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Everything posted by SigintArmA

  1. @peeaa - The reason is that most of the infantry aren't given hand radios (Which is realistic for the time). All you need to do is add them manually to the squad you play in. If I recall, it's "ItemRadio". But someone correct me if I'm wrong. ^_^
  2. I added an issue on Dev-Heaven about the BMW R75. I don't know if it's wrong to give a heads up, but I figure it'd be an idea to see if other players can take a look as well and see if they have the same issue.
  3. Excellent release, guys! -Claps- And I took a flight around Merderet River and find it a great looking and well built map! There are areas where I have flashbacks to old MoH games! (But that's most likely because WW2 looks all the same after a couple dozen villages.)
  4. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I'm sorry for asking here instead of the bug tracker, but I'm wondering if anyone else is having a bug with the Jerry Cans being over 120,000kg and having no icon when in the weapon box? I want to make sure it isn't just me that is having the problem and it being on my end.
  5. Hiddenselections does not work with weapons, if I recall correctly from threads past when it was introduced.
  6. Neat idea, but can I ask what the purpose is? Is it to send in game GPS data to a device in the real world? What is the function intended for and how is it to be used for ArmA2 o.O I'm sorry for asking such questions, I'm nosy as how it works other then how it connects to a device o:
  7. Wait for'm to be released o.o Since they haven't been released yet
  8. SigintArmA

    Project RACS

    Ah. I see, I saw the red star on the shoulder and thought as much, but wanted to know exactly without thinking wrongly. Thanks for the info ^_^
  9. SigintArmA

    Project RACS

    I'm sorry if this has been asked before someplace, but what does the 'Red Brigade' represent of the RACS? Sorry if it's been stated before :/
  10. Where did he say he was halting production? Is it posted someplace other then these forums/ArmAholic forums about it? o.O If you're assuming he has abandoned it due to no answers, then that's not right. He could very well have too many things on his plate. Give him time and let's hear from him directly about what's going on if any. -Shrug- Sorry to the mods if I am out of line with my post D:
  11. SigintArmA

    German Forces next Generation

    Looks like a scope with a Night Vision enhancer of some sort in font. Think it's the NSV80 II. -Looks at what the post said to learn the name and what was being shown in the pic- ;)
  12. SigintArmA

    Isla Duala

    There's a DEV GRU campaign that is heavily infantry oriented on Duala. I can't remember the link for the life of me, but have you looked into/found that one? Could possibly find it in the user mission thread here and possibly under one of the campaign tags in ArmAholic.
  13. SigintArmA

    Visitors for Arma2

    Please can we get back on topic? This has happened before and I don't think anyone wants another argument. I for one know how it went the first time. Not pretty.
  14. SigintArmA

    Visitors for Arma2

    Is there a 'Like post' button. Hehe but back to the topic eh? ^^; Don't want this closed for going off topic
  15. SigintArmA

    Visitors for Arma2

    Because he said he wasn't. Please respect his choice and let him be. If he feels like doing it later on he can choose to, but he chose not to make dinosauroids. So can I, as any other member can request, that you please stop bringing it up?
  16. SigintArmA

    Visitors for Arma2

    By the looks of what he said thar -Points to quote- There should be an armored version at some point. ^_^
  17. SigintArmA

    SyNcRoNiCzZ WIP Thread

    I think what Nofty is saying is support for use with Night Vision Goggles being on when you bring the scope up. At least, that is what I read from it hehe
  18. It's a picture of a real life airport, but it gives an idea of what the north airport will look like on the map :P
  19. SigintArmA

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Because they were done at the same time by the same person (Both directed by Clint Eastwood at the same time) :P But on topic, can't wait to play it o.o Been jumpy in my seat to see what else is being cooked up
  20. It's not just with ACE2, it's with other weapon packs that alter weapon animations as well. Don't think he's gonna be able to get'm all, ya know what I mean? Hehe =
  21. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.13

    If I recall it's possible to set a parameter in the init file of a mission to detect ACE, and if it does to add/remove/activate different features to the mission. It just takes editing and adding it. -Nods- Save to vanilla, official missions. It's not a good idea to edit them :P Hehe
  22. SigintArmA

    ACE for OA 1.13

    @student Are you talking about towing a car behind you with a tow rope? It's not a bug. http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Towing All I saw in the video was using a towrope to tow one vehicle behind another which is intended when attaching a tow rope to the Tower then attaching it to the Towed vehicle. It's completely intentional and I don't see any bug in the video. Unless I'm blind as a bat and am missing something in the video o.O
  23. SigintArmA

    Visitors for Arma2

    Hey man, take your time ^_^ Knowing people are alive and well is good enough info of knowing things are okay. Hope the distractions were more fun then annoying for ya since everyone knows how they can get crazy =D
  24. No problem, I just hope I didn't come off as hostile :P Hehe I know how sometimes that happens on these forums XD
  25. Health packs are obvious lol when you get hurt you get the option to use one. But the bayonets, I don't believe they have any use for the time being as they stated a long while ago. But I forget.