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Everything posted by lawndartleo

  1. I know in the big scheme of things this is petty and irrelevant.... but have you ever thought of adding an icon to MCC so that it appears in the game as one of the loaded mods as many others do? Idea attached. Simply took idea from your manual cover. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n06b55ssn18mo3t/mccico.paa ... should be a properly formatted 256x256 paa, I think that is what is called for.
  2. Mmmmmmmmm...... something is bent with direct MCC editor CAS calls and MCC cosole CAS calls as well. Editor CAS calls (Greyhawk in particular) end up augering in on spawn after MCC editor call, MCC console CAS calls is not even the correct aircraft that I have added, looks like two Blackfeets (... humor here , guys). In either case, I am without a doubt calling Greyhawks (CAS) and it is not working.
  3. Gone or EXPLAINED?.... there is a difference. As soon as I drop #2 mil placement, all goes dead. Seems to be a known issue but the solution is not yet revealed to us.
  4. Using the tutorial missions, tyl.... Skipped 1 and 2 because 3 is where I was having issues. Went back, loaded up tutorial 1... no problem. loaded up tutorial 2... its bugged now. no changes by me, just trying to use the tutorials. I followed the video to the letter. My made mission does not work. I loaded up tutorial 3, it is not working either. All I see are the gray circles for the intended TAOR's. If I drop Alive req, admin and mil placement just as a test, the island populates entirely as it should. Just to be REALLY clear. run mission 3 of the tutorial and all goes bad... without any changes to the mission by me. Run mission 2, bugged. MAKE mission 2, works. This is wierd.
  5. Somethings broke.... Was following the Youtube vids. Setting up secondary Military placement modules. As soon as second module is placed, Alive stops working. Found the tutorial mission pack, loaded it up. Same behavior, even the canned missions do not work as soon as a second military placement module is on the map. Running stable branch, CBA 1.00 beta 4 and Alive hotfix 0.5.2 and nothing else.
  6. lawndartleo

    RQ-11B Raven for Arma3

    Feint gets to have all the fun....
  7. I've created the following script to spawn a desk with a file on it in a random (3 possible markers) location. _desk = createVehicle ["Land_TableDesk_F",getMarkerPos "1",["2","3"], 0, "none"]; _file = createVehicle ["Land_File1_F", position _desk,[],0,"none"]; _file attachto [_desk,[0,0,.44]]; _file addAction ["Pick up", pickup_code]; What does it take to get the desk to spawn PRECISELY on the markers which I have placed in houses. To this point I have been unable to find anything on precision object spawning.
  8. lawndartleo

    Spawning objects with precision

    Spawning in buildings is not working well. Objects tend to spawn and flip out, flying all over the place. On ground, no problem. In a building, no placement consistency. Once I think I have a marker in a good spot, the spawned object starts behaving erratically again. I have to find buildings with rather large rooms to make it work consistently. Another problem is the spawn and attachment of the notebook. It randomly fails as well. A desk will be placed perfectly in a building but the file never shows up or gets burried in some geometry somewhere. The inconsistency is maddening.
  9. lawndartleo

    Spawning objects with precision

    Thanks Larrow. I'll give that a roll. The depth of my scripting knowledge might get your socks damp.... so this is all Greek to me, but I am struggling through with help.
  10. lawndartleo

    Spawning objects with precision

    Well this just blew up into a real mess. The fact of the matter is I need to pass an array of [x,y,z,d] to set a location and direction. How can I randomly pick from a pool of 3 arrays? a1=[x1,y1,z1,d1] a2=[x2,y2,z2,d2] a3=[x3,y3,z3,d3] Pick ax and have it be used to set position and direction.
  11. lawndartleo

    =BTC= Revive

    I can run the mission just fine solo but as soon as I have clients, death/revive/respawn results in ~90 seconds of low FPS. I think it might have something to do with mobile respawn availability. One MHQ is a moderate hit on FPS, add more it gets worse. Ive been looking for some timing loop in the script that might cause this but come up empty. =BTC= Logistics by Giallustio =BTC= Revive by Giallustio =ATM= Airdrop by pokertour Enemy Occupation System by BangaBob TPWCAS by TPW, -Coulum-, fabrizio_T and Ollem Virtual Ammobox System by Tonic Group Management Script by Zuff Rearm script by Weasel repeatitive_cleanup by aeroson (this is new... problem existed prior to using this script) Maybe that list will help resolve the issue.
  12. lawndartleo

    =BTC= Revive

    Please help.... This is making no sense. I run the demo script (compiled into a PBO) and all is fine. I install it to my mission and I (and my clients) get this horrid frame rate suck for about 90 seconds after death/revive/respawn.
  13. lawndartleo

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    The three usage icons shown to the right on this image (copied from above) have ceased to function for me. I even loaded up the example mission and checked it there, same thing, the usage icons are not functioning for me. They were previously. Not sure what I changed. No mods, stable branch. Help! ---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ---------- Update.... Small white lie.... had CBA running. I restarted without CBA, icons back. I reenabled CBA, everything is fine. Something got out of whack somewhere.
  14. lawndartleo

    =BTC= Revive

    For a while after death/respawn/revive of any player, my frame rate is horrid.... 1-2 fps or worse. Clients drop too, not as badly. Then it frees up probably after about 1.5 minutes.. I previously had 8 MHQ's available, I cut it down to two on a hunch. It improved the issue but there is still a noticeable stutter for a while and then it frees up. Ideas?
  15. In spite of all its warts, wrinkles and futility.... I enjoy my time playing ArmA II and III more than I enjoy playing BF 3 or 4. For what ArmA lacks in flash and dazzle it makes up for by orders of magnitude in scope and capability. BF is fun.... ArmA is engaging.
  16. Are there any alternatives to FOCK's AI recruit. All respect to the author but I am having some issues that I can't seem to resolve (loss of group, inability to group, inability to see humans in groups) and I'd like to try an alternative to see if its ArmA, the script or me. FOCK starts out great and then seems to go haywire after a death/respawn. I've Googled like mad and FOCK is the ONLY thing I can find.
  17. When using this script we have a tendancy to loose group "connections". The hex symbology disappears over other players in group (after a death/respawn) and players no longer show up in the list of humans. Not sure what other information I can provide. The script seems to work but then breaks down after a while. Is it me and my friends playing or just another ArmA 3 bug?
  18. lawndartleo

    =BTC= Revive

    About the above post.... Pretty much why I am here askling questions. Thing is I have NO options and have to mash the ESC key for a while to get the respawn button to appear. I've been through the init a dozen times without any luck. Anybody have it working with 0.95 and can send me the init with their settings that I can compare/use? ---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ---------- Never mind.... It had something to do with me chaging video settings. The necessary items are at the top of the screen but that area was "off screen" for some reason. I noticed this because a short single row of odd white pixles was showing up along the top edge of my screen. I reset my video preferences and now it is visible. An hour of my life over this.... sheesh.
  19. lawndartleo

    Virtual Ammobox System (VAS)

    Resolved with my own script.... original request deleted.
  20. What am I missing about just making this an addaction item to a map object? I dont want it in my context menu all the time. Edit: Never mind... found it.
  21. Thanks for the ear, Spirit. I really wish that BIS would have done something like this in the supports - helo transport module, too. The randomness of AI behavior is maddening at times. I can be standing in a nice grassy clearing that an entire squadron of helcopters could land in and my lone evac will find the nearest tree to wreck in.
  22. I know one can simply put down an invisible helopad prior to calling a chopper to improve landing accuracy.... but what about an option to have the landing point have an invisible helopad as part of the script to begin with... or at least an option in the dropdown for insertion type? Just an idea.
  23. lawndartleo

    stop vehicle movement

    removing fuel makes them inert. I still want their capabilities. The formation wiki page you shared has been visited by me many times.... they still end up moving around. I thought there was a command to fix a unit in place.
  24. lawndartleo

    A3 Launcher

  25. lawndartleo

    A3 Launcher

    What sort of jiggery-pokery do we need to do to get this to work with ACR? I've added ACR as an additional folder. I can report that getting ACR working with 6 Updater requires use of local mods as well so its not just A3L that has this issue... but I am not sure what the work around is at this point. I don't get the hiccup. The normal game shortcut is "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2OA.exe" which loads up ACR DLC just fine along with PMC and BAF. A2OA confirmed running in task manager. Fire up A2 with the launcher and everything is there EXCEPT the ACR DLC. A2OA confirmed running in task manager. The same executables are running. Help! Thanks!