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Posts posted by nomadd

  1. genesis92x


    been playing around with the script version on VCOM 3.0 and have found a couple of bugs


    1- when ever I have statics on the map this pops up

    16:31:08 Error in expression <VCM_fnc_ClstObj;
    private _Foot = isNull objectParent _Unit;
    if (_Foot) then
    16:31:08   Error position: <objectParent _Unit;
    if (_Foot) then
    16:31:08   Error objectparent: Type Array, expected Object
    16:31:08 File Vcom\Functions\fn_ArmStatics.sqf [VCM_fnc_ArmStatics], line 10

    2- I found that using the script version with CBA running the "VcomAI_DefaultSettings.sqf" does absolutely nothing. I went in and disabled cba from being detected in  "VcomInit.sqf".

    if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "cba_main")) then {CBAACT = false;} else {CBAACT = false;};

    This is the line I changed. VCOM now uses "VcomAI_DefaultSettings.sqf" without any problems.


    Thanks for all your hard work on this.

    • Like 1

  2. This may have been mentioned before but I cant seem to find an answer.


    If I have unsung loaded in my mods it will add itself to any mission i am editing. This is not a big deal more of an annoyance. When I am editing/making missions I usually load up what ever mods I normally use exp: SMA,CUP,UNSUNG,Ryans Zombies. This way I can edit/change/make multiple missions at once. I usually cut/paste code snippets from my missions just makes editing a bit easier. When I play missions I only load mods required, EXP for UNSUNG I load no other mods but UNSUNG. 

    Is there any way to stop UNSUNG from adding itself to a mission when you are in the editor.


    BTW. UNSUNG is great, my friends and I love it 



  3. Sorry to necro an old thread but figured this would be the best place to ask.


    With the upcoming changes to revive( which look good BTW). Has the basic revive setting been changed so that if a player goes into a revive state/unconscious state they will stay that way no matter what damage they take?

    I understand they can still bleed out on the timer but right now if you get shot in an unconscious state you die. I also know this is not realistic but for alot of co-op game play it makes the game play better. Not everyone plays hard core milsim


    this is from the wiki


    Limitations and Notes

    There are several limitations with the current state of Revive. Please take them into consideration when building your scenarios:

    AI support - only players are supported

    Vehicles - due to technical limitations, the unconscious state in vehicles is not supported. Players die immediately

    Basic damage model - currently, the Basic damage model uses the new calculation that is being used by Advanced and Realistic damage model; this will be changed soon™


    I read the dev notes on revive but this was not mentioned. Anyone been able to test this or can someone from BIS comment?

  4. Update 

    newest version 3.49




    changelog :

    -changed marker colors for all sides. Sides now use "coloreast","colorwest" etc 

    -removed unnecessary waituntil and if/then statements

    -changed script to take advantage of new scripting commands

    -cleaned/optimized  code 

    -spawned AI  drivers (helos,armor,planes,cars etc) now have a skill of 1. (figured AI drivers need all the help they can get)

      -SLP skill settings will be over written by any type of AI Mod...VCOM,ASR etc

    -changed SLP_instances variable  to missionnamespace getvariable ["SLP_numofgroups",SLP_numofgroups];

      -can use this to get the number of groups that have been spawned, useful for tracking group numbers in wave type missions.

      -( example in demo mission)

    -for debug purposes you can use SLP_markers on all editor placed units

      -this has to be implemented by mission maker( was going to implement this as part of SLP Spawn but decided to leave it up to mission maker if they want to use it or not)

      -(example  in demo mission)

    -added a couple more examples for executing code from the init of spawned units

    -various small fixes and spelling corrections




    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  5. @tankbuster


     I have noticed this with vanilla units. It doesn't seem to matter what they are wearing and using a 5.56 caliber at less than 100 meters should be an instant kill with a headshot. The last mission I made was a stealth mission it could take 2+ head shots to down a vanilla AI. So i use a simple "handledamage" EH on all enemy units. Made a big difference. What is strange is I use CUP in alot of my missions and never seem to have this problem with CUP units

    if (side _x isEqualTo east) then
    		//change damage threshold for AI
    		_x removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";
    		_x addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{
    											_damage = (_this select 2)*2; 
    		//set alarm for gunshot
    		_x addEventHandler ["firedman",{
    										"The Enemy is aware of your presence" remoteExec ["hint", 0]; 										}];
    } forEach allUnits; 


    • Thanks 1

  6. thanks for the replys




    Did you try increasing the bleedout timer? To say something like 15 minutes? 900s is pretty long and should be sufficient to gather any wounded team members.

    yes I did, even used the variable to set indefinite bleed out, tested against AI and another player on hosted server.  Unit goes in unconscious state, still on back does not roll over to shoot. Bleed out timer makes no difference, shoot them a couple of times and they die




    Medics have already a multiplier for every action. (150%)

    Thanks i didn't realize this




    You want to stop the FAK consum for regular soldiers but want also a medic with special perks - there is a opposition in your design idea. :)

    I guess I didnt explain what I meant. I want everyone who is doing a revive , if they are using FAKs, to consume a FAK. Medics will usually carry a medkit. The trade off being medics give up ammo/grenades etc to carry the medkit so with it they get unlimited revives and heals. Non medics will use up FAKs  on revives and heals. So they are limited by what they can carry. 



    If you really want to give medics special perks, set it to only units with a medpack can revive.  Everyone else still can stabilize though (stopping bleedout). It's either that or let everyone revive no matter if he has a FAK or medkit.

    that is the problem. I play with a small group of friends. Everyone needs the ability to revive but only medics can heal another unit to full.


    Was just asking about the FAK consumption. I understand it would probably take more work than it is worth. I did figure out the about primary weapon disappearance on respawn. Happens also with BIS built in revive. Something to do with being in an unconscious state waiting for revive but clicking the respawn button/or being killed in an unconscious state. Using a "killed" eventhandler to save "loadout"  and then load "loadout" on respawn.  Found other posts on it. I made a work around until/if BIS can straighten it out.


    • Like 1

  7. @Psychobastard


     I have gotten back into ARMA after a break. I started using your script and really like it. I have been tinkering under the hood to make your script and BIS respawn system play nice together. I tend to make revive only mission but once in awhile I will use respawn.

    I found a number of issues with BIS respawn and your script. mainly losing primary weapon and launcher weapon also losing all your FAKs upon respawn.  I have most of the problems worked out. I am using  "call BIS_fnc_loadInventory" and "call BIS_fnc_saveInventory". Putting these in either eventhandlers or onplayerrespawn.sqf/onplayerdeath.sqf was not working. I had to open your scripts and put it in your code. Something would randomly cause the primary weapon and launcher to not be in inventory upon respawn.


    couple of things

    -is there an easier way to keep a player that is in unconscious  state from taking any damage. I made a work around adjusting some of your code.  The reason is most missions I make and even play are small groups 2-6 players, no respawn. I know this is not realistic but sucks to be half way through a mission and someone goes into spectator mode and has to wait until mission is finished or restarted to play again. At least stuck in unconscious state there is a chance to revive them and keep them in the game.

    -can you give medics a speed multiplier when doing stabilize and revive compared to a regular non trained soldier. (trying to give medics special perks for being a medic)

     -playing smaller missions we may only have one medic, so everyone gets the ability to revive, but not heal another player to full health.

    -can you make revive consume a FAK(at least an option to use up a FAK), unless you are a medic and have a medkit (trying to give medics special perks for being a medic)

    -when a player is forced to respawn, delete their corpse, again I made a workaround for this adjusting some code 


    Thanks for all your hard work. Appreciate anything you can do.

  8. I was looking for a solution and havent found it. So thought I would ask . If there away to disable/turnoff completely Vcom for all AI  (when running the mod). The reason I ask, I like running the mod but I have a couple of zombie and demon missions and Vcom does not work with the zombies.


    edit: I know how to disable for editor places units but not sure the best way for dynamically spawned units. 



  9. maybe a DEV can answer. What is the road map for revive? Is it still being worked on? If it is being worked on what are the plans/timeline for it? 


      The reason I ask , is right now revive is just a no go. It feels half finished and unusable for missions.  I really would love to be able to use the in game revive for my mission, but I am still using scripts to get the job done.


    -dying in vehicles is a real problem when using just revive no respawn....mission killer

    -taking damage and dying in downed state(waiting for revive), again when using just revive and no respawn,...mission killer.(may not be "realistic" but when a player is in the downed state, I dont care if a bomb goes off on their chest, they need to stay         waiting for revive)

    -drag/carry (come on, it has been around in scripts for 10+ years) i dont care if it looks goofy in game. I just want the ability to move a player to a safer spot to revive

    -revive tickets

    -ability to set it up in eden and max the sliders to what ever the mission maker wants. EX: bleed out timer  to 60mins if that is what I want to use. right now 3 mins is worthless in a revive only mission. especially if you cant move the downed person.

       need to secure the area and most times the player bleeds out. Yes I know you can change it in the description.ext but why have the settings in eden at all?


    Most of the major problems,I see happening, are when you try and set up a mission for revive only and no respawn. 

    • Like 3

  10. I have run into a problem. Setting up a zombie mission and the spawner module will not keep the settings. I set it up click ok. Then I open the attributes for the module and everything is back to default. I dropped all my mods(except this mod and CBA) thinking maybe there was a conflict but still happens in the 3d editor. I did a test it in the 2d editor and the module works fine, it keeps the settings. 



    edit: it is not just the spawner module. it seems to be all the modules for zombies and demons in the 3d editor



  11. Rekkless 


     My group and I experience the same problems with revive. MIssions are usually revive only ,prevent instant death, basic medical system. We usually get the problem when a person goes down, medic bandages, gives blood , morphine, then epi to bring them back. Player comes back for about 1 sec and passes out again. Medic can find nothing wrong now, so in goes another epi and usually the player just dies, sometimes we will have another person work on the down player and the down player will pop back up. It is such a weird/random bug. We have not found way to reproduce it, hence no way to really report it to bug tracking. We may play 3-4 missions in one night and it never happen or it may happen in all of them. It may only effect one person playing and everyone else is fine or it sometimes effects 2-3 ppl. It can be really frustrating when mission is revive only with no respawn. Player that dies either has to rejoin server,which by now mission is pretty far along and hard to get back to the team. Or we blow out the mission and start over. If I can ever figure out how to consistently reproduce the problem I will report it.



  12. Cyborg111



     Been using this script alot ,but no matter what I do or how I set the condition.(the condition is working because only the unit that I have set gets the support notification)

    C91_TAC_SUP_Activation = "(player == leader player || player in [] || typeOf player in [])";      

    Once players are inside the helo everyone gets the option to control the helo and give it move orders. Is there a way to prevent this. The addaction only appears to all players when they are inside the helo. 

    I am not sure what this is:

    C91_InUse = true;   //Exclusive Access for Groups exept Unit is RTB or Command comes from inside the Vehicle.


    but I have tried setting it to both true/false and addaction still comes up for everyone in the helo


