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Everything posted by nomadd

  1. Found a couple of problems, but I am not sure if they have to do with the configs or with the actual weapons themselves. 1.The RH_mk14ebrsp/RH_mk14ebrsp_sd. The scope does not work. When you try and look through the scope it is just a black ring. You can zoom in and out, but just missing the actual scope/optics 2. The RH_hk417sp/RH_hk417sdsp. The scope works but you cannot zoom in and out like you can with other weapons.
  2. nomadd

    ACE for OA 1.13

    ok, I have a few questions. I am not sure if these are bugs or just user error. These tests/observations have all been done in the MP editor/preview or hosting a server,haven't tried any of this on a dedicated server. 1. I can not get ...this setVariable ["ace_w_allow_dam",false].. to work on an AI unit. I have tried it from the unit init box and script. I have also tried naming the AI unit and then..name setVariable ["ace_w_allow_dam",false]. I can however use ..player setVariable ["ace_w_allow_dam",false].. and it works fine on a player. Also, will this work on vehicles, or is it just units. [solved].. In Columdrum's revive had AI wounding turned off. 2. I cannot get ...[this, .5] call ace_sys_wounds_fnc_addDamage;..to work on an AI unit(only tried from script, not unit init box) ,but it seems to work fine on players. [solved].. In Columdrum's revive had AI wounding turned off. 3. What does CPR do? I know what it does in RL, but in game nothing happens. I thought if you were a non-medic you could use CPR to revive a fallen player,which would make sense. CPR takes alot longer than giving a shot of epi\morphine. I have played missions with friends and it doesn't seem to do anything. The only way we can ever revive someone is stop the bleeding, give them epi, then give them morphine. We do this pretty much any time someone is down. I liked the idea of only medics being able to use epi/morph,but when you only have 4-5 people playing and one medic, it makes it tough when no one else can revive. I had to make my missions where everyone can use epi/morph. Still only medics can heal. 4. Last thing , which I think is a bug. If I am testing a mission in the MP editor. I can damage myself and give myself morphine, no problems/errors. As soon as I load a mission and friends join, if someone gets damaged and tries to give themselves morphine they get this File x\ace\addons\sys_wounds\self_morphine.sqf, line 9 Error in expression <wounds_fnc_isMedic)}) then { hintSilent (localize "STR_ACE_WOUNDS_NO_MORPH"); _e> Error position: <(localize "STR_ACE_WOUNDS_NO_MORPH"); _e> Error Missing ; I get this same error as the host, but again not when I am just testing the mission by myself.
  3. What ceeeb said will work just fine or you can name the first trigger(exp trigger1) and in your second trigger that checks for opfor, in the condition line put... this and triggeractivated trigger1.. You may want to put a delay on the second trigger to make sure the opfor you are spawning have actually spawned. From what you have said, either one of these solutions should work fine.
  4. I just tested the link, worked fine for me. Anyone else having problems with the link?
  5. small update: -more optimizing on the script -fixed debug hint showing all the time, now only shows when debug is enabled -can now use debug markers on editor placed units\vehicles, example in demo UPDATED link on first page
  6. That is very possible, it has been down most of the day. Will check it again tomorrow. Nothing that I know of has changed on my system to block it, not unless Windows did an update and changed something. Edit: finally got it to work, had to uninstall/reinstall, seems to be working again.
  7. not trying to dig up an old thread, but has squint stop working for anyone else? It has been working fine , but today it has just stopped. I get a message saying "application cannot be started, contact application vendor". I use squint alot and hate losing it. Nomad
  8. ok, I have a question. I have a number of functions I have made. If I call/spawn them from a .sqf or trigger they work fine, no problems, but if I try and do it from the init box of a unit/vehicle I get nothing. The only thing I can think is the init box is getting run before my functions are processed. I looked at some of BIS stuff, exp BIS_fnc_Taskpatrol, at the tops of the script they have scriptname "blah\blah\blah.sqf". I know I need to somehow direct the call/spawn to the path of the script and I need to do it before the init box gets run. I figure the way to do it is with the description.ext (I believe it gets run before anything). So far everything I have tried as failed. I know I can execvm the script from init box and it works fine. What I am trying to do may not be possible without putting the functions into mod form. I can't seem to find information regarding this or maybe I am just searching in the wrong places. Nomad
  9. Ah, thanks cuel. That is what I thought. I tried using #include but so far no luck getting it to work, but I do not fully understand how to implement #include. Time to do some more searching
  10. Maybe I am not explaining this well. I have no problems using call/spawn from a trigger or from inside a script. It is only when I try to use it from units init box. What I am trying to call/spawn are functions in the mission folder, not functions that are part of any mod. I can put [blah,blah] call BIS_fnc_whatever in a units init box and it will work, but if I take the same function and put it in the mission folder it will not work from a units init box. Yes I have XX = compile preprocessfile "pathto.sqf";. This is what I think the problem is I need to compile preprocessfile "xx.sqf" before the units init box runs, but it looks like the units init box gets run before the init.sqf. (This part is just a guess however)
  11. Ah, I have waitUntil {!(isNil "BIS_fnc_init")}; in the scripts but not in the init.sqf. I was under the impression it was a bad idea to use waituntils in the init.sqf. I will give this a try and let you know. Thanks for the fast response That didn't make any difference. Still getting nothing when I try and use unit\vehicle init box. Doesn't the init.sqf get run after all the init boxes?
  12. @_Massive You can just remove the "respawn" setmarker 1. It will have has no function for what you are doing. I just pulled that out of a pre-made mission. So you know what it is for. I used a pre-placed marker in the editor to show respawn spot on map. If respawn is enabled then the marker is visible. If the mission is played revive only then the marker is hidden. That is all it is for. Nomad
  13. @_Massive edit: here is an example for the way I handle what you are wanting to do. This is from a mission I made using Unsung mod, base defense type mission the param array in description.ext class Params { class f_param_timeOfday { //paramsArray[0] title = "$STR_f_param_timeOfDay"; values[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; texts[] = {$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option0,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option1,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option2,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option3,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option4,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option5,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option6,$STR_f_param_timeOfDay_Option7}; default = 7; code = "f_param_timeOfDay = %1"; }; class f_param_weather { //paramsArray[1] title = "$STR_f_param_weather"; values[] = {-1,0,1,2,3,4}; texts[] = {"Random",$STR_f_param_weather_Option0,$STR_f_param_weather_Option1,$STR_f_param_weather_Option2,$STR_f_param_weather_Option3,$STR_f_param_weather_Option4}; default = -1; code = "f_param_weather = %1"; }; class assaultSpeed { //paramsArray[2] title = "Assault Speed:"; values[] = {10,20,30}; texts[] = {"Fast","Normal","Slow"}; default = 10; }; class numofassualts { //paramsArray[3] title = "Number of Assault Groups:"; values[] = {60,50,40,30,20}; texts[] = { "60 Groups", "50 Groups", "40 Groups","30 Groups", "20 Groups"}; default = 30; }; class size { //paramsArray[4] title = "Number of Units per Assault Group:"; values[] = {12,8,4}; texts[] = {"High","Normal","Low"}; default = 8; }; class assaultfaction { //paramsArray[5] title = "Assault Faction:"; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"VC","NVA"}; default = 0; }; class Revive { // paramsArray[6] title = "Number of Revives:"; values[] = {11,6,4}; texts[] = {"10 - Easy","5 - Hard","3 - Extreme"}; default = 6; }; class Revivetime { // paramsArray[7] title = "Revivetimelimit:"; values[] = {300, 600, 900}; texts[] = {"300 seconds", "600 seconds", "900 seconds"}; default = 600; }; class medics { // paramsArray[8] title = "All units can be medics"; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"Disabled","Enabled"}; default = 0; }; class Respawn { // paramsArray[9] title = "Allow Respawn:"; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"NO: Revive Only","YES: Respawn and Revive"}; default = 1; }; class Respawnbuttontimer { // paramsArray[10] title = "(If Respawn is Yes) Respawnbutton appears after:"; values[] = {1, 30, 45, 60, 75}; texts[] = {"1 second", "30 seconds", "45 seconds", "60 seconds", "75 seconds"}; default = 30; }; class 3rdpersonView { // paramsArray[11] title = "3rd Person View"; values[] = {0, 1}; texts[] = {"Enabled", "Disabled"}; default = 1; }; class debug { // paramsArray[12] title = "Debug (testing purposes only)"; values[] = {0,1}; texts[] = {"Disabled","Enabled"}; default = 0; }; }; Now the way I have configuracion.sqf in columdrum's revive set up /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ /*************************************************Seccion de configuracion***********************************************************/ /***********************************************************************************************************************************/ //Nº of lifes. Minimum number is 1( doesn't make much sense tought since you will directly die when killed), use 1000 for unlimited //NOTE: this value will be OVERWRITED if you pass parameters to the execVM on the mision init.sqf. So use: execVM "revive\ReviveAceWounds.sqf"; Colum_revive_Conf_Lifes= (paramsarray select 6); //Disable IA wounding system for IA, seems to cause more desync. ace_sys_wounds_noai= true; //Total time that units remains uncon before die, in seconds ace_wounds_prevtime = (paramsarray select 7); //shows Revive time counter . If false it will be replaced by visual feedback about your time left.(needs @ACE Build 584+) ace_wounds_prevtimeshow = true; //If true, spectator will be activated wile uncons, if false you will see a black screen while uncons. ace_sys_wounds_withSpect = true; //Show team kill mesages Colum_revive_TKcheck= true; //Show enemy units when you are totally death, true= show all, false = only your side. Colum_revive_VerEnemigos= true; //Pvp enabled, markers and uncons mesages only will be seen by your teammates Colum_revive_PvP=true; //Heaiyly wound and enemy player would give the attacker +1 score, and -1 if he wound and ally. This is intented to be used on PvP games to have a better stat tracking, because without this feature enabled, you will only be credited when you kill a player that had no lifes left. Colum_revive_WoundScoring=true; //Medic rucksack. "" for disabled any other rucksack classname to enable Colum_revive_MochilaMedico=""; //Contents for the rucksack // the contents are: [nº compress, nº morphine, nº ephinifrine, nº green smoke grenades] Colum_revive_MochilaMedico_Contenido=[10,20,15,2,12]; //Uncoment(remove the // afther the line) any line bellow to enable specific side backpack or contents. //Colum_revive_MochilaMedico_WEST = "ACE_VTAC_RUSH72_TT_MEDIC"; //Colum_revive_MochilaMedico_EAST = "ACE_VTAC_RUSH72_TT_MEDIC"; //Colum_revive_MochilaMedico_GUER = "ACE_VTAC_RUSH72_TT_MEDIC"; //Colum_revive_MochilaMedico_CIV = "ACE_VTAC_RUSH72_TT_MEDIC"; //Colum_revive_MochilaMedico_Contenido_WEST =[10,20,15,2,10]; //Colum_revive_MochilaMedico_Contenido_EAST = [10,20,15,2,10]; //Colum_revive_MochilaMedico_Contenido_GUER = [10,20,15,2,10]; //Colum_revive_MochilaMedico_Contenido_CIV =[10,20,15,2,10]; //Jip players wil have an option to teleport to his squadmates when conected. True = allow, False = not allow Colum_revive_JIPTelep=true; //The gear, heal status and position are stored on player disconnect and restored on conect. =true Enabled = false disabled. KNOWN ISUE: backpack contents and weapon on back are not saved because are local to the client :(.( that excludes the medical gear of the backpack that its added again for medics). //NOTE: this feature is stil experimental, but should work Colum_revive_DisconectSave=true; //Each X seconds player data. May generate extra traffic if combined with the next one, so use it wisely. -1 == disabled Colum_revive_DisconectSave_Time=-1; //Save backpack contents. Colum_revive_Save_Ruck=false; //allow respawn . false= if uncons time runs out you will DIE PERMANENTLY, EVEN IF YOU HAD LIFES LEFT. true= if you get out of time you will respawn on the designated respawn if you had lives left if (paramsarray select 9 == 1) then {Colum_revive_Respawn=true;"respawn" setmarkeralpha 1;} else {Colum_revive_Respawn=false}; //If enabled, allows respawn in waves instead of based on the time from your last death //params: [ first wave delay , time between waves] . all in seconds. //IMPORTANT this overrides ace_sys_spectator_RevShowButtonTime Colum_revive_WaveTime_Respawn=[-1,-1]; //Side respawns . false= everybody has the same respawn. true= each side has his own respawn points Colum_revive_Respawn_Side=false; //Side lifes . false=everybody has the same number of lifes. true= each side has his own number of lifes Colum_revive_Vidas_Side= false; //Death map Markers, false= no markers, true= wounded units would be shown on the map. Colum_revive_Death_Markers= true; //Death Messages . false=no mesages. true= a mesage will be shown when someone falls uncons. Colum_revive_Death_Messages= true; //death people leave group . Recomended true, only false if you use a stupid script that uses the leader unit to get the group in the middle of the game. Colum_revive_Death_LeaveGroup= true; //Minimun damage left after been healed with the medkit. 0 disabled. Values recomended 0.01-0.08 ace_sys_wounds_leftdam=0; //On medic revive make full heal( so you don't need to use medkit after revive, only for normal healing). True enabled, false (Default) disabled Colum_revive_Levanta_Heal=false; //Penalice Respawn button with Death. If true, if you press the respawn button you are out of the game, if false, you will only lose a life Colum_revive_RespawnButtonPunish=false; //If server fails to send the number of lifes, set it to 0. If set to false, if fails, you will get all the lifes Colum_revive_KillOnConnectFail=true; //If the player disconects while unconscious or heavy wounded, he will lose one life. This may avoid some posible exploits.= true enabled, =false disabled. Colum_revive_DisconectPunish=false; //This parameter determines wath to do if someone dies in the water, the posible options are: //0 : Do nothing . if deep water, it will be no chance to save him, escept if there is respawn :P, if not, you may be able to drag out of the water //1 : Direct death ( lifes=0 if respawn not enabled, and -1 life if respawn enabled) if the player dies and sinks in deep water //2 : The dead player floats over the water, there is 2 ways to save him. Go with a vehicle really close to him and he will get onboard automaticaly, also you can swing to him to grab him and carry him to the coast. //3 : The player is moved to the nearest coast, using norrin script. Colum_revive_WaterAction=3; //life persistance: //-1 : always persistent. Lifes will only be reseted on mision restart or using Colum_Revive_Funcion_Reset_Data function(default) //0 : non persistan lifes, players that JIP will have the max number of lifes //>1 :The lifes of the players will be reseted after some amount of time(seconds). For example if you set it to (30*60) a player that runs out of lifes when 30 mins have passed after his death, if he reconnects he will have max lifes Colum_revive_LifesPersist=-1; //Been inside or near medical vehicles/structures grants extra time to the revive counter colum_revive_medicalExtraTime=true; // Fixes some errors that may end you stuck on spectator. Added as an option because its hardcoded nature can cause troubles in future ACE spectator script changes Colum_spect_workaround=true; //Mission ends if all the players on one of the indicated sides die(no lives left or all uncons). Be aware that even if its disabled( [] ) you can use the variables : Colum_revive_AlivePlayers == 0 (all players dead) or //Colum_revive_AlivePlayers_WEST ==0(all bluefor players dead), Colum_revive_AlivePlayers_EAST,Colum_revive_AlivePlayers_GUER, Colum_revive_AlivePlayers_CIV // Its also available: Colum_revive_AliveMedics y Colum_revive_AliveMedics_SIDE with the number of alive medics/people able to revive if (paramsarray select 9 == 1) then {Colum_revive_EndGameIfAllDie=[]} else {Colum_revive_EndGameIfAllDie=[west]}; //example value: [west,east] //If there is no alive persons able to revive you( including AI medic from this script) players will die/respawn(if enabled) directly ( their countdown timer would be switch to 10 secs :) ) Colum_Revive_KillIfNoMedic=false; if (Colum_revive_Respawn) then { //Text of the respawn buttons, a text must be defined for each respawn point. There is no limit for the number of respawn points. Colum_revive_RespawnButton_text = ["Respawn"]; //other example : Colum_revive_RespawnButton_text = ["respawn1", "respawn2"]; //Name of the markers for the respawn( could be diferent from the button text, used the same just for this example) //NOTE: you can easy create a movile respawn by creating a marker and updating its position Colum_revive_RespawnMarkers= ["base"]; //offset for the respawn point. Usefull for example to define respawn inside buildings or in the carrier. Colum_revive_RespawnOffset= [0,0,0,0]; //Time to appear the respawn buttons when you are wounded, in seconds ace_sys_spectator_RevShowButtonTime = (paramsarray select 10); if (Colum_revive_Respawn_Side) then { // Side respawns if you use Colum_revive_Respawn_Side and you comment the respawn buttons markers and offsets( by placing // before them) of a side, that side will have respawn disabled. //So that way you can enable respawn only to one side //Bluefor Colum_revive_RevButtons_WEST = ["respawn1_WEST", "respawn2_WEST", "respawn3_WEST", "respawn4_WEST"]; Colum_revive_RespawnMarkers_WEST= ["respawn1_WEST", "respawn2_WEST", "respawn3_WEST", "respawn4_WEST"]; Colum_revive_RespawnOffset_WEST=[0,0,0,0]; //oppfor Colum_revive_RevButtons_EAST = ["respawn1_EAST", "respawn2_EAST", "respawn3_EAST", "respawn4_EAST"]; Colum_revive_RespawnMarkers_EAST= ["respawn1_EAST", "respawn2_EAST", "respawn3_EAST", "respawn4_EAST"]; Colum_revive_RespawnOffset_EAST=[0,0,0,0]; //Independ Colum_revive_RevButtons_GUER = ["respawn1_GUER", "respawn2_GUER", "respawn3_GUER", "respawn4_GUER"]; Colum_revive_RespawnMarkers_GUER= ["respawn1_GUER", "respawn2_GUER", "respawn3_GUER", "respawn4_GUER"]; Colum_revive_RespawnOffset_GUER=[0,0,0,0]; //Civil Colum_revive_RevButtons_CIV = ["respawn1_CIV", "respawn2_CIV", "respawn3_CIV", "respawn4_CIV"]; Colum_revive_RespawnMarkers_CIV= ["respawn1_CIV", "respawn2_CIV", "respawn3_CIV", "respawn4_CIV"]; Colum_revive_RespawnOffset_CIV=[0,0,0,0]; }; }; if (Colum_revive_Vidas_Side) then { // life number if Colum_revive_Vidas_Side= true; //lifes for bluefor team / west side Colum_revive_VidasMax_WEST=2; //lifes for opfor team / east side Colum_revive_VidasMax_EAST=3; //lifes for indepen team / guer side Colum_revive_VidasMax_GUER=4; //lifes for civilian team / CIV side Colum_revive_VidasMax_CIV=10; }; hope this helps Nomad
  14. Thanks for looking into this. I have not tried this with AI, so tests have been just me or me and other players. I will implement the changes and give a go. Just so you know a few of my friends played a mission with this for the first time and love it. They kept talking on TS how much they liked the HALO.
  15. nomadd

    RQ-11 Raven A

    Very nice work. I think norailgunner is asking the same thing I am, would it be possible to have extra receivers for other people playing. One person controls the raven but anyone with a receiver can look at the data. It is not like in game they can just peer over your shoulder and see the screen. Maybe this is already possible and I have not figured it out yet. Thanks nomad
  16. nomadd

    ASR Appendix

    Wow just came across this, going to try it out. It looks great. Any chance of adding a setting of disabling the stamina but keeping ruck system? Nomad
  17. nomadd

    ACE for OA 1.13

    Ok another ACE wounds question. I just started implementing this in missions and over all it works great. What I would like to know is can I change some of the things like, amount of damage you can bandage, time it takes to revive someone, give morphine etc. I don't want to get into "what is realistic", everyone has their own opinions on "what is realistic" and that is just what they are.. opinions. This is a game and it should be fun, when you are playing with only a couple of other people and only have short amounts of time to actually get to play, sitting for a minute and half and doing a revive/getting revived(plus time for bandaging,morphine,medkit etc) is not that much fun. I am not saying do away with anything, just give the mission maker the ability to define the time it takes to revive someone,give morphine, bandage etc. Again, I understand everyone is going to define "fun" differently, some folks may love doing the whole medical thing including medivac to hospital ,but their are others (like me) that just want a solid but simplified medical system. Maybe this is already an option. If it is I can't find it. Nomad
  18. @kempco With what a posted above I look in the scripts(wow it is way above my level knowledge of scripting). In the playerexec.sqf I found where you are using the ace jumpout_cord if (isMultiplayer) then {//MP if (JTK_ACE_Detected)then { _unit execVM "x\ace\addons\sys_eject\jumpout_cord.sqf"; }else{ _unit setVariable ["JTK_HALO_Chute_Status","Primary"]; [_unit] call JTK_HALO_Freefall; }; }else{ _unit setVariable ["JTK_HALO_Chute_Status","Primary"]; [_unit] call JTK_HALO_Freefall; }; I changed the code above to: if (isMultiplayer) then {//MP if (JTK_ACE_Detected)then { _unit setVariable ["JTK_HALO_Chute_Status","Primary"]; [_unit] call JTK_HALO_Freefall; //_unit execVM "x\ace\addons\sys_eject\jumpout_cord.sqf"; }else{ _unit setVariable ["JTK_HALO_Chute_Status","Primary"]; [_unit] call JTK_HALO_Freefall; }; }else{ _unit setVariable ["JTK_HALO_Chute_Status","Primary"]; [_unit] call JTK_HALO_Freefall; }; I remove the ace fnc and just used the one you made. So far I have not encountered another problem with not going into the halo animation when doing water insertions. The last tests I ran have been with CBA,ACE, JSRS, and some island mods. I have no idea why that glitch was happening. Nomad
  19. nomadd

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I have started using ACE wounds along with Columdrum's revive script and so far I really like it. I am curious, would it be possible to up the percentage that a non-medic can bandage wounds. Right now if a non-medic is wounded, they can only bandage themselves if the damage is <=30%. I would like to up that to around 50-60%. They will still require a medic but they can at least stop themselves from bleeding out. Wasn't sure if I could do something like... player setVariable ["ACE_Whatever_Variable_is",0.50]; Thanks, Nomad
  20. @alexboy Thanks for the tips. I use SIX so everything is up to date. I also used SIX to verify and repair mods, like you mentioned, I thought I might have something corrupted. I did not try to re-download the demo misson. That is a good idea. I will give it a go. I did a work around , normal halo( which works perfect) and zodiac waiting in the water with an IRstobe attached to it. Edit: I did try a re-download of the demo mission. Same problem with water insertion. If I figure out what the problem is I will post it, but as of right now I haven't figure it out. EDIT: Think I have narrowed the problem down to ACE. If I have ACE loaded halo works once in a great while on water insertions,but I always get the pull rip cord option. If I do not load ACE, halo so far works every time on water insertions. For some reason I thought ACE was required, but it is just CBA. I use ACE in all my missions so right now just going to use the above work around. Nomad
  21. @Columdrum I just started using this script. So far I really like, nice work btw. I know it has already been mentioned but I was wondering if there was a work around for the respawn buttons appearing. The respawn buttons will appear the first time you are killed ,but after that they no longer use the time set in ace_sys_spectator_RevShowButtonTime = xx. EDIT: Think I may have figured out one of the problems. I was not sure what to do with Colum_revive_WaveTime_Respawn=[100,375]; So I put it as Colum_revive_WaveTime_Respawn=[0,0]; This seems to have helped the respawn buttons appearing correctly now. I have another question. I made a mobile respawn. It works fine, but how do I use the offset? Colum_revive_RespawnOffset= [0,0,0,0]; [x,y,z,?] or [?,x,y,z]. Is there a way to use the offset and actually respawn in the cargo position of a vehicle? thanks, Nomad
  22. Thanks for the fast response, edit.. well I thought I found the problem but still no luck. The positive side is sometimes the halo works on water insertions sometimes not, before it never worked. I am still dropping/adding mods trying to see if there is a conflict somewhere. ....I am down to just CBA and ACE, and still can not go into halo animation. My unit just runs down the ramp, changes animation trying to get his primary weapon. Of course there is no weapon. Then either continues running in place or just stands there. I did get it to work a few times, but atm the moment I am stumped. I thought maybe in was the beta patch messing with it, but I removed it and still no luck. One thing for certain it only happens when I try a water insertion.
  23. I have set this up in a couple of missions and so far the halo (over land) works great. However I am trying to make a mission with a water insertion and have run into a few problems. 1. when the units leave the plane they never change animations into halo, they either are just standing or stuck in the run animation they use running down the ramp. This only happens when trying to do a water insertion. 2. I have been randomly kicked out of the plane, again only happens during water insertion and it is very random. Sometimes when it happens I just stay stuck in the air. 3. trying to use the JTK_bypass does not work with water insertions, it works fine with a normal halo, I get an error saying it is looking for a number and has a string instead. This is my capture data : [s1,[8103.48,6617.55,600],180,0,["Zodiac",6],[8103.48,5917.55,0]];. I ran quite a few tests on the mission I am making, playing around with distance from land and altitude, but nothing really helped. I also tried the demo mission and got the same results. Nomad
  24. Ah ok, thanks for the info.
  25. @kempco I have a question. This is not a big deal, more curious than anything. I have put this in a couple of missions already. One of the missions the group starts on an aircraft carrier. I didn't want to put a C130 on the deck so I made a quick blackout transition to a runway. Would there be a way to do a blackout transition straight to the plane where it is flying? I already have the the jump destination preset. Thanks, Nomad