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Everything posted by lawndartleo

  1. lawndartleo

    ASR Appendix

    If anyone is even out there any more... Non dedicated server... ASR enabled, clients cannot connect because of dependance on ACE yet we are not using ACE. I have checked and rechecked the mission and no ace modules are on map and I am not running any ace module on my rig. Advice?.... and moving to ArmA III not an option because my old rig that the kid uses is barely up to ArmA II.
  2. lawndartleo

    Robalo's ACE configs

    ArmA II is probably dead and burried for most but I'll ask anyways... M14 EBR SD Sniper and M14 EBR Sniper M21A5 EBR SD and M21A5 EBR No scopes (black) or just scope rings. My son and I still Play ArmA II on our basement LAN. I know that most but not all have migrated to ArmA III but if there is any way we can get one last fix for this. I've looked at the configs but they are binarized so there is no going back on them... at least for a novice like me. I can view them correctly using Elite (not all jagged up) so that may be an option for extracting and editing if somebody can tell me what to do. Even if the solution is a coach me through it approach to changing something, I am all ears and eyes.
  3. lawndartleo

    RH M14 pack 1.0 for OA / CO

    M14 EBR SD Sniper and M14 EB4 Sniper M21A5 EBR SD and M21A5 EBR No scopes (black) or just scope rings. My son and I still Play ArmA II on our basement LAN. I know that most but not all have migrated to ArmA III but if there is any way we can get one last fix for this. I've looked at the configs but they are binarized so there is no going back on them... at least for a novice like me. Correction.... this is actually a probelm with the MGS pack
  4. lawndartleo

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Is there a way to save the ACE2 documentation in total rather than having to go into every last sub on the ACE we site?
  5. Multiple MCC instances have vanished with latest... consider that closed. Now... Maybe I am just being thick but the template (https://www.dropbox.com/s/lxaxibkun17tv9v/template1.Altis.rar?dl=0) is not working for me on dedicated as no spawn positions ever populate the list. I'm paging back thru the thread but I cant seem to find any indication that this mission template stopped working. Help!
  6. Feature request... A filter on the mods page to click and have it show only the selected mods... or make the red x work as I would interpret it that selected mods (those that have been checked) are hidden from the list. As it is now, the HIGHLIGHTED mod is hidden when clicked, not checked mods.
  7. MCC is spamming my action box... I start the mission with one instance if MCC and they just sooner or later I have dozens of keep coming. After a while my menu is full of dozens of MCC's HALP! latest patch. MCC. Dedicated server. This is a new issue, never before encountered.
  8. lawndartleo

    would you still buy any BI product ?

    It's all good. Passions run strangely high around ArmA because we all see it for what it could be and struggle with what it is. In the end we all just want Bohemia to succeed because we the consumers are the beneficiaries.
  9. lawndartleo

    would you still buy any BI product ?

    The question was "Why are you here?", not "Why don't you leave?" If the software is truly that bad and all hope is lost for resolution, what is the purpose of continuing to visit the forum? An empty forum and lousy sales speaks better than spewing vitriol. The former makes developers take notice that prospective customers are slipping away while the latter usually elicits an auto-copulation response and accomplishes nothing positive. I wish as much as anybody that the coders would sound off on these forums and educate us on the why's and why not's. I know from working with developers in other genre's that they despise doing so because they usually get attacked by a minority of individuals who can't manage to participate in civil discourse. Why am I here?... Information, education, communication. Note that vilification is not among my reasons for visiting.
  10. In a fit of nostalgia I fired up Armed Assault. ACE (1.09) allows for sight adjustment but for the life of me I don't remember there being any wind to make windage even necessary. Unnecessary cool feature or is there a way to kick up the breeze? If there is, what is available to measure it?
  11. lawndartleo

    would you still buy any BI product ?

    Why are you no voters even here? Warts and all, Armed Assault thru ArmA III including all DLC have been better than any other alternative out there for the genre BEFORE we even start talking about mods. Period. PEER-EEE-UD! And for all the shortcomings that the titles have had there is an army of willing and able scripters and modellers that have deluged us with gigabytes of additional content that takes the series far beyond the released product.... FREE OF CHARGE. And for those who say, "it should have been in there in the first place"... well, it is if you have the drive, ambition and skill to unlock the potential of the engine. Is it perfect, no. Nothing ever is. Do I wish BIS would put more emphasis on squashing long standing bugs, yes. None the less I have received hundred and hundreds of hours of enjoyment and enough "wow" moments to offset the "aww crap" onces quite handily. Count me as a yes for ArmA 4 and beyond.
  12. lawndartleo

    Kestrel or similar for Armed Assault

    Hello Milos, Armed Assault Info to the rescue.... http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&id=277 It's not ACE2 wind, but it's wind. No Kestrel mod that I can find, either. Where are you, anyways? I'd be up for a throwback session.
  13. lawndartleo

    Mod launchers

    Goliath?!?!? PLEASE UPDATE MEDIVAC MODULE TO WORK WITH A3 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! I've tried and it aint happening. Anyhow... not A2... Armed Assault. I felt like dusting off the old lady. Ahhh, the good old days. Anyways, I got Kegety's working. You have to type in the mod, it does not autodetect @folders.
  14. lawndartleo

    Mod launchers

    Any suggestions for a mod launcher that can be fouund or still works? Everything I have tried downloadng tonight is dead linked or broken. Neither EMSI's old or noew launchers will work. The old one is mostly dead links or if I can get it, the file is corrupt or the exe will not extract. It's not anything on my end, I have opened up other zipped exe's just fine. Keg's isn't working, either. No mod recognition. Maybe Win7 is the issue?
  15. lawndartleo

    Mod launchers

    Keg's works. Not sure why EMSI's old or new ones don't.
  16. lawndartleo

    Barret M107/M82 "Blackened"

    Please fix. Same issue as everyone else, no sound.
  17. Joy! There are sooo many things that make me like A2 more than A3 even yet. The Apache being one of many reasons.
  18. lawndartleo

    [COOP] All Out Warfare

    Very nicely done. Fun mission(s). Thanks!
  19. I rather think its is the other way around. While my scripting knowledge is minimal at best, among the friends I play with I am the only one who has really put in substantial effort into learning how to as we'll as implement pre made scripts. The end result is I probably spend more time dabbling in the editor while they play. They get plenty out of ArmA PLENTY. Most of them have zero interest in scripting, much less any mod use or implementation. We run a mod free server mainly because nobody want to deal with downloading, installing and maintains the latest version of @thenextbigthinginmods. I find this unfortunate because mods are where ArmA truly shines. Regardless, they get out of ArmA exactly what they want and happily come back for more. Those of us with the patience to implement that which even fewer of us produce in additional game content are far out numbered buy those who would rather just play.
  20. lawndartleo

    A3 Launcher

    A3L has been really inconsistent lately. Launch with a mod set, not all are loaded. Relaunch, they are there. Any one else?
  21. I'm looking at https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/laserTarget and trying to determine of it can be used to create a script that spawns a marker on the map where a player (multiplayer) has a target lased. If it could be done I'd have thought it would have by now but... maybe I had an riginal thought for once. I've been searching for a while and come up empty.
  22. lawndartleo

    laser marked target marker

    Hey Buli, Working as advertised. One oddity, however. We always see multiples of the icon on the map. During proofing of the mission I see one icon. If I am in our dedicated MP server alone, one icon. As soon as more people join, we get multiple icons, pretty much all stacked up on each other. Doesn't affect functionality, just looks a little funny. Sure makes targeting arty easier.
  23. lawndartleo

    laser marked target marker

    Thanks Buli. I was putting that exact code at the end of the activation script... sleep and then delete... but that was just me being a dope. Duh! Deactivation... sometimes I miss the easiest stuff.
  24. Which container? If it is any of the smaller ammo crates, your going to get blown up. This is a known issue with IgiLoad (although I do not believe it is directly related to his script as much as it is an issue with the containers). I am not aware that there is any fix as of yet.