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Everything posted by rye1
XMedSys - Improved Medical System for A3
rye1 replied to sancron's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Bit unfair research brother. This mod is about improved medical systems, therefore you must understand it is accounting for multiple variables, not simply the combat medics role. For example a flight medic may carry blood (O neg) via an GHC refrigerator in an aeromedical evacuation helicopter. SOF medics in reality may perform field transfusions, you may have heard of it as direct or buddy transfusions. I wouldn't say replace it, I would say add onto it with the other crystalloids and colloids that could 'replace' it. When you're at a static treatment facility, you could do so there, right? Don't go on strict operational capacity only, that's up to the player and community using the mod. :) -
The same argument goes in 2035 rounds should work better against the said armor and soft tissue targets.
Dat Iranian death dance. Twitchin'.
Would love to see HP. Would love to see AP. Would love to see API, HEI, HEAPI. :D
ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment
rye1 replied to wolffy.au's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Thanks, will have a look soon! -
ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment
rye1 replied to wolffy.au's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I am running vanilla ALiVE, so to speak - no other mods. And I have not noticed this whatsoever. Please can you give the ALiVE version, other mods, .rpt and any other variables that may cause issues. -
So define what you mean by realistic medical system? What kind of features do you mean?
ProGamer, unfortunately 'advanced medical mods' are niche items. I'm apart of the Combat Medical System development team and I have promoted the mod to numerous communities and clans - some want it, some really do not. Some see scroll, revive as the golden standard, others see very simple work-arounds like ACE2 had for the golden standard, so you would have to define 'advanced medical' systems that would be implemented in vanilla. What would the main features display? How would it work? Do the community actually want those suggestions or something more... or something less? I thought bleeding was implemented? When you're hit, it flashes red and you have to heal. I don't know, I haven't played with the variables, but it's not a hard implementation none the less. If a revamp of any damage system was taken into account then bleeding would be the first go-to feature I could think of. Really? I thought the standard 6.5mm round used in ArmA 3 would just be the standard ball. Armor-piercing would make sense in being able to penetrate the said body armor systems, especially in a total war scenario against Iran. Factually AP versus soft tissue is useless, creating through-and-throughs. AP versus armor, fantastic dependent on the type and class of armor, and once it penetrates it has good wounding potential. So that wouldn't be much of a problem replicated in game simply based off a different type of ammunition used [in a different magazine i.e. 6.5mm AP versus 6.5mm Standard].
Exactly. Damage is often propagated along the whole mass, that isn't a good work-around. Non-vital areas should remain so. We already have bleeding implemented so those injuries would become vital over time if they weren't treated. I'd think also a benefit or work-around that might be a fix would be as I've said before multitudes of types of ammunition. Armor-piercing can be tailored to do just that. Just a few thoughts, but I see half of the people in this thread are way ahead of me so I'll try to spectate for now. :cool:
Wound ballistics studies pertaining to Law Enforcement on criminal actions will equal the answer, no. One shot isn't a be-all end-all. There's always outliers, but most of the time anyway in wound ballistics studies - whatever sector you look into - the conclusion is multiple rounds. Clothing, body armour or not. But that's where shot-placement comes in, and thus in game hitpoint locations, hit detection and damage propagation. Very complex, sometimes engine-stated issues to 'fix' or find a work-around for. Yes, a multi-faceted issue. Multiple solutions would have to be made in conjunction with each other to get such features in-game. Wound states as a whole is limited, I know this through a medical mod I help with called CMS. We rely on damage recognition over limits, and chances detected off of that to create a dynamic, ever-changing patient. What else could you do right now? I don't know any other solutions. It's very hard to get any medical potential from ArmA. Incapacitation needs a place if they want to push those medical boundaries.
360 degrees with freelook must hurt your... neck. :P
Shoulder checks, check! Voted.
I agree with your thoughts on a chance system as if you want to replicate reality there is no one hundred percent rule. For example some people who do get shot, especially in non-vital anatomical locations, can continue on, to the point of not realizing there was an impact. Therefore I would like some lee-way otherwise I would be seeing everyone 'fall' and drop at each shot, and that would annoy me. Because you cannot replicate psychological, physiological or wound ballistics factors completely within a game, there has to be a compromise. A chance system is a great compromise is both answers are valid. As combat ineffectiveness is very hard to replicate, both for A.I. and players, then we have to look at alternatives that are based on fact but applied to the game in my opinion, and my opinion only. Within this I would like to see an increased focus around complementary features. Limping, force of impact fall and other related animations would make combat variable, rather than static. I would indeed like to see such an implementation. That would require hit detection and damage propagation to be well re-designed and tweaked, giving variables as you mentioned before to hit location in more acceptable manner. As Coulumn mentioned, "the problems occur within each hitpoint - for example the helmet protects the whole of the head, not just the top". It seems like many latent errors adding up to a whole problem, an actual problem that needs broken down. If you survived would this mean reacquiring a new plate? If so, refer back to Chortles previous suggestion that plates are carriable items, accessible to use, in my opinion similar to optics on weapons as we have currently.
I don't know how the figures were made but am I the only one who thinks 100% death rate for being shot in an unarmored chest is not realistic?
Realistic Wounding System [RWS]
rye1 replied to NemesisoD's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
A "quick check" in my opinion is a check for all life-threats - bleeding, emergency fractures and other trauma that will or has 'more' of a potential to kill the patient. As opposed to a slower, full head-to-toe where you are feeling and taking your time around every nook and cranny looking for a range of potentials. I always thought it was more a primary survey application. On the other hand as Jeff says, visually looking at the patient and walking up to them can decipher and reduce the number of potentials. -
ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment
rye1 replied to wolffy.au's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
What change of behaviour do you note? -
What does A2 content library mean for ARMA3?
rye1 replied to fluffy_nosed_horse's topic in ARMA 3 - GENERAL
I thought it meant more headaches?! :D -
Realistic Wounding System [RWS]
rye1 replied to NemesisoD's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
They have been using Fentanyl lozenges (OTFC; ACTIQ) for a while. If you want it to be medically accurate you cannot just rename an autoinjector, duplicated so to speak with a new model, because you're talking about a completely different product. Different absorption rates. Different reasons for giving such a medication. Kazenokizu, more information can be found on the combat relations to this drug in the Ranger Medical Manual. As per that manual, "Action: Action similar to morphine with more rapid and less prolonged analgesia and sedation, but less emetic effect" and indicated in the "moderate" pain category only, I don't know how that equates to what it is like currently in-game or how to measure it. -
ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment
rye1 replied to wolffy.au's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Nope but feel free to test. :) Any bug reports with mods none the less may be compatibility only, so be warned. -
Realistic Wounding System [RWS]
rye1 replied to NemesisoD's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Exactly what I was thinking. :) Great work guys! -
I disagree with dispersion unless it is a mechanical description of some sort such as overheating. As mentioned before, we already have accuracy dispersion out to an effective distance and therefore effective ranges and shooter qualities are apparent. That's enough for me. Any kind of dispersion gimmick tends to dig away at the playability of a game. I remember Raven Shield you could be at the distance of two meters, facing the target, with your muzzle at his chest - instinctive shooting per say - and the dispersion values could place the round far outside the zone of accuracy you would of expected to see, within a few inches, to the point where engaging could have a round go over and past his SHOULDER and hit behind him. It was insanity. In an actual engagement.* This includes: suppressive fire, tactical maneuver, ad hoc shooting positions, taking fire, high duress. That has physiological, psychological, physical and mental properties. If that's what you're trying to fit into dispersion values then you would have to give details on how it would work.
I got your point(s) DarkWanderer and nodded away to them. :D
ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment
rye1 replied to wolffy.au's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
It ends in 2 years, after Iran give up. :D -
This is true. ACE does allow for better utility of grenades, where as America's Army would see you throwing grenades on a very strange angle to get the same results. Dyslexci has it right, that would be a great system. The problem with strength I find, from ArmA at least, is that strength changes your axis so much it's impossible to weigh up 1. How much to use, 2. Where to aim. You actually have to change your point of aim without a reference point.
No, you just get a first aid kit.