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St. Jimmy

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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    [MANW] Who will win?

    I really expected more submissions but there's still hope to see more I believe. So it's not good to start speculate yet in my opinion. Addon category got some great stuff so far (Bornholm is my favorite) but I''m not sure about Total Modification and MP categories. I've just downloaded some SP missions last night so I'll see about that.
  2. You can sort the browser so it shows your favorited servers on top just like you can sort them by the amount of players. Just wait that all the servers are on the list just in case so you don't miss out a server that loads slowly. I'm not sure were you looking for that. But it naturally would be better to have favorite, last time played and friends playing tabs just like in DayZ and many other games. /The favorite mark is the star. It's not the best one I've seen because there's no place where it says you can add anything to favorites, but you can click the star next to the server name and there's yellow star then in front of the server name. You can click a second time to turn it as the red star and naturally 3rd click makes it again a blank star.
  3. Server has been using AiA TP for a while so it's not just vanilla maps only ;)
  4. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Tactical Battlefield is very playable with the current fatigue system. I very rarely see myself over fatigue myself even in PvP. Lower the weapon and don't use that sprint everywhere... Also default loadouts got huge amount of stuff and you can lighten yourself. But try some guerrilla loadout with the arsenal: 6 mags, rifle, couple grenades, light clothes and vest that can just take the stuff and see the difference.
  5. :butbut: I can't remember did the clouds look that good in alpha but then got changed what we have now? The cloud system seems to have nice potential.
  6. St. Jimmy

    Feedback tracker administration

    Rotation point/axis change made character clip and glitch through many things. Two tickets about that: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19487 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18947 Changelog when it happened: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149636-Development-Branch-Changelog&p=2449852&viewfull=1#post2449852 Videos:
  7. The less AA I've enabled the worse the effect is. 8x and 4x AA I think it happens just so fast that I don't notice that so well (likely working as intented) but 2x and disabled it happens for sure.
  8. You're not the only one. Same thing happens to me. There was some weird thing going on with the sun in beta that didn't happen if you had set view distance between some specific area like 1200-2500. Also try to experiment with different scopes a bit. I can't test now but I remember that happens to me also.
  9. I've been wondering and suggested the same in alpha. Not just unit selection but unit commanding can be moved under one key that brings up a menu like you said. It also helps so you don't need to remember what command is under what number because you can see it in the menu. That way you don't need to remember multiple keys. Games that have quick command/shout menus like Wolfenstein and CS show how things should work if someone doesn't know what I mean. In those games you can use number keys for both commands/shouts and weapon selection with zero problems. That and the action menu are one of the core problems in Arma and if they're not addressed in the A4 then Bohemia is really lazy. At least UI system is getting redone in DayZ and I hope they make it right there.
  10. Well this isn't easy one but at least we can vote more than one :D
  11. Huge amount of objects and view distance has that kind of a problem likely in every engine. AI and sync also kills the performance. That video doesn't help much except people who like to see how to optimize their graphics for Arma.
  12. St. Jimmy

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Isn't it possible that some sounds could be client side only like flaslight switch etc small things so enemy won't hear those but you still get feedback what you did?
  13. St. Jimmy

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Hmm it's only 3.0GHz and 3.5GHz turboed so I believe that explains it. For example i7-4790K has 4.4GHz in turbo so no wonder it's washing everything else.
  14. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    BPM gadge could be used as an indicator for how quiclky you get fatigued. Isn't that enough close to reality?
  15. Not beign able to tune own side AI vs enemy AI Action menu Multiplayer server list. Exclude filter is a must! You can't find anything new these days... Bad wounding system I can handle the performance but those things above are things that I still don't like.
  16. St. Jimmy

    Bornholm, Denmark [Terrain WIP]

    That valley was very cool! This will be one of the best terrains so far in the Arma series.
  17. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I would rather change/add some audio clues. But the there are those people who want to.mute all the breathing even though if you're heavily breathing in real life you don't hear other things over that so well.
  18. But It also depends much on other features like action menu overhaul. So I answer maybe. /I talked about Arma only. I buy other games if I like them.
  19. St. Jimmy

    Noubers action menu replacement

    Something like this is possible:
  20. St. Jimmy

    Noubers action menu replacement

    I wonder if Sakura and Nouber got something going on together? Sakura already got pretty far with his mod but only published scriptless version. Action system replacement is the thing I'm waiting.
  21. St. Jimmy

    Back to Arma 3 - Still poor performance?

    /Woops. I got an old tab open...
  22. St. Jimmy

    Back to Arma 3 - Still poor performance?

    A If your GPU is at 100% when you've low fps that means usually that you can get some more fps when you lower GPU demanding settings. If you've under 100% GPU usage and not full CPU usage that means you can upper some graphics that de mand GPU and if you can, lower some CPU demanding settings. But if you've 100% usage when you've high fps you can again upper your graphic settings. In your screenshots you're GPU botllenecked because you've 100% usage but you're under 60fps so lower SSAO and/or AA. Also your view and object distances are too high. Lower object distance at least by an half (1600m) because that eats a lot of your CPU. You're likely very close to CPU bottleneck.
  23. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Could we get smooth transition for the raise weapon just like in DayZ? In A3 when you lower your weapon you can't move and raise it which is in DayZ possible. That would be just one little step towards smoother and good experience. Those who have both games know what I mean. I put this in the fatigue thread because keeping your gun low has big impact and that would eliminate some frusturation.
  24. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue indicator poll

    This is more important. Weapon up/down fatigue difference can be surprising. Bohemia really needs to hint that somewhere.
  25. St. Jimmy

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Audio is a very good way to give feedback of your fatigue. Too bad that many people complain how loud they're. If you are tired your breathing is very loud IRL... Breathing could be bit louder than now IMO.