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Everything posted by rye1

  1. There's very limited games out there with the approach to modern warfare which includes melee. You already can tell the reasons why - it would be a hassle and a half to produce and get right for little to no benefit unless your game is orientated around melee itself (or can use the features it enhances such as animations). But in modern warfare there is a very limited realistic use of melee and therefore it is considered less authentic and more problematic for the developer. I couldn't see it working for BIS but more against.
  2. Daisy chain a few shells or EFP their asses. Cheaper!
  3. If it's PVP focused will it improve CO-OP?
  4. Solely is a bit of an awkward way of wording it, isn't it? I don't think anyone plays ARMA solely because of anything. It's a variety of factors.
  5. To quote: This was posted in NON-DISCUSSION. Bullets don't "knock people over". And also caliber does not just determine damage ratio. If I was using a .50 cal HEAPI and you were using a standard 14.5mm ball or whatever they use, then there is a difference in those sub-ammunition types.
  6. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    Like I said, to a degree. Of course hit detections doesn't work efficiently as any developer would like. There are other engine issues too, you have to work with it.
  7. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    Look most of us here are ACE players so we're not trying to diss anyone. ACE_wounds is complex and I couldn't imagine this mod working with that mod unless you disable ACE_wounds as GBL says. I wouldn't promote our mod over someone elses because ours "is better". They are running a general mod, they're looking into all kinds of stuff we're not due to the fact we're a specific mod. We don't have to worry about backblast, windage, artillery plus trying to put together a wounding system. There's no comparison. In terms of medical mods, there's competition elsewhere too, no fuss! ---------- Post added at 12:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 AM ---------- To a degree.
  8. rye1

    Do ArmA Firefights Exsist?

    Well, some possible solutions listed too. If the AI isn't good at finding cover, give them it. Micro-terrain. That was a great suggestion imo.
  9. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    Epic epicness. Didn't I say f'ing awesome? :p
  10. The scavenger hunt is trying to find all the buttons to fit a controller while playing ARMA! I customize it. I have good presets. ~ and I instantly transition to pistol so if I ever jam, I'm set. My movement keys all work fine along with my communication keys (as I use ACRE). I don't see the problem, maybe I see the problem in the amount of keys and how that could expand with mods but there will be solutions to that.
  11. rye1

    Conventional Combat Emphasis

    Two armies bashing heads would be an enormous undertaking. You'd die a lot.
  12. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    Haha. After months of brainstorming now we've pretty much ticked off every idea in the book. Everything would be cool but we have to work out how it fits not only in ARMA but the modification.
  13. rye1

    Infantry Combat-Boring and Unrealistic?

    OP you have got some misconceptions on realistic. Depends on the force at hand and some typical combat drills, how can you teach that to AI? Even players can't do them that well half the time! Plus some standard "reaction to contact" and "basic survivability drills" contemplate the way the AI handles initial contact.
  14. rye1

    Do ArmA Firefights Exsist?

    Typical TVTs can go on for HOURS. For the same amount of space it would take 10 minutes to take from the AI. They have no brain, you can't expect true competition.
  15. But from the same article quote on nothingness. That's artificial, superficial blurg. Media. All queries, no resolve.
  16. The small "CQB map" is a great idea and has been requested before. Small maps that come with DLCs tend to have filled those roles in ARMA 2. The Takistan cut-out is a good example of that.
  17. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    Could you explain the question?
  18. The ST littlebird enhancement mod had it right for that - choosing your seating position. You know small stuff like that you don't even think of normally but when it pops up, I agree, it would be nice to see something like that in A3.
  19. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    Yes, I'm working on a whole Medical Guide just for this modification. So a tutorial may be in written form. Not sure about visual, maybe someone will make a video series. I liked the way Project Reality did so to speak of which.
  20. I'd agree it's less tiring, yes.
  21. Mmm... again I have to disagree. Mouse movement (with the right deadzone for you or even no deadzone at all) allows you to get through doorways easier and negotiate angles. You can be far more accurate with your path of movement, the only inhibitors for me tend to be from the non-controls side like getting stuck because of clipping or getting literally "bumped" (like when you're hit by a car in ARMA at very slow speed) to the point where you aim and therefore path of movement is knocked off axis. Now, I agree that the axis to get on target can be slow. It's not perfect and you tend to over or under-aim; quite like over or under steering in driving games except the end result is you dead. Discussions have been on this subject matter and all relate to the engine inhibitors to virtually stop you doing 360 no scopes like a pr0 c0d pl4y3rr. I'm sure Coulumn found this and I'm pretty sure Chortles has mentioned it too. With the mouse you can feel that movement, it's at the tip of your fingers and you process it with windage, breathing and whatever else is going on in-game so there is normally going to be a slow rate of movement when you get to your final shot angle. Maybe it's just because right mouse button also holds your breath? Who knows. Probably also because you're using a mouse and mouse-pad, the pad is limited in size and an analog has infinite amount to move and navigate. You do not worry about space and you can quickly adjust for a miss or over-aim.
  22. Ages ago me and Rommel were messing around with his script where you could virtually clip yourself inside the chopper, even fire out of it by doing so and it worked pretty well. Now with big choppers like Chinooks, no problem - but small ones, yeah, I'd be skeptical.
  23. Nah it is a myth that controller is superior to mouse and keyboard for the likes of FPS. You can be very precise with a mouse and it is reactive to what you do in that way - adjust your mouse sensitivity and related options until they are right for you. That for me meant adjusting my external settings as well as internal including deadzone. For driving on the other hand of course, maybe so - at least you can drift properly with an analog controller; but that is then one-upped by a sequential shift and wheel so there you go. I use my Xbox controller for nearly all of my driving games, none of my shooting games.
  24. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    That was a more controlled reply compared to FUCKING AWESOME!!! :D