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Everything posted by rye1

  1. It's called freebore boost. People have discussed this numerous times. If you relate velocity to wounding then you have to resource where that thought pattern affects the game. Higher velocity means worse wounds? How? As the above poster says, there's many variables around damage values. Shot placement, distance, armour values, so forth.
  2. rye1

    Pistol animation is bad

    On a PVP it can take an irregular amount of rounds to put someone down, he is quite factual in stating that it can take up to around 15.
  3. Well, that's a superficial statement. Two hours is a fallacy, the maximum it should take should be no longer than a quarter of that at very maximum. You need to do what I said, make sure your vehicle interaction works and then get back to me. There has been no cases of what you have stated, and it's not on dev-hev with a repro. You can take people back to base, you can treat people, so the statements you're making are very much falsified. It's already there, we don't have to 'add' it. If someone takes a few rounds and dies then they're dead. If you're saying something about the damage values then you have to go into detail because I'm not understanding what you're saying.
  4. Driving in London, huh? Worst experience! Good thing the silly twits waited for them to turn up and shoot.
  5. rye1

    Pistol animation is bad

    Sorry but that's because you haven't looked into it. There are many methods don't get me wrong but the game cannot implement the dynamic nature of the way you run and shoot, it has to have a set animation. The set animation SHOULD NOT be arms by your side, should not be like the running with pistol animation seen in ARMA 2 because of the reasons stated above your post. To me the current animation helps with instinctive shooting and just engaging. Combat pace is not 'sprinting' it's basically a jog with weapon up and ready to be fired. For example, if you see the way the Israeli's do it, they have the arm conventionally upright and in a fixed state then snap it in front of them. They have a unique way of unholstering the sidearm too. So, you can't say one thing is wrong or right without any reasoning. The "principles of natural running" have nothing to do with shooting on the move, that is not reasoning in a tactical environment.
  6. Assess why he's blacked out. Blood loss, pain, what? Blacking out isn't as often in CMS as ACE. This is because in reality you don't black out constantly or are more prone to blacking out with a bit of pain. There's guys out there, legs blown off who don't black out so we've formed it around major blood loss leading to loss of consciousness and prolonged high amounts of pain. You may have to use the vehicle interaction menu and what not. Give us an update on this, and post it on our dev-hev if it continues to play up.
  7. rye1

    Pistol animation is bad

    This. ARMA 2 had it down by your sides while running, like an over-exaggerated jog. This isn't realistic or even pretty. Currently with tactical pace the pistol is perfect, I actually really enjoy using it. From the holster is a different matter.
  8. rye1

    Combat Medical System

    Airway wasn't finished, remember this is an alpha. Triage status has currently been re-written and should work in the next version. We've made the init line so you can differentiate medics from non-medics. Replied to the person below me through PM. I'm not going to fully reply because he has one posts, like an unusual number of posters (troll-alert) here so I'm not going to bump this thread just to say one word. Yes, yes it is.
  9. I believe you can push blood in a vehicle or field hospital/medical tent only. No, splints aren't working in your version. We'll have them fixed soon. Currently medikit is a cheat system I believe where you can skip getting them stabilized, that'll be worked on sometime in the future.
  10. Pretty sure it's a bit of a bug. Happens in ARMA 2 at least.... you're fine, but makes grunting noises. Gets annoying when you're trying to be quiet.
  11. Some groups put you through training. 99.9% of groups out there, you don't need Military training. As long as you're not a douche, you fit in anywhere. :D
  12. Jeff was making the LifePak. As far as I know, he got a few more rhythms out, but being focused on mainly the combat role it was delayed being introduced. Defibs on CMT's for example are no where near like the LifePak, very small and less features.
  13. Personality and attitude incompatibilities are a no-no. Let's Cya!
  14. rye1


    The bipod up is a good position on some types of horizontal cover, at least better than down in some regards. Weapon resting and bipods working would be great to see. Cue and C-Clamp positions also not a bad way of looking at it for vertical.
  15. rye1

    Houses and Interiors

    Yeah, "bumpable" - they'll end up killing you! :D
  16. rye1

    Soldiers appearance. Important!

    http://www.gizmocrazed.com/2011/12/what-soldiers-look-like-before-during-and-after-war/ Was a good reference point.
  17. Haven't thought about either, mainly because we're not at that stage and implementing minor changes. Not to say it wasn't on the radar, we know we have to improve there. Blood & plasma - yup, same with you can't throw them around. Nothing around refrigerators have been modeled and nothing is planned at the minute. When it comes to methods and routes we're more worried on IV vs IM vs this and that, and EZ-IOs. CAT's - we're not worrying just now. Implementing re-bleeding with low systolics and doubling up, major bleeding issues will be priority but I'm sure that will come down the track. We can't make it so you'll lose your leg after an hour but we can implement 'more pain' or even death say. It's just implementation issues.
  18. rye1

    ArmA 3 Machinima

    Great video, enjoyed it. :)
  19. No, airway system is still WIP. If the others don't work, when they should, post it on dev-hev with a repro and we'll get around to it. :) Elastic bandages should work fine. Make sure you have the correct line found in the .txt file within your medics init line.
  20. So they've arrested friends of the bombers now?
  21. rye1

    Implement "buddy slap"

    Pretty much this. Set and moving. ACE tried the 'tap shoulder', so it's a credible idea but unless featured in a way that was attractive to gamers, I doubt you'd see it used that often.
  22. Old fog. INSTA-FOG! It's awesome in comparison.
  23. rye1


    Doors are still static in that mod when just opened but not breached. But when you do shoot it, it literally falls down and allows everyone inside, just walking over the top of it. It's great. I agree. It's a good comparison to A2 and what can be done. Anyway that from my perspective it is just an expectation. If I want to breach then I don't want the door getting in the way. Just as the expectation of moving through the FF is if I do breach the door and move through I don't get stuck because of clipping. I hate moving through houses in A3 and having to walk around the door. If breaching as seen in the kill-house mod was the alternative that would be awesome but it's doubtful. Could you shorten it then to a specific action? If you do this, it blows open the door or bursts the door open or downwards. I.e. pull out shotgun, scroll and use 'breach' action or shoot the door with X rounds. Just as an example. Less traffic therefore and more pertainable to implementation? Just wondering. And yeah I doubt it will happen exactly like that, as mentioned above, just throwing out ideas based on ZIP experience of game development.
  24. rye1


    Simply put... PhysX on doors? Doors that can swing once force is applied? The doors right now are STATIC. They get stuck on a specific angle, meaning you can't run the wall, you have to walk AROUND the door to clear your corner. It's crazy. Instead of running the door to the wall. That would make a start. 'Force applied to doors'. You could then work on a damage value and dependent on that value or say type of damage indicator then translate that to a specific type of damage outcome. As seen in Cinder City, 10 rounds or one satchel say make a wall implode inwards from the external damage value. I think it's workable. I hope to see it. There are already scripts for ARMA 2 when it comes to shotgun breaching, so let's hope. And I too disagree with 2nd Ranger. I'd say ARMA is making a stronger focus on Close Quarters and the way features work around such. It's tipping more towards quality specifically. You don't need a 'pure CQB' game to work a feature like this into the genre of 'military simulator' or 'large-scale realistic FPS'.