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Everything posted by rye1

  1. We haven't approached anyone.
  2. rye1


    Get well soon Bink. <3
  3. rye1

    American Sniper and realism

    The CQB in this movie was actually semi-decent. There were a few elements that were bullsh---- but most it was pretty spot on. The first time I've ever seen a DJT (Doorjamb Takeoff) done properly in a movie.
  4. rye1

    France General

    Footage of the other raid for those who haven't seen it: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ei5o7_retour-sur-l-intervention-du-gign-a-dammartin-et-du-raid-a-paris_news?start=75
  5. rye1

    Exploding Cow or Rabbit

    I remember DMC_rulez made something similar including MGs on cows backs... Not sure exactly though.
  6. rye1

    France General

    I meant from the video of the raid that I saw. A "police officer in charge of the hostages", fine, they've got members of the entry team with specific roles. But I do not believe this was his goal being one of the lead members of an entry team, on the bunker. I find that hard to believe. Judging by his reaction, too. It's all subjective, I may be wrong there.
  7. rye1

    France General

    Essentially that is because traditional Close Quarter Battle will teach immediate entries. That is that you enter the building or room as soon as ready, for example as soon as the door opens. The entry point is available, you use it. This then leads on the many follow-on concepts such as the fatal funnel, running the walls (as you mention) and so forth. They are known in the industry against those who oppose them as 'blind entries' because they push entry team members into a potential muzzle, into danger, without consideration to what is inside the room. Yes Police have different tactics in many regards but essentially commit to the same (or very similar) entries taught in basic Close Quarter Battle courses around the world, in tactical training centers or in Military training centers. Difference here? Obviously the use of bunkers (shields), domestic setting against hostages and with what should have been a templated hostage rescue. Why not clear as soon as possible? One team member stated that shopping trolleys were blocking their entry. I find this to be a fallacy in such an entry. They were split stack with many team members which looked to be a flood. Objects/obstacles in a flood should simply be bypassed. A flood is designed on collateral. Why pause before entry? Flashbang placement is an important deal in this event, they may have wanted good placement - a deep crash, before entry. That said, MistyRonin, has a point too. You don't want to negate the flashzone and effect by placing it too "shallow" in the room. An SF unit may have better resources, training - but that doesn't mean they would have done it better. Immediate entries against immediate threats leads to BAD scenarios no matter which way you look at it. It's dangerous. More time in a killhouse does not equate to better outcomes when you're conducting bad entries against prepared immediate threat or against barricaded hostage rescue scenarios. It was all ad-hoc it seems, not a 'templated' hostage rescue (which means you know the layout, the plan, the contingencies to a T, i.e. the use of shopping trolleys to get in the way). They were demonstrating the lead up to an immediate entry, not a limited entry which is what ended up occurring. You can tell because of the use of the bunkers so persistently and the first member to conduct an immediate entry and cross the threshold, shuffle-stepping off to the side across his buddies line of fire. Here's what I wrote on another forums: "It was a clusterfuck of an entry. Multiple bunkers with what looks to be minimal experience fighting from the door. Of course an S-vest, grenade, etc, could of killed or injured many of the entry team but those entries are made for collateral. It was basically a flood. Because they were split stack it looks to be a Power Shift Flood. As you say the first man immediately enters only to realize "Whoops, bad move!" and make even more bad moves strafing into the line of fire of others. The rest of the entry team pause at the door, it's a NORMAL response in these situations. "Attacking from the edges" with a bunker none the less isn't. The Sydney Hostage Rescue had the same thing happen. It's "sniffing the cave" - the freeze-start up effect of environmental and dangerous exposure. The crossfire as the terrorist ran out also was a bit iffy. Behaviour trumps tactics. I can only imagine if the terrorist held-off for the entry to occur we might have more dead and wounded, including members of the entry team. These men are no doubt courage, none the less. It's a shame to see as well, these past few months have had all access to CT/AT teams in action with similar tactical errors." My opinions only guys. Sorry for the big post.
  8. https://dev.withsix.com/projects/cse/issues :D
  9. Hey guys. Promoting some videos and wiki updates we have made to help you along. :) Wiki updates: 1. http://wiki.csemod.com/index.php/Basic_Revive 2. http://wiki.csemod.com/index.php/Treatment_%28CMS%29 3. http://wiki.csemod.com/index.php/Example_Missions Enjoy!
  10. rye1

    Snakes still open doors?

    Snakes should be the final boss of ARMA III.
  11. Do they still have adequate volume? For example they do not need emergency resuscitation (CPR)? It could be bugged, we have had similar comments on our CSE forums. Please post it to the tracker with a repro (mission and video too if possible).
  12. Thanks for this. It really helps with ironing out this mod. :)
  13. Yes there will. It is not a where a manual can tell you what to do in every situation, but it can give you areas to work at.
  14. rye1

    A hole new Line of Crazy silly antics

    I've done that twice.
  15. It's already on the tracker mate. All good.
  16. Cage will have more of an idea than me but we used to have suturing to work around this problem.
  17. This category confuses me. :D
  18. CSE has worked directly with the ALiVE dev team. :) Hopefully no conflicts. If so feel free to post on our tracker: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/cse/issues. And discuss in our forums: http://forums.csemod.com/.
  19. rye1

    Weapon sway

    ^ This is a good post.
  20. rye1

    Combat air controllers

    They're awesome!
  21. Looking for tactical or realism group (however casual or strict). Long-time ArmA player transferring to ArmA III. Contact by PM.
  22. Great job Eyeball, Rabbit and the rest of the dev-team. Very much enjoy this mod!