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Everything posted by domcho

  1. Back in Operation Flashpoint there was an island called AEC (Abel + Eden + Cain). Simply Malden, Everon and Kolgujev on 1 map seperated and you can travel with boat or aircraft from one island to another. Is there such thing created for ArmA II?
  2. How do I spawn a satchel charge and then detonate it with a radio trigger?
  3. So what? It's another game bug, 1 of the million others, that prevents me from creating my missions? It's not fixable?
  4. Thanks a lot for campaign. By the way is anyone able to capture the 2 officers in the last mission? Because they keep shooting at me all the time. I go next to them but they still don't surrender.
  5. Hi, guys. I made a script which makes the mission end if the player kills a friendly unit or a civilian. The script is: friendlydead = 1 _counter = 10000 _oldrating = 0; _newrating = 0; _difference= 0; #start _oldrating = rating player ~1 _newrating = rating player _difference = (_oldrating - _newrating) ?_difference >1:friendlydead = friendlydead-1 _counter=_counter-1 ?_counter>0:goto"start" exit Now you need to do the following thing in order for the script to activate. 1st put the in the player's or any other existing unit's initialization box: this exec "nameofscript.sqs" where "nameofscript.sqs" is the name of the script.sqs that you're using. This must be done so the script runs while you are playing. 2nd make a trigger: Activation:None Type:End #1 Condition box:friendlydead == 0 This will force the mission to end. But note that if you use the command player addRating -(number) where (number) is a number this will also end the mission. Basically the script indicates if the player lost rating, so if he did then the mission ends. A player looses rating if he: Kills a friendly unit Kills a civilian Or the mission maker made something reduce the player's rating with the addRating -(number) command. However it is not a problem to use addRating with a positive number (that is above 0) If you want to change the number of friendly units and/or civilians that you can kill before the mission ends simply edit the 1st line in the script. For example if your mission is to end if you kill 3 friendly units and/or civilians, make it like this: friendlydead = [color="Red"]3[/color] If you want to to make a warning when the player kills a friendly unit or a civilian then make a trigger which will be like this: Activation:None Type:None Condition box:friendlydead == 2 (if in the script you set friendlydead = 3 then this will activate the warning message when you kill 1 friendly unit or civilian, but this will activate only once. For the other time that you want the waring to activate you will need to type in another trigger's condition box friendlydead == 1) On Activation box: put warning message here (for example if I am playing on the West side I will add in the activation box: [west, "HQ"] sideChat "Watch your fire" which will make papa bear send a message on the side chat, but you can make whatever warning you want. I hope this is useful for your missions. :)
  6. Yes, it doesn't work. Got another problem as well. When a unit has setUnitPos "UP" it won't stand with it's gun on back. If I don't use setUnitPos "UP" he'll put his binocular down.
  7. Hello everybody. Can someone please tell me how can I do 2 things: 1st - Make AI use binoculars forever with and without having other weapons 2nd - Make AI look at different targets while using the binoculars I don't remember any OFP campaign missions where an AI would do this. Only binoculars camera vision but that's different. If there was any similar mission I'd extract the pbo files and check. And I am not sure this is really possible. I've searched for quite a while but couldn't find the answer. What I've tried so far was removing all weapons and then adding the binoculars, disabling AI move, autotarget, target and then using a script with a loop: _i = 0 #loop1 _i = _i + 1 lead selectWeapon "Binocular" ~1 ? _i > 300 : goto "end1" goto "loop1" #end1 The loop script doesn't help. All he does is use the binoculars for a few seconds and stop. Then a few seconds later he'll repeat this. Not to mention he doesn't even pull out the binoculars if he has a weapon, he just starts the action and less then a second later stops. By the way if anyone doesn't know how to do this but remembers a campaign mission where an AI used binoculars please tell me and I will check the mission and try to find the answer there. That's how I usually solve my editing problems :cool: Thanks in advance!
  8. I'm not sure how to create the loop from Nikiller's method. After a long crazy search I found this script: binocs = false #loop lead playmove "StandtoBinocStand" ~0.01 ?(!binocs): goto "loop" exit when binocs = true the loop will end. Also I must set the unit position to be "UP" or he'll sometimes put his binoculars down and put them back on. However with this script I can't make the AI turn and look around. I mean soldier1 doTarget target1 doesn't work. I need the soldier to keep looking through the binoculars all the time and turn to look at different targets. Thanks!
  9. The exact effect where the sun moves uses a loop code using the skipTime command multiple times. It goes like this: #loop1 _i = _i + 1 skipTime 0.015 ~0.1 ? _i > 90 : goto "end1" goto "loop1" #end1 titleCut ["","BLACK IN",5] I'm not really sure how much time will this skip, but anyway you can always turn the screen black then use the skipTime command with any number you like and then turn the screen back to normal with the titleCut command after the sun moves. To increase the time in the loop where it says ? _i > 90 : goto "end1" change 90 with a higher number. Have fun!
  10. I made the script. Still the same. They run around and some of them get in, the rest disobey and after 2 minutes they decide to finally get in. Also when they're boarding, before they board they run around like idiots and take strange paths until they decide to go to the helicopter and get inside.
  11. Hello. I've been trying to make spetsnaz and pilots get in Hinds and fly away. I placed 4 Hinds, 8 pilots and 32 spetsnaz. On every spetsnaz team leader I typed spetsnaz(number)=group this where (number) is from 1-4 because there are 4 groups of 8 spetsnaz. The trigger has the following command for the first group: {_x assignAsCargo Hind(number)} forEach units Spetsnaz(number); Pilot(number) assignAsDriver Hind(number); Pilot(number) assignAsGunner Hind(number); {[x] orderGetIn true} forEach units Spetsnaz(number); [Pilot(number), Pilot(number)] orderGetIn true Here (number) is the index in the name of the helicopter/spetsnaz group/pilot, for example group spetsnaz1 gets in hind1, pilot 1 gets in as driver, pilot 2 gets in as gunner Now everything works just fine. However there is a problem with the 4th group. It depends where I place them on the map. The closer they are to the Hind the more soldiers get in. I mean their squad leader tells them to board the helicopter and some of them get in, the rest stays out and disobeys for no reason. Also when the get in command is issued they start running around and stop at a particular position. Same for the pilots. Either the pilot gets in and the gunner stays out or vice versa. The first 3 spetsnaz groups and pilots do they're job properly, no problem, but the last 4th group doesn't. It has the same trigger and everything, I triple checked if I typed something wrong but everything is correct, however they do not get in the helicopter or at least not all of the spetsnaz and 1 of the pilots. I don't understand what's causing this. There are no enemies around to trouble them. It's just a simple trigger telling them to get in the helicopter and they respond to it with a strange behavior. Can you guys please tell me how can I fix this? To me it looks like an AI bug and it really surprises me. This is just the beginning of my mission and I'm stuck on this. I know I can use the moveInCargo/moveInDriver/moveInGunner commands but I want them to board the helicopters normally not just start inside them. And also the problem is NOT the space in the helicopter, each Hind can fit 8 soldiers in the back and each of my spetsnaz groups is formed of 8 men. Thank you.
  12. I typed it correct in the editor, I mistyped it here because I didn't copy+paste what was in the trigger. I don't like using script files. I like sticking to the trigger and waypoint boxes, but if scripts are the only way then could you please explain the myscript.sqf code I have done scripts before but only simple and this was back in Operation Flashpoint. I never understood what are the lines like _vehicle = _this select 0; _pilots = _this select 1; _group = _this select 2; (_pilots select 0) assignAsDriver _vehicle; (_pilots select 1) assignAsGunner _vehicle; _this select and _vehicle select what do they mean? I know I can copy+paste it and try it but I want to know what they mean and what they do exactly line by line. Thanks though.
  13. domcho

    OFP texture problems.

    Hello. Recently I installed OFP and patched it to 1.96. This is the first time I run the game on my new PC and I have 2 problems. 1st I get 2 mouse cursors in the game. 2nd I have problem with the texture. Roads are blurry, trees look awful and some vehicles and weapons look awful as well. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/35/flashpointresistance201t.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/flashpointresistance201y.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/flashpointresistance201h.jpg/ My video card is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 2gb vram CPU is Intel Core i5 On my previous PC I had no such problems with OFP and I was with NVIDIA GeForce 7600 gs. Please help :( I reinstalled the game but this did not fix the problem. Default resolution was 1024x768x32 so I changed it to 1920x1080x32 but problem remained. I also messed with the other graphic options, nothing changed.
  14. domcho

    OFP texture problems.

    That worked. Really thanks a lot. I saw those options earlier but I was afraid that if I change something I might mess everything up. Still gonna play with the numbers to see how things change. Thank you so much, now the trees and tanks don't look like my drawings and paintings I did when I was 5 years old. LOL. ---------- Post added at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 PM ---------- I do not know much about the Cfg. I once read that if you modify it and play multiplayer an inbuilt anti-cheat thingy makes your gameplay bad, like inaccurate aiming but I think it depends on what you modified. :P
  15. domcho

    Syria - What should we do if anything?

    Americans want to take Syria's resources. They hire mercenaries, give them weapons and money, send CIA agents into Syria, to fight against the Syrian government. Finally, once there is no one to get in their way (just like in Iraq and Libya) they'll conquer as much as they want. Then they might actually start to establish military bases there against Iran and Russia. It's simple, USA wants all the world's resources for themselves. In order to acquire them, they do stuff like the one I just pointed out. It's clearly visible. And on top of that, no one does anything to stop them. People continue to call the USSR an evil country that wanted to conquer Europe, kill innocent people, pillage everything, but no one pays attention to the USA. Okay, Stalin killed millions of innocents, people wanted to run into the "West" because of the repressions in the East side of the Iron Curtain. Now there is no USSR, there is no Warsaw Pact, there is no communism generally and there is no influence on the world by Russia nor China mostly, but there is a lot from the USA's side. A bit off topic but all I wanted to say to people who hated the communist regime (of course everyone has the right to do that) will now be able to enjoy America's imperialism and globalization, America controlling the whole world, America dictating the rules, America telling your countries' politics what to do, America blaming countries leading into a reason for starting a war - NOT THE USSR(before)/RUSSIA, NOT CHINA, NOT NORTH KOREA, NOT GERMANY, NOT INDIA, NOT FRANCE, NOT SPAIN, NOT ITALY ... etc. but the USA! Of course NATO will support the USA and give soldiers' lives for America's ideas. I don't remember the Soviet Union asking any of the Warsaw Pact countries for any kind of help during the Afghanistan war. The people who lived in the countries who had communist governments wanted the communist regime to collapse, and wanted democracy. I can tell you that because it was the same in Bulgaria. Everyone here wanted the regime to collapse. We were waiting for the democracy, we celebrated it's "arrival" and were happy that now we're free, there is freedom of speech and we can go wherever we want without asking our government for permission. We gained all that. We were happy. But then there was mafia, mass corruption, crime, misery, no work for people, politics stealing money and not doing anything for the country, bad doctors and expensive medicine for a regular citizen. Now we've gained the right to go wherever we want on the globe, we gained freedom of speech, we've gained the right to buy and sell things to people from the West and all that kind of stuff, but compared to what we've lost for example - no mafia, almost no crime, no ignorant work, no bad doctors nor expensive medicine, work for every single person in the country and much more during communism, you can see what is better and what is bad. And Stalin made communism bad, by not only killing innocent Russian and Germans, but also for example forcing politics in other communist countries to do the same for people who don't even agree even for a small single thing in communism. I can prove you that because there were lots of Bulgarians arrested and sent to prison or labor camps or killed, while Stalin was still ruling. Once he died, there was no longer stuff like that here. If you ask a Bulgarian what's bad about communism, they'll tell you about the killing of innocent people, which happened because of Stalin. I am not praising communism, but saying that at least for Bulgaria, communism was a better period of time than it's now, of course many other people who steal (thing that they couldn't do before) from the country or have gone to live abroad (because the quality of life now here is bad) like more than a million of Bulgaria's population will tell you the opposite. And all this is thanks to the USA. They dictate the rules to our politics. Our politics agree with them without thinking and do their bidding. My country could have a higher quality of life without communism, if it wasn't for the USA and our politics who just care for money paid by the US and nothing else. I know communism for every country was different like for example in Romania there were mass murders of innocent people not only in the beginning of communist regime, but during the whole communist period. I would understand if a Romanian person hates communism because that didn't bring anything good to Romania. So now the USA is the nation that does what it wants without any opposition (like Soviet opposition before). Russia isn't doing anything neither China. So USA simply controls the world using bribed politics and wars. With those methods they'll conquer Syria and all that Syria has, if Iran, Russia, China don't do anything about it. Thank you for spending your time reading what I had to say.
  16. Well make sure you choose to launch ArmA 2 Combined Operations. When I do that a steam window appears telling me it's launching ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead (notice it says OA) then the command prompt appears and the game launches, but it's actually CO. When I go to the editor I got Chernarus and Utes, also I got the USMC + CDF on BLUFOR as well as I got the Russians + Insurgents on OPFOR. And the PMC, ACR ...etc you should check this out too, because the first time I launched the game and I saw that it says "Preparing to launch ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead" I got confused but then I saw I got all the CO content and understood that this is ArmA 2 Combined Operations. I guess you're experiencing this.
  17. Hi, guys. If you ever played the CWC campaign, remember the mission called "Escape" where you play as pilot Sam Nichols and are captured by the Soviets, then taken to a camp and told to stay in a tent? When you get in the tent, wait a bit the time starts to change and you can see the cool sunset. I was very impressed by this and wanted to do this 1 day in one of my missions. Here is how to do it: setacctime 1.0 _i = 0 #loop _i = _i + 1 skipTime 0.015 ~0.1 ? _i > 150 : goto "end" goto "loop" #end titleCut ["A few hours later...","BLACK OUT",3] ~3 skipTime 3 ~1 titleCut ["","BLACK IN",3] You can combine it with camera script to be even cooler. Edit: I made a little change to the script and uploaded a demo of it: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=3CFTOYR5 Hope you like it.
  18. Hello. I am sorry if this has already been posted on the forums. I have a problem with the squad leader (he is an AI) telling my squad to get in the helicopter once it comes. We are in a middle of a forest under attack by CDF soldiers. I first tested the extraction without enemies, it worked perfectly. But when we are under attack the leader keeps issuing orders to attack targets. Some squadmates go into the woods to hunt down the CDF :j: When the helicopter comes sometimes the squad leader doesn't even tell us to get in it. I used in his init: mygroup = group this; (group this) enableAttack false; named him Rus1, made a trigger once the helicopter is near us and put in it's activation: assignAsCargo forEachMember mygroup; Rus1 orderGetIn true. So even though I used enableAttack false the squad leader doesn't shut up and keeps telling us to target the CDF soldiers :mad: when the helicopter comes and enters the trigger sometimes he tells us to get in it, and if there is an injured soldier who can't walk we just stay there under heavy fire, the whole squad except the injured in the legs soldiers stays in the helicopter and wait to be killed. The injured soldiers won't get in. I had to get out and kill him in order to continue. How can I fix the problem with the squad leader not telling us to get in and make the injured soldier to get in? Thanks. NOTE: THIS IS ARMA 2 NOT ARMA 2 OPERATION ARROWHEAD.
  19. domcho

    Hold the line

    Hi guys. I made a mission called "Hold the line." It's a simple mission where you have to drive to Le Moule at night and hold the village against enemy attacks. I created it on CJE's winter version of Everon. You will need the following addons: CJE island pack - http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file/CJE_Island_Pack;43167 Winter Nogojev (so you can play with arctic units) - http://nakedsquid.com/downloads/lolofpaddons/WinterNogojev1.1Addon.exe The mission is not hard, make sure you check the whole village because you need to kill all the attackers in order to complete the mission. Sometimes they hide in the forest and then sneak to the village. Also when you reach Le Moule you can use 0-0-1 and then click on the map to launch a green flare to illuminate the area. Special thanks to Aldo15 for helping me make this flare script :) I hope you enjoy the mission. I also added a soviet theme music from another game. :rolleyes: Mission download link - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=J5B6YQX0
  20. domcho

    The Great Escape

    Hi guys. A few years ago a friend of mine had an idea of making a mission on the AEC island (Malden, Everon, Kolgujev in one) where you start as a Spetsnaz only with a pistol in a village full of dead friendlies with no ammo. Your objective is to go to the base Northwest from the airfield, steal the Mi24 and fly to Kolgujev. But before you get to the base you must clear all the villages that are in your way. So my friend Vasilii Koslovich made most things in the mission and I just added some commands that he didn't know. The mission didn't have any end triggers, briefing, objectives and that kind of stuff. So I finally decided to fix the mission and upload it here for you to check it out. Starting area: Dead friendly convoy: Another picture of the starting area: It's made by me and Vasilii Koslovich. It is both for singleplayer and multiplayer. Please leave feedback :) thanks Mission with required addons needed to play it download link - http://www.mediafire.com/?fb0jmeggmse1fee Also a very funny thing: when you get killed in OFP and the menu appears there is a quote from a famous person. While I was testing the mission for bugs I got killed and got this quote; "And lastly there is the oldest and deepest desire, the Great Escape: the Escape from Death." It's quite a coincidence I got this quote since the mission name is The Great Escape :D
  21. domcho

    The Great Escape

    Sorry. I had internet issues and I still do. I couldn't connect to the internet. Thank's mrmoon for uploading this
  22. Hi guys. I made a blackhawk which has to come when I kill 4 squad of enemy infrantry but there is a problem. What he has to do is fly over me and my squad and drop black ops with parachutes. The problem is that he doesn't follow the waypoint as he should. The waypoint passes through the center of the trigger but he always flies away from the center and drops the black ops too far away. The helicopter has 0 ammunition, careless behaviour and I also set him to fly in height 100. I deleted everything and just left the heli. I put myself as 1 of the black ops in the helicopter and then started the mission. He follows the waypoint correctly. But when I play the mission normally, he flies too far away. I don't know why is this happening. He just doesn't want to follow the waypoint. His behaviour is careless and no one is shooting at him. I have never encountered that kind of a problem before and I find this waypoint problem very frustrating. Can you please tell me how to fix it. Thanks.
  23. domcho

    2 Nogova police missions.

    Thanks :) There is also another bug. When I made the first mission and put the VIP his face was face1 from the facelist. When I made the second mission I just used setface "face1" command but I found that if you save the mission and load it his face will change. So i made a trigger of a police unit going in and out so it keeps activating setface "face1" :D:D I was just lazy making a description.ext with CfgIdentities :D