timestamp: 2011/12/23 00:21:00

    Current time: 2012/07/07 23:08:29

    Version 1.60.87548

    23:08:29 ca\missions\MPScenarios\MP_Deathmatch.chernarus: string @str_mpdeathmatch_subname cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable

    23:08:45 ca\missions\MPScenarios\MP_Deathmatch.chernarus: string @str_mpdeathmatch_subname cannot be localized client-side - move to global stringtable

    23:09:26 "Zombie .sqs init executed"

    23:09:26 "Zombie .sqs init started"

    23:09:26 "Zombie .sqf init executed"

    23:09:26 "Zombie .sqf init started"

    23:09:27 "Zombie .sqs init finished"

    23:09:53 safety - unknown animation source revolve

    23:09:56 safety - unknown animation source revolve

    23:10:01 Error in expression <effectcreate ["colorcorrections",1549];

    _ppEffect ppEffectEnable true;>

    23:10:01 Error position: <_ppEffect ppEffectEnable true;>

    23:10:01 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ppeffect

    23:10:01 Error in expression <500];

    _color = [_R,_G,_B,_intensity];

    _ppEffect ppEffectAdjust [




    23:10:01 Error position: <_ppEffect ppEffectAdjust [




    23:10:01 Error Undefined variable in expression: _ppeffect

    23:10:01 "Server Time: Jip Var set and synced"

    23:11:14 Virtual memory total 4095 MB (4294836224 B)

    23:11:14 Virtual memory free 2566 MB (2691153920 B)

    23:11:14 Physical memory free 2588 MB (2714583040 B)

    23:11:14 Page file free 5 MB (5468160 B)

    23:11:14 Process working set 1246 MB (1307455488 B)

    23:11:14 Process page file used 1330 MB (1395474432 B)

    23:11:14 Longest free VM region: 809295872 B

    23:11:14 VM busy 1620770816 B (reserved 183799808 B, committed 1436971008 B, mapped 26238976 B), free 2674065408 B

    23:11:14 Small mapped regions: 9, size 65536 B

    ErrorMessage: Out of memory.

    Your swap file is too small, only 5 MB of free space left.

    Increase your swap file size or delete some files from your hard disk

    So my question is, what could be causing this? Why would it crash? Every other mission works... So what code could do this?

  9. Umm, not exactly. Everywhere will spawn a small amount everywhere. While towns will spawn a bunch in towns. So it is a trade off at the moment.

    In other news, I'm home again. It's nice to be on my PC again. As soon as I got home I purchased this: http://www.zazzle.co.uk/arma_3_hexacam_semi_arid_camo_mousepad-144850402429002790

    And now I'm going to do some dedi testing, I just bought my own server. Going to set it up and stuff. Now I will be able to eliminate dedi issues before releases. :)

    Also, I got a teamspeak: TS3.defconservers.com:10120 If you guys have any questions/bugs/ideas that you want to tell me in person, go ahead.



  10. Testing Status update:

    So I was able to get the server stable. I grabbed the latest server beta revisions from the BI website and was able to get the server running fairly smooth while driving around and having zombies/weapons/cars spawn.

    The bad news is, I think weapons that are lying on the ground are broken atm. 100% of the time I try to pickup a weapon, I get an empty inventory.

    Excellent, what parameters did you use to make it stable?

    Yes I know about the broken weapons, they are being worked on...

  11. I just tried it, found a weapon in a building, could pick it up and fire it. Tho it looked like a m240 it was named L8somethingMG :P But I think its working now, at least the little time I tried it, will play some more later!

    Btw, I have it set to 10 per km, but as soon as I entered berezino .... holy shit >9000 zombies o_o

    Because you have spawning set to "Everywhere, more in towns"

  12. This is one of the very few RPT errors that I'm ignoring. Happens with a lot of missions.

    You have a Color Corrections module placed in the Editor?

    If so, you can maybe get rid of this by creating the Module on the clients only.

    Bug #15072 Postprocessing effects SQF commands applied on a dedicated server cause many errors logged to rpt

    I do indeed, thanks. I was hoping it was something like this. It is created on non-dedicated machines, so that will have to do.

  13. If fish behave like animals/birds, then you should be able to play as them. BIS did say they aren't taking features out, so we should be able to run around as a rooster.

    Yep, let's just hope the fish are not like the crazy invincible ambient crows. :D
