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Everything posted by rye1

  1. rye1

    AI Improvement

    How would you make AI use it? ARMA is a big environment, it's not a few rooms and a door. To be honest SWAT 4 is horrid for AI and horrid for immersion. Only someone with a vague idea of CQB says that it's good. :o It's nearly as worse as RVS.
  2. rye1

    ARMA 3 OPFOR Discussion Thread

    You seen the latest Spetsnaz gear - they look like tacticoooool Amurrrican gear. And that's why you grunt it! I preferred being an insurgent. :D
  3. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    Run while you can!!!
  4. rye1

    AI Improvement

    I think you mean airsofters. I agree, "entry techniques" aren't a way to go either. You can only "teach" a few basic entries to AI of which they could productively use. Some seriously good ideas in this thread, but what could and will be transferred - no idea and unlikely to say the least. Aslong as they don't try take cover when I'm their immediate threat, at about the distance where I could lick their nose. :o
  5. rye1

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    I don't think it is, I've had two computers - same steam account. Didn't have to changed anything, only redownload my games.
  6. rye1

    ARMA 3 OPFOR Discussion Thread

    Who knows. He has a suppressor. He could easily be an SF unit.
  7. rye1

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    Does that mean someone could download your work and modify it themselves like re-texture it?
  8. rye1

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Viva la revolution.
  9. rye1

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    We were in the dark ages man. God damn you imageshack.
  10. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    No I haven't noticed anything... even with mass casualties. But I'm sure server and clientside FPS would cause issues if they were too low, they do with all mods.
  11. rye1

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    But I like discs.
  12. rye1

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    round two. Fight.
  13. Iran because NODs in daytime. Mmm... that should be a meme.
  14. rye1

    Things you wish NOT to have in the game!

    If it's a base platform, at least they'll be less moaning about mods failing through steam and annoying updates... because we'll all be in the same bucket!
  15. rye1

    Programmable Fuse Ammo

    I really hope so.
  16. rye1

    Arma3 gameservers spotted

    Yes that really is a shame but oh well. Makes it easier for friend networks, so on. Guess you'll adapt.
  17. rye1

    AI Improvement

    That is a natural concern but currently how do they handle doors? They don't. They just walk through them, I've seen AI walk through walls. Breaching methods on the other hand is a different issue, opening a door shouldn't be hard for the AI. I don't think we'll see any need for actual breaching - the use of any kind of explosive ordnance, breaching equipment or anything. At best I think we'd just see the door open randomly!
  18. rye1

    AI Improvement

    I kind of talked about this in PM with someone earlier. I would like them to be able to follow my movement, or me take control of the AI and make them do something. It would be great if you could then link that in with a timer, a specific point or object like a doorway for example in CQB. Unfortunately it can't be done currently, and changing aspects about them doesn't seem to work because the AI just 'ignore it'. I get what you mean though, forgetting formations and going for entry techniques in CQB. They are kind of like 'formations' but also not!
  19. Vehicles need to have more weight to them. No more bouncing vehicles. Example: Put them on a platform, move the platform, bouncy! They also need to stop being destroyed from a bump. The wheels get damaged so easily, even when nothing touches the wheels.
  20. rye1

    I'm not a pilot

    It's not supercool enough. It has to be like MOH, COD, BF3 with some super cool Chinook pinnacle on the side of a mountain. You know. TACTICOOL. (Sarcasm)
  21. rye1

    BI games for PS4?

    The good thing about consoles is the shit load of money you can make off 14 year olds.
  22. rye1

    BI games for PS4?

    Metalcraze, the crazed one. Seriously, promoting to console loonies, oh noes.
  23. rye1

    Development Blog & Reveals

    That's interesting.