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Everything posted by rye1

  1. Please report with repro (or video if possible) on our tracker so we can get around to it: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/cse/activity.
  2. Thank you! Much appreciated.
  3. Yes, 20%. A lot better than real-life for game purposes. Make use of it!!! :D We plan for similar things mentioned. There will be more physical and measurable signs, eventually...
  4. No, you should be able to cancel it by reactivating the menu EDIT: Rebel, it's a known bug. Fix on its way! Thanks.
  5. Combat heart failure that's a new one.
  6. Have you got an idea of which installments will feature what content?
  7. Great! :) Would love to see more.
  8. Hi, allowDamage false should work - otherwise no idea. I think this is deserving of going on the tracker. :D
  9. Have never heard of this bug. Post it up on our dev-hev. https://dev-heaven.net/projects/cms/activity
  10. rye1

    Manual Bombing

    Very awesome sir!
  11. rye1

    indoor improvements

    LOL! Really? What buildings do you find this on?
  12. It's best making someone helocast at 300km/h. Splat! :D
  13. And with TPS you can do anything. So if you have a community scripter, they can make it to the way you play.
  14. rye1

    Soldier protection (dev branch)

    Basically you are saying that yes there should be focus on better damage capacities but ArmA should still retain the randomness of it all?
  15. Sounds like a reasonable filler until true fixes are put in place. In the hand and lower arm? Or even better... Three through and throughs, through your buttcheeks!
  16. So, what are you suggesting? Up the damage values so it only takes 1-3 shots?
  17. There is no 'realistic number'. There is no "Oh, humans? They require four!".
  18. I hope we get that cringe worthy Geordie voice.
  19. rye1

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    "Chortles failure drill"