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Everything posted by rye1

  1. rye1

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Coulum I thought it looked great! Really fast and responsive, the animations were to die for! The Figure-8 looked to be slower and more controlled towards the centre... :) I still think the grenade throw looked average, but I don't know what it was like in First Person so... improvement? The way he put his weight into it and threw it looked OK though.
  2. Firstly, great job on the animations, absolutely amazing! If you want it to go further in regards to a GL, here are some suggestions... GL Animation/Grip Request: For those interested, there are two types of griping techniques or holds you can use on an M203, M320 or any compatible GL. The conventional under the barrel hold and release, as pictured below, which is great when using the leaf sight for longer distance targets. http://usarmy.vo.llnwd.net/e2/-images/2007/05/14/4985/army.mil-2007-05-18-094619.jpg We've all seen it because we have it in Arma 2 currently... ...But there is one we lack, a Close Quarter Battle related griping technique, as per video below. Time Frame; 1:45 and onwards! "Rye: 'I saw a grip you used on the M203 on an episode of Tactical Arms/Impact a while back, you were talking about how accurately you could get it and how useful the range of 40mm's were... You turned it on it's side, still up by the shoulder and shot it through a small window. What is this grip/hold called?' Redback One [Jason Falla - ex-Australian Special Forces]: 'Rye, there really isn't a name to the technique. That's what we teach at RB1 for targets inside of 100 meters with little to no time to get onto the quadrant sights. Also by turning it 'palm-down' so the right side of the weapon is upper most (right handed shooter), you will mitigate the Barrel-Sight offset when firing internally during urban warfare. This will enhance security as soldiers will not have to overexpose themselves when firing through windows etc.'" Used by Greek/Hellenic Special Forces and Australian Special Forces for Close Quarter accuracy. GL Attachment Request: There are many actual combat-proven products out there many soldiers use for their M203 or GL system. I believe that currently there will be less situated for customisation around the Grenade Launchers. There are other products to go along with the new side-opening Grenade Launchers like the HK M320 too, so don't miss out on a customised M203. An example, as below, which decreases reload times... http://cdn5.thefirearmsblog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/rifle_hot_rails_1-tfb.jpg http://www.m203grip.com/M203grip-control.JPG For more information on the M203 Grip, please visit: http://www.m203grip.com/iraq-report.htm, thanks! For more references of good CQB gaming features, check out: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/670743543/ground-branch Good luck BIS! You could be way ahead of these guys if you worked on it.
  3. rye1

    Development Blog & Reveals

    For the amount of times you get into contact in Arma... every mission. It's better to have that cm. :D
  4. rye1

    Development Blog & Reveals

    A Godly liar! Can't wait...
  5. Yeah think you're right. Nice!
  6. Yeah that's true... I was thinking "animations", "seamingless", could they be workable? But probably not. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/536469_385670828146320_939930252_n.jpg Confirm bipod (?). http://gon.cdn.on.net/screenshots/a/0/8252/2012-06-01/Arma3_screenshot_1205_26.jpg LAR rebreathers (?). Animations look sweet, Close Quarter picture, whoop! The sun... ah, the sun!
  7. Donut man hahahahhahahahaha. That's freelook (ALT), try it with floating zone.
  8. rye1

    Squad war?

    Hey mate, There are and have been a few TVT events, such as... http://www.ausarma.org/topic/1118-arma-2-tvt-ladder/ This is still open if you want to sign up or discuss in that forum. Rostov HARD have also done it (Russian community). Ausarma also has a PVP GROUP where you can ask, here: http://www.ausarma.org/groups/5-ausarma-pvp-players/ Good luck!
  9. Retaining partials.. or just aesthetics. Interesting.
  10. To add on: Formations should adapt to whether in vehicle or not. Just a few ideas... One up formation Two up formation Box formation (Close defence, VIP Protection) All around defence (Coil) Herringbone References if you need: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/3-21-91/c03.htm
  11. @Batto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17XXUgoxQxU&feature=plcp 2:50. Take it from an ex-SEAL. Think about it like wearing a hat. Your head naturally moves with your eyes, its artificial NOT to though you can do it and probably do on a daily basis, walking down the street and watching people but that's not orientating to a threat. The muscles of our eyes and peripheral vision are great to allow this. But in a combat scenario or certain shooting types we observe as you say, THEN orientate (OODA loop) before engaging... We use both eyes to weigh up the distance, the lines and angles of shot. We close off one eye whilst lining it up. He's kind of right though, the picture shows a slight angle change but that's going to happen with certain shooting stances and positions, as with most things in life, any action can make this happen, i.e. off-hand shooting vs the AA3 picture I posted above. But what does it matter? For example, people mount their cameras in all kinds of places - weapons, helmets. Where are you going with it? To make deadzone less accurate due to this picture? The deadzone is basically an area your weapon can move freely before your body begins to adjust for it, give or take micro-adjustments, before the anatomy/physiology limit(s) pull your body towards that direction. Do you want BI to simulate eye movement? Are you asking that you adjust your head then body and not just the complete body straight away? I don't get it, sorry. I'm kind of slightly understanding some points. Deadzone is great for instinctive shooting, point shooting, etc. Sometimes I feel it limits my field of view because I have to push it over left or right to a certain point before my character begins to turn to expose the left or right-most field of view and new angles. That's why range of movement or motion is great, I'd love if you could adjust that (degrees to the amount your character can turn or will turn with certain movement in terms of upper body limit though not subjected to only this). For example, if I turn to X angle, my upper body or characters body will begin to orientate there. Don't think it has ever been done in a game before. I suppose adjusting the Y/X-axis for dead-zone boundaries is pretty much the same as antoine is talking about. As you can see for sharper turns he has a sharper range of movement anatomy and physiology-wise. It's like being offset from a wall to buttonhook around in CQB. By making the turn less sharp you can move around it faster. It's the same thing with motor racing, the sharper the turn the slower you have to go to get through it so you work on angles and range of movement, hence why some people use the door-jam take-off (DJT) technique ( ). You can see it sometimes on AA3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3Aq2x7ksfc) when they are orientating to their weak shooting side, they push the range of movement out there and the body turns inwards and towards that angle for a fair shot - most of the time it's very twitchy though and can only be seen from the 3rd person (and quite hard to see, quite rare, though if you play it with a few buddies you will get what I mean). I think it only happens while moving in AA3 too, not sure.
  12. I don't know anyone who would. It's going against common principles. I don't agree with it at all but everything is optionable or modable. Deadzone - Orientate with -> Head/Eyes OR Arms/Upperbody (drop-down box form(?)). Some simple patrolling principles are to keep your weapon pointing in the direction you are looking so you can bring it up and snap to target. That includes when you move your body to scan around, the weapon comes around low, ready to be brought up. Odd and rare occasions for example a baseline break contact may have a person scanning the area around him, looking for space to move as the pointman moving to the rear, while still putting rounds down range - this can kind of be done with ALT (freelook). Basic human anatomy and marksmanship principles tell you to face your body, whole body, towards the threat. There are different kinds of stances for this because front-on may over-expose. AA3 have these: http://www.americasarmy.com/images/forums/tt3_6.jpg, "[Different] Combat Stances allow you to move faster at the cost of accuracy". Basic human anatomy also tells us that when you move your arms, you use some chest muscles which pull your body towards that angle, it's just natural for your head and eyes to follow this path of movement to use the weapon appropriately, for better recoil management and prevent neck strain. That's what I was saying about AA3 as well - your character moves their upperbody to meet your accuracy and CQB-quickness with a very strong range of upperbody movement.
  13. 10mm, fuck yes. http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh35/GTS197_2008/10mm-1.jpg Funny arse picture.
  14. rye1

    Arma 2 pvp

    http://www.ausarma.org/groups/5-ausarma-pvp-players/ A mixture of clans based out of Aus and NZ, play PR quite a lot - including very early in the morning and night for time zone purposes.
  15. I am just looking forward to playing the damn thing.
  16. rye1

    Squad Structural Design (fanpage)

    Excellent read. I must admit you did something different here. That's another key point: Do something different!
  17. rye1

    Aiming Accuracy in Arma 3

    No he literally meant sight alignment: http://www.christiangunowner.com/handgun_sight_alignment.html. Good illustrations here. For example, raise the weapon, if the angle if off then your sight alignment is off. An extra second to align as you do this or even re-align if wrong. In-game he was suggesting it happen as you go into your sight mode, as to not instantly be on level. One second, on-line, shoot. Sights, shoot, miss, too high - sights wern't aligned when I took the shot.
  18. rye1

    AI Improvement

    Morale? I liked the "together" point - shooting as a group, looking out for each other. Those buddy and team drills would be really great to see.
  19. rye1

    Aiming Accuracy in Arma 3

    That's not a bad thought process.
  20. rye1

    AI Improvement

    Far out. Hit the point. What should they be like? I mean a completely different style? More aggressive in approach? More tactical options available? Hatchet throwing. ;)
  21. rye1

    Is Arma 3 authentic?

    A10 has charisma with that fart noise it makes out of its mouth. aesthetics!