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About Hardhittaz

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  1. Hardhittaz

    The Cause 2 (SP campaign Idea WIP)

    I'm all for indoor keep it coming.
  2. Hardhittaz


    Or Seal Team Six campaign, the first one.
  3. I suggest the short grass mod for anyone becoming annoyed by the tall "wheat field" vegetation. I won't play without it.
  4. What does triggering fade mean? Is it some sort of bug?
  5. It's unplayably inaccurate, like at 20m bullets will land all over the place.
  6. Is anyone able to tell me why my accuracy is all over the place in this game and I can't hit the broad side of a barn? It was fine until I updated ACE like 2 days ago.
  7. I'm not sure if any values are changed, but the accuracy is all over the place now, maybe a bug?
  8. Hi there, I just updated this to the latest version but now my aim is horribly inaccurate. Is this supposed to be like this, is there a key to stabilize my aim somehow?