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Mr. Charles

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Everything posted by Mr. Charles

  1. Mr. Charles

    Laser Designation and Laser Guided Bombs from Jets

    RE: AI lazing targets: I found out that the AI will target enemy vehicles and positions if there are vehicles around with GBU's or LO250 bombs when they have a lasermarker and batteries for it.
  2. Mr. Charles

    Facebook buys oculus for $2 Billion

    There are already social media buttons on most porn sites. I doubt that people who share their porn via Facebook abstain from a full 3D BJ from Lexi Belle :P
  3. Mr. Charles

    Why are much more people playing Arma 2?

    I doubt that there are 15k more people playing ArmA2.
  4. Mr. Charles

    How to create 3 zeus Slot in multiplayer lobby ?

    Just create another Virtual entity slot and another game master module and follow the instructions of the module.
  5. Mr. Charles

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Did you guys introduce a recoil animation on the torso? When I shoot fully automatic while lying on the ground it looks like my torso is an accordeon :confused:
  6. Mr. Charles

    Facebook buys oculus for $2 Billion

    How exactly does Oculus Rift benefit Facebook? I mean it's not like a mainstream company like Whatsapp :confused:
  7. Mr. Charles

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Yeah, plus, now you can't see anything in front of you.
  8. Mr. Charles

    Arma 3 Region Restriction

    They do. I asked twice for refunds and I got refunded twice with Steam wallet money.
  9. Mr. Charles

    Evil Zeus

    What if you're playing a COOP/PVP Mission and your teammate starts shooting you in the head? #vote kick
  10. Mr. Charles

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    I'm not so sure that A4 will follow that fast after A3. Technically, A3 is only just finished (counting the campaign episodes), Dwarden hinted that they tried to get the Mantle SDK and all the "Scanning the Horizon" blogs say that they want to support this game for the next few years.
  11. Can you configure this stuff so that Zeus can use it?
  12. Mr. Charles

    UTS-15 Shotgun

    Very impressive :D
  13. Mr. Charles

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=17856 This fixes the nearestObject debacle. I hope you're communicating more in the office now :/
  14. Mr. Charles

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Several revive scripts are still causing freezes every few seconds (=BTC= Revive and Psychobastards AIS)
  15. Mr. Charles

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    We also had stutter while using several revive scripts. The game would just hang every 3-4 seconds.
  16. Mr. Charles

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Now that I finally tried the official ZGM missions on our dedicated server I can confirm that they have low fps in Zeus view :(
  17. Mr. Charles

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    That's just to show that simply shooting at the frontal armour of a tank is silly. One has the advantage to choose where to engage from in a jet and Penetrating the top or behind of a T-100 shouldn't be too hard. I doubt that the engine deck on top can withstand that many rounds.
  18. Mr. Charles

    Fixed Wing Flight Model (dev branch)

    It depends where you hit the tank. The old P-47 Thunderbolts 8xM2 could penetrate german tanks back in WW2 with a bit of ingenuity:
  19. Mr. Charles

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Wow such update Many downtime
  20. Mr. Charles

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    I still can't seem to get Chernarus running with Zeus. All it ever does is being stuck at the loading screen :(
  21. Mr. Charles

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Right now, these are the Zeus controls: As you can see, there's also no mention of the ALT key, thus it doesn't work ingame (I think)
  22. Mr. Charles

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    >Zeus waypoint placing changed to right mouse button Please make this optional. Having right mouse button control the camera and waypoints is just irritating :(
  23. Mr. Charles

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Nice new article on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/games/arma3/announcements/detail/1279325765161253497 I like that the screenshots have the new stadium and the ghost hotel :)
  24. FATA seems to have problems with the water level.