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Everything posted by rye1
So put God-mode on and run into a hail of RPG!
That's a point, wonder how the char reacts to landing, reacts to certain fall distances and types. Static landing, bend the knees? Mobile landing, fall to the floor or break roll? Does your character do an animation whilst falling as seen in GTA IV? EDIT: Ninja'd by DMarkwick.
Sorry didn't see this post. Yes I know it can happen in reality but in game I was asking specifically, is it actually engine-gameplay wise possible for A3 engine? Related video, some good practices.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xA_3pY0ulX4 I wanted to share this. Mad respect for the Haka. Ringa pakia Uma tiraha! Turi whatia! Hope whai ake! Waewae takahia kia kino! Ka Mate! Ka Mate! Ka Ora! Ka Ora! Tenei te ta ngata puhuru huru! Nana nei i tiki mai! Whakawhiti te ra! A upane ka upane! A upane kaupane whiti te ra! Hi! Slap the hands against the thighs! Puff out the chest. Bend the knees! Let the hip follow! Stomp the feet as hard as you can! 'I die, I die, [Am I going to die?] 'I live, 'I live, [Or will I live?] This is the fierce, powerful hairy man [This person standing above me] Who caused the sun to shine again for me [Will they help me see the light of day once more] Up the ladder, Up the ladder [One step out of the hole] Up to the top [The second step, the third, the fourth] The sun shines! [i have seen the sunshine again] Rise!
I agree with a lot of the ideas in this thread. There are many solutions to the same problem, and it's such a general thing that everyone will use that makes it a hard choice. It's just one of those things that needs in-game testing more than discussion, unless discussion isolates the cons and pros of each.
Easy implementation, fixes some problems. I'd say this at very minimum. I don't care for shait about what keys do what, I'll customize it or get used to it. For instance I always have ` as my transition key for pure ease and speed in a fight. As long as it's more useable in game than the scrolling and clicking, the misclicks causing misfires, the small annoyances that makes it a poor system in general. The VBS2 system is nothing to boast about either, it's awful for getting into vehicles, you can spend a good 5 seconds just to get into the door you're right next to. I'd definitely prefer a pointer (as mentioned here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?138854-Arma-3-Action-Menu&p=2209398&viewfull=1#post2209398) so you can point and click what you want to do, i.e. vault a small fence, climb a ladder, get in the drivers seat. That could then make it so you had to go around to the drivers seat to get in, right? That would be interesting. The annoyances of clicking 1, 2, 3 and the menu pops up for controlling AI... I wish that would disappear and go to one command button or try to use less numerical keys. When you click on it you're locked on it until you get out of it, to which you can then begin to engage say if in contact. It's annoying. Anyways, there is a lot of productive discussion here in terms of non-subjective talk (Thanks for that bullshit 4 in 1) so keep it going. I believe the more solutions, the more ideas for future mod developments, wouldn't mind if you gave one a go Iroquois!
I'd like to see some of these suggestions in Arma 2 to test them... Hmm...
Getting in vehicles is awks... especially when someone else gets in then the "get in rear seat" disappears for a second. Then you click... then bang! :D Stupid system, so unsafe I have to safety my weapon! If we didn't have to scroll, it would be cool to use scroll to change weapon fire mode. :D
How would people want flashlight, laser and other non-combat attachments to be operated? The same button: L.
I didn't say all the time, I said sometimes and mainly when they are crouched or static. Don't stir words. When you are PVP fighting you may come across the same event but mainly you get hit and shot again, you get more than just one round as they want to confirm a kill. If they are close in PVP then you have more than one round fired and that's what makes it feel like a true fight, do you want a true fight? One that gets your heart pumping instead of one-shot-kill, OK let's search out the shooter. Instead of one burst from an MG then he changes position randomly. The sufficient evidence is that does happen and others have stated before on these forums. And if ARMA's AI want improving it's in the way they engage us and create that immersion of a firefight, through said possibilities stated by users here; that is productive, as opposite to this conversation of which is subjective.
Nah I didn't mean it like that Coulum, I just meant use more rounds. In a PVP you don't fire once when you are close, you fire multiple times and sometimes even confirm the dead is DEAD by shooting the body. Sometimes you miss quite a bit, recoil springs in and rounds hit above or around. To the AI this only happens when you're moving and they can't calculate the lead. I'd just prefer a more random encounter than same old. I'd like the AI to actually go for glory and fire off a magazine. :D Metal craze, play something other than Recruit difficulty. Play more than just in editor and you will see that the AI one shot is infact quite the opposite to a myth. It happens, so shut up talking crap. And then you go on to state something is my fault, as in the way I play is the problem to this AI issue. Absolute stupidity, you either don't understand English or chose to ignore what you read. Proof by the obvious: "Why are you letting the AI aim at you and shoot you sitting in one place?" in which was referenced from... Metal craze's own head and thoughts, nothing to do with what I stated, I did not state me being in one place, I stated what the AI do when reacting upon you; especially if they are crouched or static. They do the slow turn, slowly pulling their weapon around. Yes it does happen and I see it often especially when they apparently lose track of you or are fixated with another target. From 100 meters out I'm fine with them taking their time to line up shots, if they are in fireteam I expect them to fire as one and more rounds to come my way; just like a PVP. In some situations also the AI shoot better than humans, for example when they see you through the tiniest piece of bush and can engage but you can't see them for jack without thermals: That is terminator AI vision right there. You obviously think in black or white Metal craze, you know nothing of grey, you just want to argue the way you see it and not anyone else, you can't even reason. That said I'll ignore your reply and further replies for as long as I can.
That might not be a bad idea. SWAT 4 implemented the same feature with collisions. It would have to work with body alignment, i.e. if I stepped out and leaned just off the wall it should bring up the weapon so I can engage. But at the same time that would allow you to use it whilst moving which would be great, one of the things that is needed. This is what I mean below. I haven't noticed any rotation of the weapon? Pictures or video appreciated. I think I get what you mean but can't remember it. It may change with sensitivity adjustments or so on.
I asked myself when I have been suppressed in ARMA and what stopped it from working. Sometimes it was the fact the AI stayed prone and camped allowing me to simply move, other times it was because the AI got up to move I could come out my shell and engage. Now those scenarios are where a human brain would come into play, I believe the AI will still lack good movement plans and suppression capabilities in ARMA 3 if these changes weren't adopted to. The only ever situation I have been in, within ARMA, where I was truly suppressed was a VTS mission made by a human player: We we came up against an IED, did a peripheral search then sent out the C-IED Engineer to which a hail of fire from two different PKM's came down on us in a tight and narrow lock of fire, add to this a volley of RPG and the odd rifle shot. We burst behind the Humvee(s), their .50's going down range. The only time I truly felt that if I came out from behind the Humvee I'd be dead; tracers whipped past it. The only thing that stopped it from working was the fact that the .50's picked off the MG's which freed up our space to move. The Engineer by this stage was down and injured to which we went out and retrieved him; painstakingly slow with ARMA's animations to drag the wounded feels like to play an animation just to get shot sometimes, but we made it to cover. I wish I recorded it, nothing like that has ever happened since.
Yes. Hope this includes M203. Fire selector about your fire rates on your personal weapon. Other weaponry or attachments elsewhere.
There has even been cases of hysterical blindness so... scary world. But that's a point too... visually if we saw the destruction of something infront of us it would make us get down. Not going to happen but the visuals is a big part of it. Tracers made us get down a whole lot more often than if you can imagine without using any tracers. P.S. Playing around today, the civilians seem to be more suppressed than anyone else! They go instant-prone, which is quite annoying at times or randomly run. Quite cool.
As in combat tinnitus. Ringing of the ears. You can't hear and therefore can't defend yourself as well. The topic has already stated that suppression disrupts communication, which is also a disadvantage. I'm sure it disrupts a whole lot more, more for some than others. But not for the AI.
From the video they could, and it would be a soft break contact because you couldn't put down rounds. A linear danger area like that is controlled ground, nothing you should step your toes onto. Let's face it. No one reacts normally, what is normal in that situation? They react based on subconscious, based on experience, based on composure and exposure. Based on the way they react as an individual; some have better attributes, knowledge and posture than others. Some can cope better than others, when you talk about stress. Could you be a CEO of a company? Could you be a Trauma Paramedic? Could you be a desk clerk? I think they'd react at the last level of training and preparation they mastered. If they were shook up (surprised) then I think they'd react less so. I believe an explosive or rocket used to suppress is greater than an MG or rifle in some cases. They have combat tinnitus, their senses are disrupted, they are up against a bigger threat in a pinned down area, they want to get out of there to the safety of the crowd in which they can retreat. Guerrilla warfare + fear. In ACE we have the ringing in our ears, big huge explosive effects, most still break contact because it's the sane thing for the experienced and none experienced.
I didn't state fear death, I stated fear [of death, of war] is a fuel to being able to operate effectively and use your skills. Do you concentrate on any statement or just take in what you think you saw? I would break contact, that's a cluster to walk into and not to any tactical or strategic significance, to lose men over such stupidity to walk at something that just fired a rocket at you is obviously against common sense. I don't get how that had anything to do with... anything.
For instance when they are crouched. Doing their slow pull around to aim at you then just shoot once. And la-di-da. Why not pull the weapon towards you can spray? Would be better than the firefights where you hear "bang" see "blah was killed" and think, righteo.
I believe the AI one shot kills diminishes realism and the good chance of a firefight rather than a SHOT -> REVIVE -> FIRE scenario. It's just boring. I'd like the AI to actually engage you and get their hits, with a magazine or less, not one round. Then again this could be dependent on suppression or position so.
How would you end up on your back? Ragdoll? :p
Work on the AI? Or they superhuman? Wait... they're not human. I want to fight terminators in Arma 3. Anyways, a lot has been said in his thread. In my opinion suppression depends on situation; for instance you can 'suppress' with a pistol, but for a limited time due to reload status and the enemies mental fortitude, people adapt to being or even living under fire, people adapt to constant fire where they learn to live with it. Ranger's in Somalia stood in shorts and T-shirts while mortars hit their FOB, yelling even when one hit 50 yards away and shrapnel hit above them. Lads under fire in Afghanistan, "Yeah another day on the job", stood in cover, calm and composed, waiting for it to end whilst the new-takes were shitting themselves. It's exposure, and whoever gets the most exposure can handle it better OR do they crack? Well the trend offers means for a good time they handle it better. A pistol can do the job. If I was 10 meters away, we both were hugging a corner, I engaged you, you'd most likely pull into cover in reality, leaving me space to move. Suppression. It's about concentrated fire, target fixation and sensory overload for that shock and awe effect. Now think of a sniper too, bolt-action and can pin down enemies for limited time. And to a point one of you made, the pistol facing someone and they are suppressed, in fear, well yes! Some people will be and some will give up. It would be nice to have a good prisoner script. :) Lloyd Irvin came against the 'freeze'. It's a common training occurrence in warfare and especially CQB. Guys that freeze up pre-entry and are either pushed in or to the back of the stack. But please try not to relate this to civilian home-invasions because you are unprepared, of mind, of soul, of readiness to react. In a warzone it's not the same, is it? Thanks. BUT on saying that one thing you got right: SURPRISE. SOUND can have a lot to do with suppression. BIS regular sounds I can move freely under fire. JSRS, very loud, I cannot -- I can to find feet, try to figure out and triangulate this thread before I feel comfortable moving. And the SNAP of rounds, the WHIZZ of fucking close ones makes me get the fuck down! SIGHT can have an impact. If you see rounds cutting holes through tin fences, leaving light shining through you'd think "OH SHIT!". If .50 HE rounds blasted walls and actually exploded it would keep your head down. What you're looking at creating is sensory overload. Seeing 5 enemies against your M4: SHIT YOURSELF. To look at your team-mates rabbit in the headlight eyes and think "Fuck I bet I look exactly like him, what a nonce". MISSIONS are what makes us fear. If you come across a fucking hard mission even with your whole team, you will fear it. If you come across a non-respawn mission then you will act differently. The same goes with CO-OP vs PVP. TIME counts. It depends how long you have been engaging for, people aren't worn down to a crying scrap most of the time, infact they adopt a teamwork approach to stick together and overcome, getting "used" to rounds fired at them; as in acting more appropriately. SPACE counts. I can't get suppressed in a 100m area without the use of heavy weaponry, I can in a 10-20m area tops! Therefore instant suppression; achieved through making the screen a little blurry, no? BF3 people fight through it. Half the time you wouldn't be able to know you were suppressed without the whizz, rounds hitting near you. Fear is the fuel, not the detractor to Military prowess. tl;dr: a mixture of effects make suppression and not necessarily just visual. The whole feel, setting and sound. True suppression is within the psychological form.
That's why it's good to stick to facts or some kind of research. I really do recommend some killology documentaries; it goes into the psychological elements mentioned here, not only KILLING or DEATH. For example they talk of confusion in battle, how death can affect soldiers (vomiting, feeling nauseous, unwilling to fight, fleeing) and so on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9Ozno7HMGE Enjoy.
Hear, hear! I hope it's a strong one after this conversation. I clearly stated I don't like the term suppressive fire because of what it is associated with to those who don't research or truly understand it. They may associate it with putting 10,000 rounds over one guys head without anything advantageous really happening. I also hate people who state CQB when they think you run in like a headless chicken, as I've seen in a few "tactical clan" videos. So you're clearly misunderstanding. I'm not even going to bother to reply what you put in this thread. You get sharper central vision as far as I know. I would find references but I cannot be fooked good sir.