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Everything posted by mia389

  1. Sorry I thought I was in that thread. My bad
  2. I am having problems with the Config_Arti.sqf _set8 = []; _set9 = ["(({alive _x} count [art1, art2, art3]) > 0)"]; _set10 = 6000; Im trying to put my art1, art2 and art3 in the _set8 but I keep getting script errors. There is no example in the readme file or his test missions. I have tired _set8 = [art1, art2, art3]; _set8 = ["art1","art2","art3"]; _set8 = [["art1","art2","art3"]]; above = fail :-( Anyone help this novice
  3. mia389

    Tora Bora FOB Template

    I just put this in and it works perfect!
  4. mia389

    Tora Bora FOB Template

    Thanks, I will add this into my DAC mission. My fob is horrible. I couldnt find any flat ground lol. Thanks for shareing
  5. Im trying to figure out a way for my end trigger. Here is what I am doing. There is a very large boarder going all the way across the bottom of Takistan. I have multiple triggers on it, all with the same ON ACT. (({isplayer _x && alive _x} count playableunits) == (count thislist)) && taskCompleted taskAAcamp3 AND taskCompleted taskAAcamp4 AND taskCompleted taskAAcamp2 AND taskCompleted taskAAcamp1 Its a count down trigger that when activated will trigger my end trigger. So when all objectives are complete, and all players are in the trigger it counts down 2 minutes then mission end trigger activates. My problem comes with the multiple trigggers. When a couple of guys are in a different trigger with same ACT it wont work of course. I cant put one big one because my border is not strait. :-( Need some help with this one
  6. I have an addon chopper used in a mission I created with DAC scripts. When I get into the chopper I get a hint in upper right corner that says New unit = Benjamin White Its like a reocurring trigger with a hint. Do I need to change something somewhere to get this addon chopper to work? Chopper I am useing is dukes chopper ad_mh60k_black For now I can just put a stock chopper in, but I though I would report this. All my choppers were places as empty
  7. I decided to ask my question here since its in a script. I have an array from the dac scripts that looks like this _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; I need to put an addaction in it. I did get an event handler to work with this _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],["_x addEventHandler [""killed"",{nul=_this execVM ""runFunction.sqf"";}];"],[],[]]; how would I get an addaction in the line above instead of eventhandler? I tried this but it didnt work. This array thing is killing me _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[_x addAction ["collect","newbase.sqf"];],[],[]];
  8. mia389

    Array help

    Didnt work error says this Error in expression <[_x addAction ["collect","newbase.sqf"]];],[],[]]; }; case 11: { _campBasic > Error position: <;],[],[]]; }; case 11: { _campBasic > Error Missing ]
  9. When you say you changed a slot, what do you mean? Are you using revive?
  10. I meant without the event handler. Im thinking of putting an addaction in. So run a script that would have an addaction. Search really doesnt help me here since the command has to be in an array which kind of makes it special. It makes it to complex for me :-( ty for your help though. ---------- Post added at 11:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 AM ---------- _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],["_this execVM ""runFunction.sqf;""],[],[]]; this didnt work for me. Im sure I need a { [ "" or something somewhere ---------- Post added at 11:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 AM ---------- Solved!! _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],["[_x] execVM ""NameOfYourScript.sqf"""],[],[]]; ---------- Post added at 12:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ---------- New problem I cant run addaction to the object from the script. Im trying to add an addaction to the radio tower. It wont let me kill the tower so the event handler will not work for what Im trying to do. I now need to know how to put an addaction in the line above. Then in my script I can make the next zones active :-)
  11. Im trying to add this to the camps init line _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],["_x addEventHandler ["killed",{hint "It worked!"],[],[]]; default it looked like this _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; an example gave me this _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],["_x lock true"],[],[]]; Im trying to get the hint to work when the land_Antena is destroyed. Im sure I have a script error as I have no clue. Need an expert. Full part looks like this: you can see Im editing case: 5 case 4: { _campBasic = ["FlagCarrierBLUFOR_EP1",["Land_Fire_burning",8,5,0],["Camp_EP1",5,0,0],["Logic",10,15,0],0]; _campAmmo = [["USLaunchers_EP1",10,2,0],["USSpecialWeapons_EP1",10,0,0],["USBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1",10,-2,0],["USBasicWeapons_EP1",10,-4,0]]; _campStatic = [["M119_US_EP1",-7,25,0,"US_Soldier_SL_EP1"],["M119_US_EP1",25,25,0,"US_Soldier_SL_EP1"],["M119_US_EP1",25,-20,180,"US_Soldier_SL_EP1"],["M119_US_EP1",-7,-20,180,"US_Soldier_SL_EP1"]]; _campAddUnit = []; _campUserObj = [["Land_Antenna",5,-5,45]]; _campRandomObj = []; _campWall = ["Land_BagFenceLong",[-10,30],[40,56,0],[5,5,5,5],[1,0.2],[0,0]]; _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case 5: { _campBasic = ["FlagCarrierTKMilitia_EP1",["Land_Fire_burning",-8,5,90],["TK_GUE_WarfareBBarracks_Base_EP1",5,0,90],["Logic",10,15,0],0]; _campAmmo = [["TKSpecialWeapons_EP1",20,2,0],["TKBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1",20,0,0],["TKBasicAmmunitionBox_EP1",20,-2,0],["TKBasicWeapons_EP1",20,-4,0]]; _campStatic = [["DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1",-7,25,0,"TK_INS_Soldier_EP1"],["DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1",25,25,0,"TK_INS_Soldier_EP1"],["DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1",25,-20,180,"TK_INS_Soldier_EP1"],["DSHKM_TK_INS_EP1",-7,-20,180,"TK_INS_Soldier_EP1"]]; _campAddUnit = ["TK_INS_Soldier_AA_EP1"]; _campUserObj = [["Land_Antenna",5,-10.5,45]]; _campRandomObj = []; _campWall = ["Land_BagFenceLong",[-10,30],[40,56,0],[5,5,5,5],[1,0.2],[0,0]]; _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],["_x addEventHandler ["killed",{hint "It worked!"],[],[]]; }; ---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 PM ---------- I did get this to work. So I now know it can be done :-) I was just seeing if anything would work. I must be close _campObjInit = [[],[],[],[],["_x allowDamage false"],[],[]];
  12. TY so much. Instead of hint how would I run a script from that?
  13. mia389

    How to delete in a trigger

    Wouldn't the garbage collector do that? I dont use it but I thought that is what it did
  14. Im working on another conversion and Im trying to find where to change the camo tents from brown to green on the Radar and the two AA sites at base. I cant find them anywhere after searching many differnt class names. Im not even sure what Im searching for. So far I have searched for all the EP1 radars and changed them to non ep1 but nothing has changed. Ive spent 4 hours on just this part and I need some help. I did manage to change the mhq and support trucks tents
  15. mia389

    Using Hint on Dedi

    Might be an easier way but I you could use two triggers. One trigger set to bluefor detected by opfor. and on ACT: abc = true make another trigger that 0 x 0 and set it to anybody. Condition: abc activation hint "everyone will see this"
  16. < Is Smokey. I have not released my domination Fallujah on Armaholic yet because of some bugs I am still working out. I have not had much time lately because I just moved to a new house. I will release it soon though. If you have the version of the one I made I hope you enjoy it. I put many hours into it as it was my first conversion. Many thanks to the guys/Carl on here for helping me out.
  17. It seems the cases above it all work accept the case"specops" and case"basic" which I think gets their classes or groups from d_allmen in i_server. Im getting way to deep for my knowledge. I gave up and just used the DAC script.
  18. Sorry yoyo, I have no idea. I tried looking in the x_addsoldier.sqf in the x_client folder. Might need to change something in there but I am not for sure. Maybe someone else can help ya more. ---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 PM ---------- @Carl I tried this for changing isle defence x_getmixedliste = { private ["_side", "_ret_list", "_list"]; _side = _this select 0; _ret_list = []; { _list = [_x,_side] call x_getunitliste; _ret_list set [count _ret_list, [_list select 1, _list select 2]]; } forEach [switch (floor random 2) do {case 0: {"brdm"};case 1: {"uaz_mg"};}, "bmp", "tank", "shilka"]; _ret_list to this x_getmixedliste = { private ["_side", "_ret_list", "_list"]; _side = _this select 0; _ret_list = []; { _list = [_x,_side] call x_getunitliste; _ret_list set [count _ret_list, [_list select 1, _list select 2]]; } forEach [switch (floor random 2) do {case 0: {"basic"};case 1: {"uaz_mg"};}, "basic", "basic", "basic"]; _ret_list that didnt seem to work. My main goal is to add more radom patrols with no armor. I first tried changed the 6 to a 20 (for testing) on this line in the i_server.sqf // add some random patrols on the island // if the array is empty, no patrols // same size like a rectangular trigger // first element = center position, second element = a, third element = b, fourth element = angle, fifth element = number of groups d_with_isledefense = if (d_WithIsleDefense == 0) then { if (__OAVer) then {[[4839.91,4609.63,0], 2200, 2200, 0, if (d_MissionType != 2) then {6} else {6}]} else {[[4839.91,4609.63,0], 2200, 2200, 0, 6]} } else { [] }; That spawned a butt load of armor patrols. It was kindof fun but doesnt really fit into a Fallijuh style fight. This is my last issue to get fixed. I figured out my parameter issue with North/West/Comple Ordered routes. I had to change the init file. Funny I didnt even look there at first :o
  19. I dont understand your question. What are you trying to change with the AI?
  20. I have another question. Where do I change the isle defense to be just infantry ?
  21. My Domination port has been good. I have one problem though. When select the main ordered aos from the parameters, no AOs appear and I get loads of script errors. When I do random 8 I get no script errors and it runs fine. Here are some of the error I get. .fallujah\x_client\x_setupplayer.sqf, line 300 Error in expression <2,d_kb_topic_side,'Attack',['1','','" + _current_target_name + "',['" + _tname +> \x_common\x_f\x_functions1.sqf, line 243 Error in expression <ocal _m_shape}; if (_m_col != "") then {_marker setMarkerColorLocal _m_col}; if > I have changed the number of AOs I have to 14. Here is how I changed my description.ext class GVAR(MainTargets) { title = "Main Targets"; #ifdef __DEFAULT__ values[] = {50,60,70,90,2,4,6,8,10,12}; default = 8; texts[] = {"West Route","North Route","East Route","Complete, ordered","Random 2","Random 4","Random 6","Random 8","Random 10","Random 12"}; Please help! I would love to get this working so I could release it to the community. Good right up here. I with I would of found it before I started this project lol
  22. Thanks Carl! So far all of my AOs and sidemissions are working I think. I am not sure how I can test them without running the mission and completing AOs. I do know if I select "complete ordered" under parameters only 2 AOs show up. Where would I look to troubleshoot that?
  23. I have some questions for the Domination gods. 1. How do I enter debug mode? 2. I am attempting to make a domi map on a new island. I can only get 15 AOs on my island. So far I have this if (__OAVer) then { [ [[5535.37,2855.52,0],"Shuhada",300], // 1 [[5288.07,3282.44,0],"Sinai",300], // 2 [[3966.50,4106.39,0],"Resafa",300], // 3 [[4858.35,4450.68,0],"Nazal Old City",300], // 4 [[5950.51,4648.73,0],"Industrial Park",300], // 5 [[6798.14,5995.01,0],"Askari",300], // 6 [[4576.68,5503.22,0],"Muhandisin",300], // 7 [[3310.23,5681.23,0],"Jolan",300], // 8 [[4509.15,6305.39,0],"Mualimeen",300], // 9 [[5395.60,6386.85,0],"Shurta",300], // 10 [[6152.15,6432.17,0],"Jeghaifi",300], // 11 [[3603.82,5358.63,0],"Park",300], // 12 [[3103.93,4333.39,0],"Old Bridge",300], // 13 [[2837.49,4832.00,0],"New Bridge",300], // 14 [[3779.26,387.87,0],"Fallujah Barrage",300] // 15 I am not sure what else I need to change? Im sure something here maybe? #ifdef __DEFAULT__ values[] = {50,60,70,90,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,21}; default = 8; texts[] = {"West Route","North Route","East Route","Complete, ordered","Random 2","Random 4","Random 6","Random 8","Random 10","Random 12","Random 14","Random 16","Random 18","Random 21"}; to this? #ifdef __DEFAULT__ values[] = {50,60,70,90,2,4,6,8,10,12,15}; default = 8; texts[] = {"West Route","North Route","East Route","Complete, ordered","Random 2","Random 4","Random 6","Random 8","Random 10","Random 12","Random 15"}; 3. Can someone explain this part to me. I was wondering about the 500,200,-210 // position base, a,b, for the enemy at base trigger and marker GVAR(base_array) = #ifdef __DEFAULT__ if (isNil QUOTE(GVAR(with_carrier))) then { if (__OAVer) then { [[8006.81,1864.2,0], 500, 200, -210.238] Thats all for now until I get to the side missions :D
  24. Please share :p ---------- Post added at 06:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 AM ---------- I figured it out. I made a trigger with condition being TRUE and ACT handle = [] spawn {while {true} do {player sideChat format ["pos: %1, dir: %2", position player, direction player];sleep 1.012}} That was taken from Domination readme. :D init.sqf I just put onMapSingleClick "player setpos _pos";