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Everything posted by SigintArmA

  1. SigintArmA

    PMCs for ACE2 (new, complete)

    Uhm, when I updated last night after reading that post Darkhorse it seems that isn't exactly true since I didn't receive any Mercs in the update. Wondering where they are listed for you then?
  2. SigintArmA

    PMC extension

    The Mags I mean, display of the Beta-C mag for the 100 Round models if you add them. So it doesn't just look like another 3 Round mag but firing 100 rounds lol That is all... lol
  3. SigintArmA

    PMC extension

    Ooo, so will we see both 556 AND 762 versions instead of one or the other? Would be neat if so :o Plus the different mags modeled? Just questions :3 Doesn't need anything of what I question X3 Just nosy hehe
  4. SigintArmA

    WIP: Qom Province

    Assumed as such Bushlurker! Hi-ho and away to the mission! -Trips over Paracord and falls out of a C-130- To Iran I gooooo!
  5. SigintArmA

    PMC extension

    Neat, what're the specs? I mean ammo/etc :o Looks neat but for all we know it could end up like a differently modeled M4 ya know what I mean? :P Wondering how it'll be when put up against one is all hehe But looks epic none the less! :D
  6. Yeah, and on top of that :P The ones you mentioned Darkhorse never ever saw combat, that I can think of that is I mean, there were only 2 T28 made, the T29 was only in trials and the T30 was too late in the war to do -anything-. :P Don't see the point of them even being mentioned... XD T-28 though :O Need to look that one up myself :p Just to learn something new ^^
  7. SigintArmA

    WIP: Qom Province

    Well I'm working on something in the north with the airstrip + Dry salt lake bed. @Tupolov - Can you or someone remind me when the dang setting is (Year/Etc) So I can get it right on my missions. Don't wanna have the wrong info haha XD
  8. SigintArmA

    RH wip thread

    -Itches head- Guess you've got a point Militantsausage. Guess I haven't been paying attention to a lot of the smaller countries on either side of the line, western or eastern side that wasn't given weapons from either the AR family or the AK family (Both being the general M16 (Any variant) and AK-47 of any make (Even the countries own "Knock-Off")) or didn't have enough money to purchase them on their own. Haha XD Damn being sleepy ~_~ And Galzohar, it was pretty late when I typed that XD So I left that out. But a lot remember it for introducing the burst fire in the AR group or what ever lol I was just typing what I remembered in my sleepy state XD
  9. SigintArmA

    PMC extension

    Hehe, If so I've seen and used it thanks to RobertHammer :P Hehehe... gotta love his 416 pack XD
  10. SigintArmA

    RH wip thread

    Well the M16A1 added improved stock, carry holder, forward assist etc. etc. which were large improvements over the M16 the Air Force adopted. M16A2 was brought in due to the fact all the 'Green' soldiers had no trigger control so they would unload the mag in one trigger pull. Plus other features I can't recall at the moment. And since the XM177 was a experimental rifle it would be a more or less guerilla gun since it's so out of date. Not saying it wouldn't be neat to see, just think adding it in with the M4/M16 pack that includes the M4 and M4A1 it wouldn't be that big of an issue. But then again he has the AR-10 (The Grand-Pa of the M16) in there which is fun as hell to use. But I'm just speaking my two cents though, haha... If he does get around to it (IF he does) I'll use it but personally won't be effected if he didn't since I could give Guerilla's other weapons that are more widely owned by Civ/Guerilla/Insurgent forces. -Shrug- I know I might have sounded like 'Oh it'd be a bad idea rawr' just saying it'd be a downgraded M4 that no one really owned anymore let alone sells if they're still made. But then again I can't find anything about anyone who still makes'm or sells'm -Shrugs- Lol
  11. SigintArmA

    Isla Duala

    The rivers I think weren't really meant for major boat travel. And plus the Civi boats travel slow anyway XD (Max I got a Civ one was 7) And currently I'm working on a new project myself :o Using Schnapsdrosel's new OA Mercs. So far so good! Hehe... little missions at first... then it'll build into a war ^^ Just need help on what correct year Duala is supposedly based in >_> I'm guessing 2010 due to the editor starting time but I have no idea. =3 Mind lending bit of knowledge there Ice? X3 Hehe ^^
  12. SigintArmA

    Isla Duala

    All the aircraft from the Viggen to Mig to Su24, all work fine. Though for a tiny bug ^^ http://s1029.photobucket.com/albums/y351/Conansig/?action=view&current=arma2oa2011-03-2216-54-07-73.jpg XD Hahaha... And I just checked my '@Duala' folder and it seems GLT Missle Box came with the DL, at least for me :P
  13. SigintArmA

    F/A-18 Super Hornet

    No, the Aircraft Carrier is another project which can be found here http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=115296&highlight=Nimitz And good work with aircraft ^^ Haha... it'll be fun to fly that baby.
  14. SigintArmA

    Isla Duala

    I don't run CBA or GLT when I run the latest version and everything works just fine. Huh, odd... O_o
  15. SigintArmA

    RH wip thread

    The XM177 would almost be redundant due to the fact the more refined version of it (The now M4) is serviced but I think it could be nice to add for maybe use with more 'Insurgent' type forces or PMCs. And another SMG would be neat imo :o Can't have too many of them hehe
  16. Should be something like 'Middle Eastern Army' under OPFOR victim913
  17. Oh-Rah man! Good work! DLing now man! :D
  18. SigintArmA

    WIP: Qom Province

    Heres a couple of the Iranian 23rd Commandos Prepping to confront the Coalition Forces http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y351/Conansig/Qom%20Province/arma2oa2011-03-1719-39-54-18.jpg http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y351/Conansig/Qom%20Province/arma2oa2011-03-1719-39-39-18.jpg (This is -NOT- the mission I'm making. Just thought it'd help 'Set the mood'.) Other pics: http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y351/Conansig/Qom%20Province/arma2oa2011-03-1720-08-40-17.jpg Persian Gulf Highway http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y351/Conansig/Qom%20Province/arma2oa2011-03-1720-07-32-81.jpg Dry Salt Lake http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y351/Conansig/Qom%20Province/arma2oa2011-03-1720-07-56-40.jpg Military Airstrip http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y351/Conansig/Qom%20Province/arma2oa2011-03-1720-08-12-18.jpg Military Airstrp 2 http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y351/Conansig/Qom%20Province/arma2oa2011-03-1720-06-56-67.jpg Research Compound + Old Fort http://i1029.photobucket.com/albums/y351/Conansig/Qom%20Province/arma2oa2011-03-1720-13-57-01.jpg The Persian Gulf Highway truck stop! (Just for giggles)
  19. SigintArmA

    Zil - Screwdrive released!

    SHAGOHOD! Hehe... would be neat. (Damn it Darkhorse :P Beat me to it. I wanted to teach! (Loves the MGS and Metal Gear Series) But on topic. The screw drive is a neat thing :D Haha. If only we could get our own Shagohod! Hehe... mobile Nuke Platform... would be epic >_> But thats just dreams XD But yeah! :D this thing is fun.
  20. What mission is it? Can't help you without knowledge of what mission it is? If it's a stock mission from Scenarios there is really no way to change the character model while in mission. For the loadout, you should be able to when in the 'Map' screen (First view before you select 'Continue' in the corner) by selecting 'Units' and then your character then 'Gear'. It should let you change your weapons. But the weapons will vary and the character (IE your model may it be KSK or US etc) aren't able to be changed unless you use Teamswitch.
  21. SigintArmA

    Dynamic Missions

    This goes into the 'User Missions' thread. http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=86 This thread is about actual Modifications and Addons (3rd party units/weapons/etc.)
  22. This goes into the 'Official Missions' thread. http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?f=85 This thread is about actual Modifications and Addons (3rd party units/weapons/etc.)
  23. SigintArmA

    OA desert mercs

    The CPU cycle is for making the pistol appear/disappear from the holster (Which IMO would be a waste too due to the fact people will be more focused on the target rather then if the pistol is there or not lol)
  24. SigintArmA

    WIP: Qom Province

    Huh... I'll grab some quick picks then. Gimme till about...Mid Thursday (For me it's only 10:20 PM Wed) and I'll grab a couple for ya but only if Tup says it's okay. ^^
  25. SigintArmA

    The Ranch

    I see. Would be interesting indeed... hrm... might look Utes over for ideas of what to add or w/e and naming uhh... hrm... think it could be for where it is located (Fictionally that is hehe)