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Everything posted by lightspeed_aust

  1. lightspeed_aust

    Snakes and Adders

    Lol froggyluv, man in black jacket spooky as hell.
  2. lightspeed_aust

    Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

    great choice on the water Ice - not too Farcry. good work.
  3. lightspeed_aust

    The trouble with getting people into Arma

    Dude, I'm glad you finally see the light. Good graffix in an engine has absolutely nothing to do with how the game will perform as a game let alone a military simulation. Let BIS do what they do best, and improve a brilliant milsim. ;)
  4. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    ill check it out mate sorry. is fastrope addon working ok?
  5. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    No need. I will release new file
  6. Please list your team/clan which can consist of up to 12 players (only 6 or 9 can insert into a mission - still to be determined). I envisage the tournament will consist of a large number of missions, possibly like a league/ladder. Players may not always be available so better to have extras even they may not insert for each mission. Please list the name of the Team/Clan, the Players plus their Ingame IDs. I still have organisation to do and this is one of the things that needs to be sorted. Spread the word - the more teams involved, the better the competition. Please see this thread for further details - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=128536
  7. lightspeed_aust

    Team Sign-Ups - Coop Tournament

    Will do :)
  8. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    Have you tried chopping down tree?
  9. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    I am actually looking to remove the revive and introduce the ACE revive to make it as authentic as possible.
  10. lightspeed_aust

    Team Sign-Ups - Coop Tournament

    well so far that gives me 3 clans only who are interested - c'mon ppl - i need some more enthusiasm!
  11. Can someone tell me how to do this. Everytime a member of blufor dies then deduct 5 points
  12. lightspeed_aust

    Request: Tournament Scoring Script

    I'd like to incorporate a reduction in score for every blufor that is killed during the mission - how would I deduct say 10 points every time a blufor is killed?
  13. Hi This is beyond me by a long, long way. What I need is a script which fires when coop team hits extraction zone. This is what it has to do: Coop team will have 3 objectives to complete and each objective is worth a set amount of points. objective 1 - 20 points. objective 2 - 30 points. objective 3 - 50 points. They are not required to complete all objectives but only score points for those completed - harder objective equals more points (risk/reward). When coop teams hits extraction the script/trigger does a check of objectives completed and gives a score accordingly - in the form of an onscreen message. For example, obj1 and obj3 complete - message says "Congratulations - you scored 70 points for this mission". Example 2, if all objectives are complete message says "Congratulations - you scored 100 points for this mission". so essentially the script runs a check of scores and spits out the appropriate score. I need this for planned coop tournament to run in the future. Thanx in advance Lighty.
  14. Please list your team/clan which can consist of up to 12 players (only 6 or 9 can insert into a mission - still to be determined). I envisage the tournament will consist of a large number of missions, possibly like a league/ladder. Players may not always be available so better to have extras even they may not insert for each mission. Please list the name of the Team/Clan, the Players plus their Ingame IDs. I still have organisation to do and this is one of the things that needs to be sorted. Spread the word - the more teams involved, the better the competition. Please see this thread for further details - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=128536
  15. here is a sample of the Mission Briefing which coop teams will have access to prior to insertion - it is up to teams to determine how they will use the information. ------------------------- still progressing on the mission sample - trying to get it as professional as possible including developing a Briefings Page which teams can study prior to insertion. i think i will create a new thread for the mission brief. ---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ---------- Mission Briefing WIP - (trying to get the format right here - feel free to comment on possible changes/improvements) --------- Location: Afrene, Isla Duala, Africa. Time: 06:00 Date: 10 January 2012 Weather Conditions: Clear Mission CodeName: Crocodile Feather Conflict Background:Welcome to Africa gentlemen - certainly makes a change from the European winter of Podagorsk. You better get used to the heat, sweat and dust quickly too because we're going to be here for a while. As you know, the Molation army declared war on Afrene amost 12 months ago and after fierce fighting along the borders the Molatian forces have gradually established a foothold in the small nation to the south. The United Nations strongly condemned the actions of Molatia and deployed a peacekeeping force to the region in an attempt to minimise the violence and protect the locals. This included setting up a refugee camp in the heart of Afrene as a safe haven for displaced civilians. Three days ago, Molation General Adongo Azubuike marched on the camp and slaughtered several hundred civilians including women and children. Twelve UN Peacekeepers were also killed trying to protect the camp. Yesterday, General Adongo spoke to his forces and demanded that they follow his lead and cleanse Afrene of all natives. It's going to be a blood bath if we don't act now and that is why you have been called here today. Mission Overview:Currently, the West has no presence in Afrene and Molatian forces have secured the main city of Kinsella, most surrounding towns and all air and sea ports in the region. They also have a formidable air defence comprised predominantly of Russian Mig's. This does not leave us many options for establishing a base of operations in Afrene. Your primary objective is to secure Aeroporto Tasmera located in the sth-east of Afrene and prepare the way for the rest of the troops. To achieve this you will insert by zodiac at dawn along the lightly patrolled coastline, carry out recon, and ultimately, secure the airport. Mission Objectives: Primary: 1. Secure Airport Secondary: 1. Disable Outpost Communications 2. Destroy Anti-Aircraft Unit Here is a map of the AO detailing your insertion and objectives for the mission. There are several small buildings, two aircraft hangars and a control tower located at the airfield. Make sure you clear all of these areas of opfor. We have also spotted an enemy chopper parked on the base which could become a serious threat to your mission if it gets airborne - you are clear to destroy this vehicle and any others deemed to be a threat to your primary objective. Situated south of the airport is a small Molatian military outpost which is home to about a dozen opfor units. Inside the base is a communications tower which will be used to call in reinforcements if things go hot at the airport. You are advised to disable the comms tower and eliminate any enemy units before assaulting the airport. Aerial surveillance has also detected a Shilka Anti-Aircraft unit sth-east of the airport. You will need to destroy this unit which will enable us to send in our troops by air once you have secured the airport. It is lightly protected by several 3-4 man squads which are patrolling the sth-eastern district. General Information: 9-man Spec Ops team codename Zulu-1 will insert. Pre-assigned weapons plus ammobox with limited additional weapons available. Vanilla Arma2 (at this stage) Revives (medic only - 8 revives??) + Team Leader (2 Revives???) - this is likely to be reduced to max 4 or 5 revives. The AO consists of a number of waterways interspersed between a number of small hills. The hills should enable your team to carry out effective recon of the AO. The waterways should enable the team to infiltrate effectively while maintaining stealth. Enemy Strength: Airport: Infantry - multiple 3-4 man patrols (max 12 units). SA.34MT Gazelle Helicopter (grounded) - possible air threat. Outpost: (sth of airport) Infantry (max 12 units including fixed guns). Possible vehicle with mounted gun. Known Target: Shilka (sth-east of airport) Additional: Confirmed: Several 3-4 man Infantry Patrols - east/sth-east of airport (max 12 units). Possible: Reinforcements from towns Ursana and Kirabo. Priority Arms Requirements: MAAWS (2 rounds) Democharges (1 round) Special Mission Requirements: nil. Emergency Evac Details: Mission Compromised: Extraction by zodiac to the east.
  16. lightspeed_aust

    Coop Tournament

    still progressing on the mission sample - trying to get it as professional as possible including developing a Briefings Page which teams can study prior to insertion. i think i will create a new thread for the mission brief. ---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:21 AM ---------- Mission Briefing WIP - (trying to get the format right here - feel free to comment on possible changes/improvements) --------- Location: Afrene, Isla Duala, Africa. Time: 06:00 Date: 10 January 2012 Weather Conditions: Clear Mission CodeName: Crocodile Feather Conflict Background:Welcome to Africa gentlemen - certainly makes a change from the European winter of Podagorsk. You better get used to the heat, sweat and dust quickly too because we're going to be here for a while. As you know, the Molation army declared war on Afrene amost 12 months ago and after fierce fighting along the borders the Molatian forces have gradually established a foothold in the small nation to the south. The United Nations strongly condemned the actions of Molatia and deployed a peacekeeping force to the region in an attempt to minimise the violence and protect the locals. This included setting up a refugee camp in the heart of Afrene as a safe haven for displaced civilians. Three days ago, Molation General Adongo Azubuike marched on the camp and slaughtered several hundred civilians including women and children. Twelve UN Peacekeepers were also killed trying to protect the camp. Yesterday, General Adongo spoke to his forces and demanded that they follow his lead and cleanse Afrene of all natives. It's going to be a blood bath if we don't act now and that is why you have been called here today. Mission Overview:Currently, the West has no presence in Afrene and Molatian forces have secured the main city of Kinsella, most surrounding towns and all air and sea ports in the region. They also have a formidable air defence comprised predominantly of Russian Mig's. This does not leave us many options for establishing a base of operations in Afrene. Your primary objective is to secure Aeroporto Tasmera located in the sth-east of Afrene and prepare the way for the rest of the troops. To achieve this you will insert by zodiac at dawn along the lightly patrolled coastline, carry out recon, and ultimately, secure the airport. Mission Objectives: Primary: 1. Secure Airport Secondary: 1. Disable Outpost Communications 2. Destroy Anti-Aircraft Unit Here is a map of the AO detailing your insertion and objectives for the mission. There are several small buildings, two aircraft hangars and a control tower located at the airfield. Make sure you clear all of these areas of opfor. We have also spotted an enemy chopper parked on the base which could become a serious threat to your mission if it gets airborne - you are clear to destroy this vehicle and any others deemed to be a threat to your primary objective. Situated south of the airport is a small Molatian military outpost which is home to about a dozen opfor units. Inside the base is a communications tower which will be used to call in reinforcements if things go hot at the airport. You are advised to disable the comms tower and eliminate any enemy units before assaulting the airport. Aerial surveillance has also detected a Shilka Anti-Aircraft unit sth-east of the airport. You will need to destroy this unit which will enable us to send in our troops by air once you have secured the airport. It is lightly protected by several 3-4 man squads which are patrolling the sth-eastern district. General Information: 9-man Spec Ops team codename Zulu-1 will insert. Pre-assigned weapons plus ammobox with limited additional weapons available. Vanilla Arma2 (at this stage) Revives (medic only - 8 revives??) + Team Leader (2 Revives???) - this is likely to be reduced to max 4 or 5 revives. The AO consists of a number of waterways interspersed between a number of small hills. The hills should enable your team to carry out effective recon of the AO. The waterways should enable the team to infiltrate effectively while maintaining stealth. Enemy Strength: Airport: Infantry - multiple 3-4 man patrols (max 12 units). SA.34MT Gazelle Helicopter (grounded) - possible air threat. Outpost: (sth of airport) Infantry (max 12 units including fixed guns). Possible vehicle with mounted gun. Known Target: Shilka (sth-east of airport) Additional: Confirmed: Several 3-4 man Infantry Patrols - east/sth-east of airport (max 12 units). Possible: Reinforcements from towns Ursana and Kirabo. Priority Arms Requirements: MAAWS (2 rounds) Democharges (1 round) Special Mission Requirements: nil. Emergency Evac Details: Mission Compromised: Extraction by zodiac to the east.
  17. still progressing on the mission sample - trying to get it as professional as possible including developing a Briefings Page which teams can study prior to insertion. i think i will create a new thread for the mission brief.
  18. dont wait buddy - i dont know whats buggy with 1.60 - seems to be ok for me - just release it mate.
  19. I am trying to get opfor to man an empty fixed weapon - I did know how to do this once upon a time but cannot for the life of me recall. help please.
  20. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    Thanx mate, looks like you have knocked a few campaigns there yourself. :)
  21. lightspeed_aust

    assign ai to fixed weapon

    Interesting, I tried first option there but dint work as intended. Thanx mate.
  22. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    note fixes in post above - will place into new campaign folder soon. i am hoping all of the campaign will play out better with the new 1.60 which improves ability to hide in grass. campaign update on first page and here - http://www.gamefront.com/files/21134254/GRIT_Campaign_2.2.rar coop mission updates - http://www.gamefront.com/files/21134800/GRIT_coop_2.2.rar
  23. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    check first page for new campaign file - with new insertions for fastrope to avoid water crossings for ai - http://www.gamefront.com/files/21131268/Podagorsk_Campaign_0.2.rar
  24. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon: Podagorsk

    I have changed the insertions for fastrope for sp and will upload campaign later todAy.
  25. lightspeed_aust

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    working on fixes/enhancements to several missions at the moment. Mission 6 - fixed - plus more realistic number of opfor moving on polling center, defending city, etc. Polling Center will no longer blow up if infiltrated by opfor. Mission 3 - fixed - and reworked a number of things to make it better and easier to locate pilot (removed 1 pilot). rewrote the briefing. chopper should actually pick you up for extract now. Mission 8 - some general improvements and removal of triggers which could cause an issue for the gameplay (Ordonez will no longer flee). Removed Sepia Filter. Mission 2 - fixed extraction so chopper shows up. Mission 5 - improved the hostage rescue script so any member of squad can pick up Ordonez and control him. Reduced number of opfor reinforcements. Removed the eliminate Ordonez timer.