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St. Jimmy

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Everything posted by St. Jimmy

  1. St. Jimmy

    Project CARS

    Yep the pCARS 2 announcement is shocking. Shouldn't they really fix the first one first. AI is pretty horrible.
  2. Yep running very smoothly. Alone in the editor stable 60fps is easily achieved with highest settings.
  3. St. Jimmy

    Total War:Warhammer

    If the game is done well and the expansions feel good, I can pay for those, to finally get Fantasy Battle strategy game in PC. There was this Mark Of Chaos but it wasn't really a good one. Since I started to play Total War I've always dreamed about Total War and Warhammer Fantasy to be combined because there's a huge potential. It can and likely differs from the boardgame in a gameplay wise but as long as the fluff and feeling is there, it's all good. Too bad that CA/Sega has gone pretty bad with their DLC stuff lately.
  4. St. Jimmy

    World Politics General

    Hopefully we will see a new page in democarcy some day. Democracy needs to come closer to the people and people need to have a chance to voice their opinion without beign afraid that the elected people do completly opposite what they say or are just sitting their ass off in parliament to get paid. I want to voice my opinion through somebody's mouth and he actually fights for the opinions and compromises and not through some parties that are limiting person's opinions. There are great people in almost all of the parties in parliaments but mostly it doesn't matter because they're under a party. I'm afraid that EU is taking democracy away from the people even more. You know the elected people are even physically sitting far away from most of the EU countries.
  5. Thanks! Should've remembered that you can toggle it on/off like SweetFX.
  6. Man this is nice looking. Brings the game a new life. Too bad that the map is too bright. But other than that it's awesome.
  7. St. Jimmy

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Yeah I've also heard the snaps from about 50m away and there was sand hill between the shooting lanes and they're not really too quiet. They can be heard pretty far. That Brisse's video actually sounds pretty close how loud the snaps are. It's just that there isn't enough echoing and stuff in the gunshot itself so the gunshot sounds pretty weak.
  8. St. Jimmy

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Bouncing expansion confirmed :D
  9. St. Jimmy

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    The building collapsing is vanilla problem. It's the same with the thunder for example. But burning wrecks should be constantly 3D.
  10. St. Jimmy

    Russia General

    Yeah I heard about that 89% approval rating from the radio day or two ago. Levada Center was said to be pretty trusted source.
  11. Steam collections should be advertised better for users. I remember BIS mention it but maybe it needs to be almost shoveled in some people throats and show them how to do them. Though seems like it isn't really too easy to make those. Took me 20mins to figure out things :D So guide how to use those effectively is really needed. Effectively adding collections in your favorites to see what mods you need to launch is the way to do it. Need to add even your own collection to favorites to see them in the same place as others. Hardest part was to find my own collection...
  12. Nättiä! Those small elevation changes brings a lot life in the forest, small openings and naturally pretty much everywhere :P And those small walking paths are great addition. Was someone making opened up Chernarus building ports? This one would really love those. The loading screen is fantastic :D
  13. St. Jimmy

    Zoom in vehicle optics stuck at maximum

    Try dev-branch if it's fixed there. They fixed this issue there so it might have been fixed at the same time http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=16065
  14. St. Jimmy

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Check if your HDD is fractured and verify it. Then you could try different display drivers. Bad display drivers were the reason once that my Arma performance was pretty bad and in movement my fps dropped by 10. I'm not sure did the freelook changes get in stable or are they still only in dev-branch but if it's in stable then it's now 1:1 input so that's why it can feel slow.
  15. St. Jimmy

    Crackling/ Popping Audio

    Well some sounds are very disorted and can cut or pop sometimes like tracked vehicle engine and cannon sounds. Could you give more precise examples where you hear them and maybe even a video? Just to know if your issues are virtual surround issues or actual sample issues.
  16. St. Jimmy

    European Politics Thread.

    That's what happens when you sell every factory and job in Asia :D
  17. It would be very interesting to hear how high end SLIs/Crossfires deal with that. Single high end cards get roasted pretty quickly.
  18. St. Jimmy

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Yeah DX12 likely brings that we can just have bit more things for the same fps. So no actual big fps improvement, just more stuff in that old performance. Likely a minor improvement.
  19. I still don't understand why they don't do the commanding with the number keys like in Wolfenstein:ET, Counter-Strike and other shooters and games that have quick shout chatting. Have the command menu open and then the weapon doesn't switch when pressing those number keys and when it's closed you can again use the number keys where they're assigned. Basic gaming standards. I've moved my command number keys to numpad :D
  20. St. Jimmy

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    Everon = Middle Europe Chernarus and Utes = East Europe Altis and Stratis = Mediterranean Europe So Europe is already kind of well covered. Middle East = Takistan, Zargabad and Desert Africa doesn't differ too much from the Middle East and North-Africa can be covered pretty much with current Arma 3 maps and OA maps. Sahrani = South-America So I'd say recent conflicts are well covered already. China, Japan, Pacific, Australia was prety much the next logical place to go. And there we are at the pacific.
  21. St. Jimmy

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I've tried to ask in couple of topics if there's any live cameraman going through all the booths just like in last couple of years. I haven't got any answer. I haven't found that Gamespot doing that this year :( It was the best thing in E3 to watch him going on all kinds of booths and interview and I really liked to watch some indie stuff. And I didn't found Bohemia having a booth in E3 from this year's floor site.
  22. St. Jimmy

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    :p Just like Altis is 270km^2 land mass but the actual map size is 900km^2 when you take the water in so got to wonder how big it really is and how spread out some of those islands are.
  23. St. Jimmy

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I guess the land mass is 100km^2 but when you take the water in the actual size of the map is more?