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Everything posted by rye1

  1. rye1

    What is the disadvantage to suppressors?

    What you asking - how subsonics go in terms of wound ballistics or accuracy of supersonics through a suppressor?
  2. rye1

    Blackop/Swat Units

    Me too, I was really hoping someone would do some SWAT or CT units. Great work!
  3. rye1

    JUMP please!!

    Well it depends. If the OP is stating "make this" - a very specific thing then straight away you oppose it. If you were to read the next comments that agree with it, then you oppose them. If you went on like that for 18 pages you might as well sell a book.
  4. rye1

    How Strong Will The PVP Scene Be?

    AUSARMA has a constant PVP server. Easily hitting 30 people at all times, I've seen 60 on. It's very fun to play PVP on A3.
  5. rye1

    Change medic system

    Oh, you! :o
  6. rye1

    AI Improvement

    Can you make a template next time before the wall of text Benson? Simply put: What difficult? What mods? Name the variables, name the test conducted and then give a description and conclusion. You got parts of it right but damn that hurts my eyes.
  7. You can still hear the sound of your action (cycling), the muzzle blast (escaping air) and noise of the projectile impacting in reality - haven't tried ARMA, I used a suppressor on a pistol just for James Bond looks in PVP, that's about it.
  8. rye1

    JUMP please!!

    That's the problem with initial posts which do not come out with a good argument but more one that is superficial and has leaks. Make it leak-proof, limit the argument to specific structure and maybe people would actually agree with it and support it instead of having a group of people trying to extract the information and credible aspects out of it that may work in ARMA.
  9. It is true they have in the ARMA series found it difficult to progressively lead a target.
  10. rye1

    Change medic system

    It's not exactly the same with the First Aid Kit though is it - you don't have unlimited heals, do you? The First Aid Kit is a better implementation from that POV.
  11. rye1

    Soldier's Height?

    Pretty sure it was 1.6m. Not sure about ARMA 3.
  12. Is there information on vehicle gear yet saying when it's full, etc?
  13. rye1

    3rd person view and difficulty levels

    I hate 3rd person, especially on PVPs.
  14. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    Interaction while in transport is there with the vehicle interaction menu. I'll let Cage answer the others. :)
  15. rye1

    Two Stage Reload

    Multi-stage, maybe, but not only that imo. Like the simple difference between bullpup and standard, do they have that? Freefall mag vs not.
  16. rye1

    Soldiers appearance. Important!

    I want fat soldiers.
  17. Thinking in Raven Shield ain't good for ya mind!
  18. Details like that I would like to see also, I haven't seen any suppressor socks since I started playing. :'(
  19. rye1

    Australian Army DPCU Faction

    The guy from AUSARMA - nice job!
  20. I agree it's pretty slow, but it's not like you're applying force. If they were say linked with PhysX to some degree so when you bumped into them they opened based on the force applied then that would be cool, don't know if possible or fits but there you go. P.S. You cannot rifle-butt a door and expect it to open. ;) That is funny.
  21. rye1

    JUMP please!!

    Hello Sir, Psychomorph - one of the people I can agree with on the BISF. Why? He actually looks into the realm of possibility. JdB if we're talking the reality of the fact, then I'd agree that it is a rare event. I'd agree that it's therefore limited to application and in return implementation. But, don't be dogmatic - it has happened and will continue, in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Do not be conceptually challenged. I'd also agree with you that for "ARMA implementation" it would have to be limited, player centric if you will and with many barriers to prevent abuse. You cannot back-up your claim with videos my man. I could tell you to look up things you will not see either, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I think the jumping discussion was instantly flawed without proof of concept or clear arguments, leaving many avenues of approach to the said discussion. :) I think looking more deeply into vaulting would be the focus right now. Back to Psychomorph. This is such a good point. Obstacle negotiation in ARMA is fairly limited, do you agree? Let me discuss: You come across a mixture of obstacle shapes and sizes. For purpose of demonstration and ease, we'll base them off size. Small. What's that? A under knee-height rock, a gap of about 5 inches, you get what I mean. Can we negotiate that? Yeah. We can step over the rock, most of them you can simply walk over so what's the problem? Well. Vertical gaps cannot be negotiated, clipping tends to occur and then you need to VAULT. An example is seen with the "full-frontal glass" building in ARMA 3. In certain locations you can shoot out the left pane of glass and try walk through only to get stuck on a 3 inch vertical lip. If we naturally stepped over that would be great, unfortunately the engine won't allow this to my knowledge and context sensitive approaches would just be like a "vault" animation made quicker needing player input - useless for some situations, good for some. If we look at medium sized objects, in reality you can jump on and off, step over, move around, you have optionality available but again in ARMA you have one option: Move around it. As seen with their static doors, this causes many problems. You cannot run the door to the wall for example and therefore have to step around, causing clipping issues and issues with players trying to get through around the same time. If we look at high obstacles, we don't need to naturally duck them because we have crouch. That's a player option right there in front of them for them to make their own decisions and be responsible. If we look at this in the vault capacity there's room for improvement. It's a large object it's designed deal with, it's slow. Maybe they should make gradients of a vault, one for certain object heights? I don't know, just throwing out ideas.
  22. What I'd like to see on doors is them open up ALL the way instead of getting stuck at an angle meaning you have to step around them. If you can run the door to the wall, it's a tonne better.
  23. rye1

    Friendly Fire And You: Learn The Uniforms

    I got TK'ed 5 times in a one hour PVP, not including the FF injuries sustained.
  24. rye1

    FPS Problems

    It may be the server FPS.
  25. AUSARMA runs PVP constantly... I've seen more than just wasteland too, for instance MSO CQB.