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About BobbyC101st

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  • Interests
    Ama 2 & Black Shark
  • Occupation
    NDT Engineer

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  • Biography
    Well Worn and interesting
  1. Many thanks 11ATony.....that worked 1st time with full ammo respawned in the vehicle. Brilliant..thanks
  2. Hi Guys, I'm sure there is a bright spark out there who knows how to make this happen. I have a vehicle with the 2 following lines in the INIT field in the Arma 2 editor. veh = [this, 10, 240] execVM ""Simple_Vehicle_Respawn\vehicle.sqf""; nul = [this] execVM ""Ammo.sqf""; It works great...the ammo in the SQF file is available from the vehicle but not after the vehicle respawns. Easy way out is to put more vehicles back at base and no respawn but not knowing the answer to this is bugging me. thanks in advance, :j: ---------- Post added at 20:57 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ---------- I meant to add I use Ace 2 if this may make a difference to the problem. Thanks
  3. FAO p75. I have have run tests and confirm that the Pilot can use the gunsight and shoot with "gdtmod_helicopter_weapons 1.01". I use the Mando missiles mod for the aircraft HUD and it also works at the same time as the "gdtmod_helicopter_weapons 1.01" without conflict. What neither system allows is locking onto what the IHADSS is looking at with TrackIR and firing the gun at that locked target. If it is infantry you want to target, you have to search through the gunsight for them. If it is an enemy vehicle or air target...lock up the target in hud or IHADSS view and press the numpad INS or 0 key to bring up the gunsight which will be already centered on that locked target....fire guns as normal. Not perfect yet and only works with AH1Z, Ka52 and Mi24. I would like to shoot what I am looking at with my IHADSS in any helo. :)
  4. I have been reliably informed that the Pilot can use the gunsight and shoot but not with this mod. only with "gdtmod_helicopter_weapons 1.01" Check out this link:- http://www.gdt-server.net/www1/index.php?site=files&file=63 Apparantly works with AH1Z, Ka52 and Mi24, I will test shortly and come back to the forum with my findings. Good testing, :)
  5. Thanks for that heads up jasonnoguchi on the checking your rounds left, thats useful info.
  6. I am really missing the Bullets / clips info at the top right of my screen. It tells me what weapon I have but I have to run out of ammo to know when to reload...usually at a bad time....I usually reload in a safe location if I see I have only a couple of rounds left. Pressing the G key tells me how many clips are left but not bullets. Has anyone found a solution to this? :j:
  7. Yes sir, tried the new keybindings with the updated userconfig....no joy with R key or left mouse click. My only fix to get the Rangefinder to display range and vector to target was to navigate to C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\@ACE\addons\ace_sys_rangefinder.pbo and replace that pbo with one that works from an earlier Beta version.