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Everything posted by nomadd

  1. nomadd

    USS Nimitz

    @Jdog Well, with the script you posted and using unitcapture/unitplay I have some nice eye candy now of fighters (AI) taking off from the deck. They don't do anything but take off and once out of sight I delete them, but makes the deck feel alive with activity. I did check my .rpt and this was spammed pretty hard in it. This error happens with or without AI taking off. Nomad
  2. nomadd

    USS Nimitz

    Thanks Jdog Nomad
  3. nomadd

    USS Nimitz

    @jdog Your aircraft carrier looks great. I already have a mission I am putting this into. Question: Do you have a demo of AI using the catapult to take off? I have tried the scripts. I can get the plane to attach to the catapult . I can get the JBD to go up and down. What I cannot seem to do is get the plane to launch correctly. I am using standard BIS planes. I can hear the catapult fire, but the planes shoot off to the side and explode. I am testing this on your demo mission. Nomadd
  4. I like that BI is doing something with the animation speeds. Yes, some of the new animations are too fast , which makes them look fake\silly, but some of the old animations are too slow , again makes them look fake\silly. Just, need to find the balance. Personally, I use a couple of animation speed ups, like position change, grenade throw, and a couple of others. Nomadd
  5. nomadd

    [Coop] Village Sweep v2

    Newest Version "Village Sweep" v2.4 Nomadd
  6. @Dmarkwick Well, was hoping it was an easy fix. What is bad is, I even read the manual , and read about the waypoint config, but I couldn't make any sense of it. I tried some other configs, but I did not try the one with the check radius set to 0. I figured it was something to do with the wps. I just had no clue what. Thanks for the help and the information Nomadd
  7. I made a couple of demo missions. One is script version the other is PBO. I have four zones, zone 1 is the one in dense jungle. Zone2 is an exact copy of zone1 and it works fine. Script version and PBO version both fail on Zone 1. Maybe, I am missing something very simple. I also added the armor spawn, Zone3 and Zone 4. Zone 3 has one group with one unit, nothing will spawn, Zone 4 is one group with 2 units, one armor will spawn. I labeled the zones in the mission. To try and make it easier to understand. The PBO version is using extern logic. I wanted to trun on markers in the zones and also be able to change the DAC_AI_count_level. http://www.gamefront.com/files/20008555/DAC+zone+test.rar Nomadd Edit: did a bit more testing. switched to intern logic on PBO and armor is spawning correctly now, but zone is dense jungle still does not work. I also change zone in jungle to 1 group with 1 wp, still does not work
  8. @Dmarkwick and Zigzag I have tried many combination's. I have made call for only 2 groups with 3-4 units and a pool of 10 wp using 4 wp per group . exp [2,3,10,4]. I have tried a bigger pool or WP's 30 and even higher. I have tried more and less WP per group. I have tried making the zone bigger and smaller, but still keeping it in the dense jungle area. It seems to make no difference. I have not tested wheeled or tanks, but I really don't want to spawn them in dense jungle. It would be silly, but I may try it just to test them. DAC gives a hard error, saying it cannot create the zone. Have to click continue to get past it. Take the same zone and move it to an open area , it works perfect. This only seems to happen on really dense "jungle" maps. Chernarus, Utes, Duala, Everon, Takistan, Zargabad all seem to work fine. I know I tested this exactly the same way on Chernarus, in a dense forest area and DAC worked perfect. This is something else, I have tested this over and over. I posted this a long time ago , but still can get it to work right. It only happens with armor if you try and spawn exp [1,1,10,5], 1 group and 1 unit (change DAC_config_creator, AI_count_level to [1,1]. It will not spawn one armor, but if you change it to [2,2] in config. One armor will spawn. I have also changed it to [4,4] and [6,12] but I never get more than 3 armor at the most, sometimes it is just one. This mainly seems to happen with the script version. I need to tested it with the pbo. What is strange is it only seems to be armor that is affected, everything else spawns according to the parameters I set. I also used Silola's tip of putting this in the Dac_config_event ,"player sidechat format[""%1"",typeof _vehc]", and turning it on in the script call. That way it lists what is spawned. Just curious if anyone else noticed this Nomadd
  9. Not sure if Silola is still around or if someone else can answer this. Been trying to make some missions on "jungle" type maps and have found a problem. I have tested this with both the script version and PBO version of DAC. I also tested this on Lowlands map, SEA map, Lingor map, and MBG_nam map, all have thick jungle areas. Also, only testing with infantry. Create a DAC zone in the think jungle area. Try to keep the zone just in the jungle area. DAC gives an error every time that it is not suitable for infantry.(it can't create the wps) Move the zone to a non-jungle area and DAC works fine. Create a zone over jungle and open area, DAC will work but it takes along time for it to create the WPs and then the groups will never start in the jungle areas only the open terrain areas. I would love to get DAC working on jungle maps, since there are so many good jungle maps out there. Nomadd
  10. @DMarkwick Thanks for the info, that answers my mystery. Nomadd
  11. Maybe someone can help me with this. I looked at the demo script mission of sector control. I want to black the screen and hold everything until DAC has finished initializing. I put this in my Init.sqf , The black screen and text shows up but only for about a sec, then you are in the game. I want to stay at the black screen until DAC has finished creating its zones. I am using this for MP, local hosted, maybe it would be better to try this from a trigger , I am not sure. If someone can help me or if someone has a demo mission of this working. Nomadd EDIT: Well I tried this with triggers and it works, not sure why it would not run from the init.sqf.
  12. I have a question, and if it has been answered I apologize I did not find it. I have multiple editor placed groups, running Bin_taskpatrol.sqf or Bin_Taskdefend.sqf. I have them placed in certain towns/areas that I want them to stay at. I am running DAC over the whole map and would like to integrate the groups. I know how to integrate, the question I have is, will the groups continue to use the taskdefend/taskpatrol, or will DAC take over and assign new waypoints moving them from the towns/areas I have placed them? I know I can make small DAC zones for each Town/Area but I would like to just integrate (map wide DAC zone, it is a large search mission) and the units stay put. I would like to use DAC on the editor groups to get the all the benefits DAC offers, but not have them leave where I put them. I love have the randomness with DAC, I never know where or what I will be fighting. I just need to make sure in some towns\areas there will be a fight. Hope I have explained this well enough Nomadd
  13. If anyone is interested, This script has pretty much all the weapons and ammo in Unsung , you can adapt it to your needs. Some weapons and ammo are commented out just because I pulled this out of a mission I made, but I would leave the uns_m576gren commented out. It seems to cause an error when it tries to load. Enjoy, Nomad
  14. I decided to make some Unsung unit configs, if anyone needs them here they are Nomadd EDIT: fixed one typo and added Army and vehicles. For some reason copy and pasting randomly adds spaces in some of the entries. If you use this just remove the spaces
  15. I needed a good laugh and after reading this post and all the comments. I have been laughing my ass off. I won't go back and pick them out but there were some gems of comments made on this. Very funny stuff. One last thing, what if your guy is constipated? Can the medics hand out laxatives? Nomadd
  16. I just checked out the SEA map using the newest beta patch. First time I have seen the map and all I can say is WOW. That map looks great. Keep up the good work. Nomadd
  17. I am making a mission , like so many others, where you have to rescue a pilot. I thought I had everything working, well as I tested it in the editor everything was working, but I put up a dedi server to further test for bugs and part of my addaction is not working. the set up: Once you find and free the pilot, a trigger will add the action for "pilot follow" trigger .....do1 = pilot addAction ["Pilot Follow","scripts\follow.sqf",[],1,false,true,"","_target distance player <= 4"]; pilot stop true;.... I have this trigger repeating so if the person the pilot is following gets killed the pilot will stop and wait for someone else to come collect him. In my follow.sqf Just a simple looping waypoint , also adds actions to teleport pilot it he gets stuck and tell the pilot to stay. The Stay.sqf is just simply follow=true. When I tested this in the editor everything works perfect but when I test on dedi the pilot will not follow, he just stands there. Everything else works. I really want the pilot to follow the person that uses the addaction. I am using the waypoint loop and not having the pilot join my group for the simple reason , the AI is stupid. I first tried this with the pilot joining my group. 9 times out of 10 if enemy started firing at us the pilot would 1: stop and do nothing.(would not respond to any command) 2: run off in a random direction 3: run directly into the enemy fire (this happened alot) So after reading the boards I decided to try the waypoint approach and in the editor it works like it should, Even underfire the pilot will always run toward the player. I know I am a noob at scripting. Didn't even know what scripting was until I bought ArmaII. Any help is appreciated or if someone has an easier/better way to do this I will be more than happy to take advice. Nomadd
  18. @acecool Thanks for the help Nomadd
  19. nomadd

    [Coop] Village Sweep v2

    @kommiekat I never play SP , so I didn't even think about it. I will have to give some thought as to how to make this mission SP friendly. Give me some time and I will see if I can come up with a SP version. I know it should be easy but I have things in the mission that are designed for a team of players to do and trying to get AI to do them will be very difficult. Nomadd
  20. Not sure the best way to get the word out, but I posted here and on ARMANAM site. I have released 2 missions using this Mod. I have a 3rd almost done. If you get a chance to try them, please tell me what you think. village sweep v2 : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=113515 Firebase : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=113516 Nomadd
  21. This mission is a defend the base. You can set enemy strength,waves,type from the parameters. If the enemy makes it to the flag in the base, you lose. If you hold out ,against however many you set, you win. I included a readme with all the credits , also I left the authors names/names attached to any scripts used in the mission. Feel free to open and change the mission to fit your wants/needs. ADDONS NEEDED: Unsung mod http://www.filefront.com/17819020/Firebase.rar If there are any problems or bugs , please post them. I will try and fix them as best I can. Edit: this mission has not been tested with ACE,Zeus or GL4 , so I do not know what the results will be if you use these mods
  22. @armafansa I was having the same problem with AI in the jungle shooting me from far away and I never could see them and usually it only took one or two shots to kill me. So, what I did was make a sqf and run it over all opfor on the map. It really helped with the one shot kill through thick jungle. Now when my friends and I play we have pretty intense firefights with the AI. You can easily burn 2-3 mags and only get 1-2 kills. The AI will usually spray the area you are in , you can be hit ,but it seems alot more random unless you are just standing in the open. I also set all AI to stand. I know it is not realistic. AI always go prone, and in the jungle you will not see them until you step on them, but the AI have no problems "seeing" standing or laying. You are welcome to try this, change the settings to your liking. I just named it skills.sqf and ran it from Init.sqf Nomad
  23. @warrior x Thanks, I tried what you said and I have one mission working ,but the other mission is still not working. It is still looking for csj_quad50. I keep working on it , if any success I will post. EDIT: I have all my missions working now, thanks Warrior x Nomadd
  24. I have a few missions I have made using Unsung mod. I have been playing them with friends , just hosting a server. I decided to set up a dedi server to further test the missions for bugs. However, I have run into problems. When I try and play them on a dedi server I get a message that I am am missing uns_traps and/or csj_quad50. The mission that gives the uns_traps error I don't have any traps on the map. I checked the editor and also searched the mission.sqm for traps. I have another mission with traps and I don't get this error, so I tried to add a trap to the map in question to see if that would fix it, still doesn't work. I am not sure what to do to fix this. I am sure it is an easy solution but at the moment I am lost. The error with csj_quad50 is on another mission. I am not sure what to look for. I would like to test these mission on a dedi before I release them, but atm I can't even get them to run on a dedi. Nomadd
  25. @Deadfast I missed the isserver in the init.sqf. I also didn't think about the addaction being local to the machine that activated it, so can't have isserver. So , it makes sense now. I never new what scripting was until I bought ArmaII so I am still trying to wrap my head around alot of this stuff. Just making sure I was not causing any unforeseen problems with multitask. Thanks for your time and thanks for Multitask. Nomadd