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Everything posted by mia389

  1. It because I use my own scripted ammobox with all the RH weapons. I dont know how to use the coordinates and I never thought of that. If I put all 0s in will it be off the map?
  2. Can someone tell me how to get rid of the ammo boxes without getting a bunch of script errors. I tried this and it removed them but of course I get script errors cause I have no idea what I am doing. Im using ace oa
  3. Ok good, its good to know ACE will fix it.
  4. Anyone getting the firebug with Domination? We use ACE/Revive/Mando and when a player JIP they get the firebug. We had this problem a lone time ago with Arma2 domination but it ened up just going away. On version 2.29.
  5. Im having a problem with the hidden task to show up. It worked with your first version but the one above I can not get to work. I even just used what you have above and tried to pull it up with an alpha trigger. ACT "gohome" call SHK_createTask Here is my whole init. server execVM "revive_init.sqf"; "find" setMarkerAlphalocal 0; SSHK_createTask = { // "name" call SHK_createTask if isserver then { SHK_Jiptasks set [count SHK_Jiptasks,_this]; publicvariable "SHK_Jiptasks"; }; if !isdedicated then { /* -- add extra tasks below -- */ switch _this do { case "gohome": { taskGoHome = player createSimpleTask ["gohome"]; taskGoHome setSimpleTaskDescription ["Time to go <marker name='mGoHome'>home</marker>.","Home",""]; taskGoHome setTaskState "Assigned"; player setcurrenttask taskGoHome; "mGoHome" setmarkeralphalocal 1; }; }; /* -- add extra tasks above -- */ if !SHK_Jiptasks_JIP then { call compile format ["task%1 call SHK_showTaskHint",_this]; }; }; }; SHK_showTaskHint = { // Task call SHK_showTaskHint private "_p"; _p = switch (tolower(taskstate _this)) do { case "created": { [localize "str_taskNew", [1,1,1,1], "taskNew"] }; case "current": { [localize "str_taskSetCurrent", [1,1,1,1], "taskCurrent"] }; case "assigned": { [localize "str_taskSetCurrent", [1,1,1,1], "taskCurrent"] }; case "succeeded": { [localize "str_taskAccomplished", [0.600000,0.839215,0.466666,1.000000], "taskDone"] }; case "failed": { [localize "str_taskFailed", [0.972549,0.121568,0.000000,1.000000], "taskFailed"] }; case "canceled": { [localize "str_taskCancelled", [0.750000,0.750000,0.750000,1.000000], "taskFailed"] }; }; taskHint [format [(_p select 0) + "\n%1", ((taskDescription _this) select 1)], (_p select 1), (_p select 2)]; }; SHK_updateTask = { // ["name","state"] call SHK_updateTask if isserver then { SHK_Jiptasks set [count SHK_Jiptasks,_this]; publicvariable "SHK_Jiptasks"; }; if !isdedicated then { call compile format [" task%1 settaskstate ""%2""; task%1 call SHK_showTaskHint; ",(_this select 0),(_this select 1)]; }; }; SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = false; if isserver then { SHK_Jiptasks = []; } else { if (isnull player) then { SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = true }; }; if !isdedicated then { [] spawn { waitUntil {!isnull player}; player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["About","<br />Version: 20100703<br />Made by: Shuko of LDD Kyllikki<br />Contact: shuko@Quakenet<br />www.kyllikki.fi"]]; /* -- add briefing tasks below -- */ taskcamp = player createSimpleTask ["Prisoner Camp"]; taskcamp setSimpleTaskDescription ["This is the last know Position of the Reporter Harris. We belive he is in the town middle of <marker name=""camp1"">Bastam and Rasman</marker> ", "Prisoner Camp", ""]; taskcamp setTaskState "Created"; taskMi8 = player createSimpleTask ["Destory Mi8"]; taskMi8 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Move south along the town and get to the location of the <marker name=""heli"">Presidental helicopter</marker> and destroy it. So Aziz cant escape from the region. The helicopter it probably camouflaged.", "Destroy Mi8", ""]; taskMi8 setTaskState "Created"; /* -- add briefing tasks above -- */ if SHK_Jiptasks_JIP then { waituntil {!isnil "SHK_Jiptasks"}; { switch (typename _x) do { case (typename ""): { _x call SHK_createTask }; case (typename []): { call compile format ["task%1 settaskstate ""%2""",(_x select 0),(_x select 1)] }; }; } foreach SHK_Jiptasks; SHK_Jiptasks_JIP = false; }; }; }; if(true) exitWith {};
  6. In my mission I have backpacks added to players. This is my players init line charlie_1 moveinCargo C130; charlie_1 addBackpack "US_Patrol_Pack_EP1"; Each player gears up at the briefing screen. Everything works great so far. When someone Joins In Progress everyones backpack drops to the ground and they get a new one. Their old one with all its contents sit in front of them on the ground. They have to drop the new one and pick up their old one with all their contents. It seems like when someone joins its running every players init line again so it gives them a new backpack. Does anyone know how I can fix this. Everyone in the mission start in the back of a C130 with their backpack and weapons they select from the briefing. I am using Norrins revive script.
  7. mia389

    backpack issue

    Sorry wrong forum. I ended up just putting the backpacks on the ground at the start and that fixed my problem
  8. You guys rock! Thank you much.
  9. Put your mods in Steam. Go into steam. Library/Games, then right click on OA and click on properties, under the General tab you will see "SET LAUNCH OPTIONS...". Put your mods there> Thats the way I figured it out anyway. Mine looks like this "-nosplash" "-mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM;@CSM2;"
  10. I can not wait to try this. This would be perfect for a mission Im working on. AS of now I have static searchlights mounted with a script I found on here. This will add alot. Thanks for sharing Big Dawg
  11. Ty so much, been trying to figure this one out.
  12. I have been locking my vehicles lol.
  13. Very nice! If we use ACE we should use the older version then? Since ACE uses their own rucks. I did get the old version to work with OA but the mobile spawn tent and ammo boxes were not being seen. I think it might be because I was using standalone version of OA though.
  14. I have this in a object init line nul = [this] execVM "repair.sqf" Is there anyway I can have this run for only units named alpha_1 bravo_1 charlie_1 Would I have to run this inside the script? repair.sqf if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _unit = _this select 0; _delay = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {10}; _damage = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {0}; _times = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {0}; _noend = true; _run = true; _rounds = 0; if (_delay < 0) then {_delay = 0}; if (_damage < 0) then {_damage = 0}; if (_times == 0) then {_noend = true;} else {_noend = false;}; if (_times < 0) then {_times = 0; _noend = true;}; while {_run} do { waitUntil {getDammage _unit > _damage}; sleep _delay; _unit setDamage 0; if !(_noend) then {_rounds = _rounds + 1}; if ((_rounds == _times) and !(_noend)) then {_run = false;}; };
  15. Nice shk, now I don't have to name every vehicle.
  16. You rock! that sounds like it will work. TY sir! Will give it a try
  17. @ Muzzleflash Im a bit confused. I need to put this in the init of players alpha_1, bravo_1 and charlie_1 nul = { _x addAction ["Repair", "repair.sqf"]; } forEach [alpha_1, bravo_1, charlie_1]; and change the script to this _unit = _this select 0; _delay = 115; //time for repair animation _player = _this select 1; _damage = 0; if(getDammage _unit > _damage) then { hint "Repairing,This will take about 2 mins."; _unit setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; _player switchMove "RepairingKneel"; sleep _delay; _player switchMove "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon"; hint "Complete"; _unit setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED"; _unit setDamage 0; } else { hint "Not dammaged"; }; Won't the script try to repair the player?
  18. Ya putting it in the units init did nothing. I have already tried to grab it from domination but I get lost with the X_func part of the script in playersetup. That is way over my head. ---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ---------- By bad guys, I am trying different repair scripts and the one above was the wrong one. This is the one I am trying use I put this in vehicle init: _repair = this addAction ["Repair", "repair.sqf"]; Repair.sqf _unit = _this select 0; _delay = 115; //time for repair animation _player = _this select 1; _damage = 0; if(getDammage _unit > _damage) then { hint "Repairing,This will take about 2 mins."; _unit setVehicleLock "LOCKED"; player switchMove "RepairingKneel"; sleep _delay; player switchMove "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon"; hint "Complete"; _unit setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED"; _unit setDamage 0; } else { hint "Not dammaged"; }; When I put the code into players init, it says no damage when I try to fix a vehicle. I am guessing the script is running on the unit its in.
  19. Oh, I thought this script had to go into the vehicle init. I try putting it in player init.
  20. This is what I use tText = "Yellow wpt5"; {tText = tText + "\n" + (name _x);} forEach thisList; hint tText; Set trigger to bluefor present on Act: put the above code. You can change Yellow wpt5 to whatever you want. That will be the hint. In this case it says the yellow wpt5 then the name of player, that is in the trigger. If you want to reverse that and say "player name" "Yellow wpt5" you would change it to this tText = "Yellow wpt5"; {"\n" + (name _x) + tText = tText + "\n";} forEach thisList; hint tText; I think thats right anyway. I know the first one works. We use it in our training map.
  21. Thanks Junkie, I will give it a try!
  22. I'm looking for the music tracks and I use PBOview to open pbo files. It wont let me open the pbos for OA. I also tried cpbo but that only lets me make pbos. Im looking for the track name for the " E13V: Mountain Chant" I found that in the effects part. Anyone help?
  23. I was wondering that too. I hate having steam running in the background.
  24. ok I got it open with a different program. Now I have a new problem. Im trying to add music to my intro. I put this in my description And in my intro.sqf I have this sleep 20: playMusic "Track1"; This is my first attempt at putting music in an intro. When I opened the music_e.pbo it looked like this inside Type: "prefix" Name: "ca\music_e" ========*==*============== Creating prefix file for ca\music_e -------------------- config.bin EP1_Track01_Arrowhead.ogg EP1_Track01_Arrowhead_D.ogg EP1_Track02_GoodmorningTstan.ogg EP1_Track03_Airborne.ogg EP1_Track03_Airborne_D.ogg EP1_Track04_Arrival.ogg EP1_Track05_ZargabadMarket.ogg EP1_Track06_Nightlife.ogg EP1_Track07_ColtanBlues.ogg EP1_Track07_ColtanBlues_D.ogg EP1_Track08_RevolverJam.ogg EP1_Track09_DancingScimitar.ogg EP1_Track10_DeathFromAbove.ogg EP1_Track11_NightVisions.ogg EP1_Track12_CrudeOil.ogg EP1_Track13_IronMountain.ogg EP1_Track13_IronMountain_D1.ogg EP1_Track13_IronMountain_D2.ogg EP1_Track13_IronMountain_V.ogg Am I even on the right track here? or am I way way off. :j: ---------- Post added at 03:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:21 AM ---------- sorry my descrition looks like this class CfgMusic { tracks[]= { EP1_Track13_IronMountain_V }; class Track1 { name = "EP1_Track13_IronMountain_V"; sound[] = {\music_e\EP1_Track13_IronMountain_V.ogg, 1, 1.0}; }; };
  25. All that goes into the target line? I will give that a try. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Was to big for target line and game did not launch when I put it into steam advanced shortcut. I must be doing something wrong. Here is what I have done so far. 1. Placed the cmd in OA folder 2. Created shortcut from my OA folder to desktop 3. Placed _runA2CO.cmd "-nosplash" in my created shortcut target line. "Didnt work so I tried #4" 4. Placed _runA2CO.cmd "-nosplash" in my launch options on steam then created shortcut. "Shortcut worked but was not combined operations" I can run combined operations by launching through steam option but then I get a splash screen. I can also run combined operations by launching it from the _runA2CO.cmd from my OA folder.