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Everything posted by Lal

  1. I think they decided not to use ragdolls because it would make the game laggy as hell in large scale battles. In one of the developer commentaries he mentions not being able to jump because soldiers seldom jump around irl and the equipment they carry would make jumping to any significant height impossible, so that's a deliberate implementation as well. As for the driving, I don't really see the problem with it. It's a bit quirky to master at first, but after having played the game for about a month I really think it gets the job done, and I don't really see what the driving lacks. It's not a racing game after all and as long as you are able to get the vehicle to go where you want to go I don't see the problem.
  2. I guess the title is almost self explanatory, I was just wondering, will flying low with your chopper or plane actually make you invisible to the enemy AI radar-wise? I know the AI probably doesn't use the radar like human players but I figured maybe they were coded to act as if they didn't know you were there unless you show up on radar or they see you. I'd love to hear if anyone knows this. Also, how low would one need to fly? I think they mention flying below thirty feet or something in the chopper tutorial.
  3. You get helicopters eventually as NAPA/CDF if they are allied, however building the helipad takes some time. If you play as allied with NAPA only you won't get any air units.
  4. Lal

    what % unlocks harrier LGB , A10, and C130??

    Don't mean to hijack the thread or anything, but does anyone know what score you need for 100%? By the way commandosolo2009, I just unlocked the f-35 I think it was at either 92 or 93%
  5. Lal

    Fly low to avoid radar

    Allright! Thanks everyone! My radar use and survivability has improved :p
  6. I think it's definitely the lack of marketing. I don't buy the "too inaccessible" argument as I pretty much came here from Team Fortress 2. I didn't hear about the game until I was on steam browsing their store for cheap games though, and I would never have bought it hadn't it been for a pretty nice promo price at the time. Nobody I've mentioned the game to so far has even heard of it, and a lot of them are gaming a lot and usually pay attention to new releases. In fact, I haven't even seen it in stores here in Norway, which speaks for itself. If you can't even find it in the store, how are you supposed to buy it? Me buying Arma2 Was pure coincidence, but I don't regret a second of it. Too bad it makes the Arma2 crowd smaller though.
  7. Lal

    Fly low to avoid radar

    Ah allright, thanks! It's kind of weird of them to teach you to fly low to avoid radar in the tutorial if that doesn't work though, but for some reason it doesn't surprise me. So is there a way to know when a missile has locked on to you? If so I haven't noticed. There aren't any way to "dodge" or otherwise outmaneuver a rocket either is there? Sometimes when I fire homing missiles as infantry towards planes that fly fast overhead they will explode sort of "behind" the plane at the plane will keep flying. Is it just that they didn't take enough damage to crash or something or is it possible to fly so fast that you can avoid getting hit by AA missiles?
  8. As an Arma2 noob that just finished the campaign and have 91% of the armory items I must say I prefer the Mk12 for long range engagements, and the XM8 Assault rifle with bipods for regular combat. I just love the whole feel of that gun. The sound, the recoil(which is pretty low when prone thanks to those pods), I don't know, maybe it's not the best weapon out there to someone who knows what they're talking about, but it feels good, it feels intuitive and "right" almost, which I feel a lot of the other weapons aren't.
  9. Hi! This is my first post on here, bought this game a couple of months ago off of steam and I love it! However, there have been many frustrating in-game situations as well, and now I am caught in yet another one. Just here to ask for some general strategic tips from other ArmA players. So this is my current situation: I've landed with a chopper on that island you have to go to in the final task. The main problem I'm having is either my teammates in the chopper getting killed, or me getting killed. What makes this even harder is that I've got no NV goggles and the game is currently at night :mad:, so I basically can't see anything other than silhouettes(If I'm lucky and approach a standing enemy), gunfire directed at me or the chopper, and targets when I scan around with the space bar held down. Basically I just want to know whether any of you know of some way that I can guarantee that my teammates don't get killed without sending off the chopper, as the chopper's gunner helps me kill a lot of enemies I don't see. The gunner is a generic bought teammate mind you, so I only need to protect "Razor team". Also, any tips for survival and how to make the most of the dim light situations(although they don't seem to affect the AI even though they dont have goggles equipped...) are very welcome. I landed near the base at the southern side of the northwestern part of the island(hope this makes sense) Thanks in advance!
  10. Thanks! I will try it now after I have patched to 1.05. Perhaps that itself will help. I have noticed the truck taking off though, but I was a bit bothered with just waiting since I wanted to know what the deal with the spetsnaz was as well :)
  11. I posted this in a different thread on another subject as well, but I'm wondering if anyone here can help me. This is the ending(if it is the end) I got, and it freezes up all the time so I don't get to see what happens :( Please help if anyone knows how to fix this, I really want to end the game properly and see what happens!
  12. I think it's because you went pure NAPA. I doubt they can make aircrafts or choppers. Hello again everyone, sorry for completely deserting my own thread :p I just decided to shut up and play instead, and in the end I got it. I landed the chopper near the northern part of the island and made my teammates exit the chopper and go prone. This solved the problem of them dying all the time, and eventually I got it. Now I'm having huge problems with the end game sequence though(and I will post this in the thread about end game sequences as well), click the spoiler if you want to read my problem, but be aware that it may ruin some of the storyline for you. Please help if anyone knows how to fix this, I really want to end the game properly and see what happens!