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Everything posted by enad

  1. I'd say keep the darker grass, it looks amazing to me. If you do lighten it, only do it a tiny bit. Overly green grass will just look fake. @Raserisk- Icebreakr is right, you might wanna upgrade your computer. Lingor runs better than most maps of that size, it runs even better than Takistan! Icebreakr and Berghoff did an amazing job at optimizing the vegetation....I remember the first beta of Lingor. :p
  2. Yeah but I don't wanna make the Teaser more intense than the actual intro of the mission is. Right now it's basically just the beginning of the mission with some added music. Thanks for your comment though. I know it is a bit drawn out, but oh well, I wasn't really looking for an award or anything, it was just to show to a couple of my friends on GND.
  3. enad

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    Yes, new maps. All we need is new maps. We have loads of units. Just take your time and give us some new(big) maps! Nothing shapur size, that's just....tiny. More Chernarus/Takistan sized maps. Preferably Jungle or A-stan/Iraq themed.
  4. Holy crap that's awesome. Please release.
  5. Teaser for mission I'm making on Lingor. :D vVzRpmhADMU Watch in 1080p! The thumbnail is deceiving, there is no black borders. Comment, rate, subscribe! :)
  6. Thought I would post this here. Teaser for mission I'm making on Lingor. :D vVzRpmhADMU Watch in 1080p! The thumbnail is deceiving, there is no black borders.
  7. enad

    Predator Mod

    This is the best mod for ArmA 2...I can't wait to see its progress.
  8. Yeah I have many islands loaded and I'm pretty sure I'm not hearing the environmental sounds. The problem is I dont have all the islands in mod folders...So it would be hard to eliminate the ones causing the problems.
  9. Ah, I was just confused cause Cmd said Slide Show ahoy and I thought....ah never mind.
  10. I'm just looking for a fix with the Map glitch. :/ I'd really love for my game not to crash when trying to close my map. But sorry for the offtopic. I'll try some things on my own.
  11. enad

    ZEUS Nam

    Yes it's a little heavy, I get around 30 FPS, but on the rest of the island its always above 45 FPS, even up to 75 FPS. While on Nam I barely get more than 25 FPS even at 500 VD, I run Lingor at 3500 VD. Disregard that, I just tested Nam after downloading Lingor 1.0 and it runs amazingly! It must of been the version of Berghoffs Plants bundled with Lingor that really improves FPS. FPS in the high 50's now.
  12. You can put them all in your @Lingor folder. @Mr.Burns- Good to know it's not Lingor. But it's yet another thing that has been messed up in 1.55. Might reinstall and go back to 1.54 or later beta.
  13. Yeah, ALOT of times if I go into the map screen, my game will lock up and I'll have to ctrl alt del and end the process. Does that with team switching also. I'm not sure if its Lingor or Patch 1.55, but it's extremely annoying when trying to test a mission and having it freeze up or crash for no reason. I have a feeling it's 1.55 Patch...With its long list of things it fucked up.
  14. enad

    DLC- What do YOU want?

    We can only dream...:) I don't care what anyone says, if ArmA 2/OA had REALISTIC Physics and REALISTIC dismemberment, it would make the game a HELL of a lot more immersive. I really hate the way units die and vehicles explode right now, its just so..fake...I also had dropping a GBU on a guy or see a guy walk onto an AP Mine(Unsung) and he's perfectly intact. It's just those little things that would make the game so much better. But this will never happen. :(
  15. Noooo! Well as long as the units come out this week. I got this whole week off from work. :D
  16. lol It's already allowed. This is a PMC DLC, no where does it say its a CQC Improvement DLC, that sort of thing would come with a patch. You people need to read the titles of threads....
  17. Hopefully this doesn't get lost in the thread, but does this version of Lingor come with the units you spoke of awhile ago. You know, the rebels and government troops? I was really looking forward to them. Man If I had $100 laying around I would totally donate it to you! :D
  18. OA loves to crash with 1.55. Dunno how they missed that.
  19. This is a thread about what you want in an upcoming patch, not a new DLC...Jeez people, read the title of the thread.
  20. No I already have the Blufor units, I'm using Kikis 1960 Special Forces along with Unsung US Army Infantry. I have Unsung VC and NVA as my OPFOR placeholder right now. Just awaiting the full release of Lingor so I can finish the mission(s) and test it will some people.
  21. No offense taken, most of those times I said that I was just mocking every other person in this thread. :p
  22. enad

    ZEUS Nam

    Mondkalb, do you know if the version of Berghoffs plants used on Icebreakrs Lingor is different than the version your using? I ask because Lingor runs amazingly, but it's much bigger than this map, yet this map runs...well...bad. I remember Ice saying something about having very optimized vegetation and I was wondering if you're using the same thing as him.
  23. I'm sorry I made you think that way, but I'm not trying to brag at all!? :confused: I'm simply just saying the island is so good I cannot wait for the rest of the package to come out. I didn't think I was bragging.. I wrote a little thing of feedback a few pages ago, but I was gonna PM you with some other stuff I noticed. Do you want me to do that or will I be accused of bragging again?