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Everything posted by GqchatarN

  1. Okey, I've reinstalled everything now and it works! :D Don't know what i did wrong! But it works! Thanks for all the help nettrucker!
  2. Yeah I've followed some guides on youtube and it works when I'm haven't installed Unsung! But what is this "functions module" you're talking about? It works for me without that in vanilla, maybe thats where the problem is? I'm currently reinstalling everything to see if it works after that! Thanks for your answer! //Simon
  3. Ehm.. okey, I have a problem. I installed the mod, and now i can't play high command(?) What the fuck. Even when I disable the mod I can't do it. So i uninstalled everything and tried again in vanilla, and high command worked. So then I installed the mod again, and all of a sudden I can't play high command again! Am I doing something wrong? How do i fix this, because I would love to play high command with this mod! /Simon
  4. I can't see them in the editor! Under wich side and name are they? Edit: Nevermind, failed installing the mod! Fixed now!
  5. GqchatarN

    ACE for OA 1.11

    Aha i see, i thought it made all the sounds damped. Okey, thanks for all the answers!:D
  6. GqchatarN

    ACE for OA 1.11

    How do i get the earplugs to work? I put them in and the icon with them in the ear comes up, but the sound is not changed at all.
  7. GqchatarN

    ACE for OA 1.11

    My "Interaction menu" Only have two options, "Magazine" and "Handsignals" how do i get all those "Examine","Drag" and "Dogtag" to work? Edit: Nvm, didn't know there was two different interaction menus!
  8. How do i use the Art on vehicles etc, i just get " Picture (ex.)"\uns_m113\data\chicken_co.paa." not found" Do i need to place the pictures somwhere? Edit: Nvm, i got it now!
  9. Hi! Im completely new to this "modeling" things, but i've got a question. I have reskinned a unit, but i want this units soldiers to be kina "Afghanistani" looking, that will say, no white or black faces, how do i change so that the unit only uses the middle-eastern faces? /S
  10. Hello! I Want to make a AI player start with the RPG in shooting position, how do i make this happen?:j:
  11. GqchatarN

    Starting with an RPG

    Okay thanks! Now i don't have to wait for retarded terrorists to grab their RPG!:D
  12. My idea is that when you are editing units init, you should be able to multicopy it, example: Name: man1 Init: RemoveAllWeapons man1; A ability to copy this, and when you paste it it should look like: Name: man2 Init: RemoveAllWeapons man2; Instead of: Name: man1_1 Init: RemoveAllWeapons man1; This would be so comfortable! Maybe it's already possible?:eek:
  13. :eek:... Now i feel MIGHTY stupid, thanks so much!
  14. I would love to have a " First Lebanon war" mod! Looked everywhere, just found some from ArmA1.
  15. GqchatarN

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Oh my god! Thank you SO MUCH! :D Now it works fine! I've been trying to figure this out ever since i got home from work! It's been like 7 hours now ( I live in Sweden ) This is the most awesome mod ever! One question, would it be possible to do something similar with an Apache heli? That would be great!
  16. GqchatarN

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Addon version, where should i put the "init.sqf" and what code should it have?
  17. GqchatarN

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Feels like i've tried everything, can someone give me a guide or something? Would be much appreciated!
  18. GqchatarN

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Hmm.. i tried that.. nothing happened.
  19. GqchatarN

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    I meant the time it takes for the AC-130 to arrive, sorry for upsetting you!:butbut: But how do i change it? Should i make a new .sqf called "init" and should i write this in it: waitUntil {!isNil "LDL_initDone"}; waitUntil {LDL_initDone}; //Options for the AC-130 (optional) LDL_options = [ 1000, //0: Default radius for the rotating AC130. Default: 1000 1000, //1: Default height for the rotating AC130. Default: 1000 1000, //2: Munition for the 25mm. Default: 1000 50, //3: Munition for the 40mm. Default: 50 20, //4: Munition for the 105mm. Default: 20 true, //5: Show Infantry Strobes at startup. Default: true false, //6: Show Vehicle Detection at startup. Default: false false, //7: Activate 360° view. Default: false false, //8: Show waypoints for rotating AC130. Default: false true, //9: Show particles (smoke, tracer etc.); Default: true 9.5, //10: Maximum zoom level for the 25mm. Default: 9.5 (only numbers between 1 and 10) 9, //11: Maximum zoom level for the 40mm. Default: 9 (only numbers between 1 and 10) 8, //12: Maximum zoom level for the 105mm. Default: 8 (only numbers between 1 and 10) -1, //13: Time in seconds when AC130 script stops. Default: -1 (infinite) 180, //14: Time in seconds the AI controlled AC130 stays in the air. Default: 180 true, //15: Disable Vehicle Detection (Enemy and friendly units). Default: true false, //16: Disable Infantry Strobes. Default: false false, //17: Disable Monitor. Default: false false, //18: Disable third-person view. Default: false 1, //19: Camera effect at startup: 1 (Nothing), 2 (FLIR white), 3 (FLIR black), 4 (NVG). Default: 1 120, //20: Delay for mapclick AC130 to arrive. Default: 120 true, //21: Sequence at startup. Default: true 3, //22: Available AC130 mapclicks per player. Default: 3 false, //23: Disable Sounds. Default: false false //24: Enable Optical Zoom. Default: false !BETA only available for rotating AC130 BETA! ]; And what should i change : 120, //20: Delay for mapclick AC130 to arrive. Default: 120 To?
  20. GqchatarN

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    How do i change the delay thingy? I want the delay to be like 10 seconds or something, how?
  21. GqchatarN

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    This is the most LEGENDARY thing ever!
  22. Are there any way to script paradrops?:)
  23. Here's a Print that i am very pleased with!:D
  24. Is there any way to make AI handle the mortars?:p