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Posts posted by riouken
Before you waste your time keep in mind that hitpart eventhandler doesn't currently work in dedicated multiplayer environments.Yes but the HandleDamage EH still returns the selection name (ie.. part of the model that was hit) and you can script a function to handle this see this post :
As Celery explains its the poor mans getHit.
Yes, the trigger just starts the script. You can start the script in a number of ways.
The Grad is artillery you need to create a fire mission and execute it.
Here is a simple example:
// There is a arty logic ingame named arty1; _myBattery = arty1; // We need to make a arty fire mission template _heTemplate = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 0, 15]; // We need the postion of the target Above Sea Level. _targetPos = getPosASL target_1; // Here we check and make sure it is range then we exicute the fire mission. if ([_myBattery, _targetPos, _heTemplate select 1] call BIS_ARTY_F_PosInRange) then { [_myBattery, _targetPos, _heTemplate] call BIS_ARTY_F_ExecuteTemplateMission; hint "Firing... Sit back and wait, it will take about 60-90 seconds for the rounds to impact"; } else { hint "Target out of range!"; };
example mission:
Use the radio trigger in the mission to fire the arty.
I am interested to know what position this is. Did you miss a link?Sorry I did not provide a link.
Discovery did not release that episode on their website or youtube but the here it is:
Basically if I remember correctly, they teach the seals to float at the surface(like if you were in a pool) with your butt deeper and your head and chest slightly raised a few inches out of the water, so only a small portion of your back is submerged.
In the Myth busters episode I think they found that if you lie like this even at 30 feet from the submerged explosion you still have a greater than 50% chance of surviving with no serious injury's.
That depends totally on the explosives used. Nobody in military uses Dynamite in any weapons warheads...Thats why they also say in the Mythbusters Video, that with the explosives used before - ANFO - it was different. ;-)
ANFO isn't used very much in the millitary, its mostly used more so in mining and demolition. Because it has a slower pressure wave and more push. They also did that same test with ANFO and it was very similar to the dynamite test. They have revisited that myth several times and the results have been pretty much the same.
Also they proved that the position that your body in has a huge effect on if you survive or not. Which is why they teach navy seals to get into this position if there is an underwater explosion.
Should be, explosives are more powerful underwater.No actually they are not, the pressure waves travel through the air much more easily than through water.
Well, it's not as simple as pressing a button you know. And based on the feedback from the dev(s) that have responded to this thread it makes me think they never really planned in multithreading beyond splitting each element (physics, AI, rendering, game logic) to a core each.Proper multithreading would split the workload of each game component over multiple cores but requires the code to be designed to do just that from the bottom up.
It's too late for that now and i said similar, not the same.
It has nothing to do with them not wanting to do it,
One word for you: Concurrency.
Go read about it and the pitfalls of multi-threaded apps. There are certain programs that can make use of multi-threading quite well but they tend to be programs where they are working on large amounts of data and that data is not needed by the other threads.
With games and a lot of other types of programs they have to put locks on certain data and memory, to make sure that one thread does not overwrite another threads work. Then you have to have some management overhead. All of that eats away at performance. And all of those other threads are waiting on the others for data. What is left is the type of multi-threading performance we have today.
You also might want to look into using BIS_fnc_dynamicText instead. It will show to everyone connected. Might be much simpler.
[text,x coord,y coord,duration,fade-in time,delta y,resource layer] call BIS_fnc_dynamicText
["<t size='3'>" + "Hello World" + "</t>",0.5750,0.2178,10,-1,1,3010] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
thanks very much for the link, i allready thought about dedicated!no one client should be enough. if i join the server everything will behave like for every other player which joins the game right? means im not the host=
Correct Your server will show up in the server browser just like any other hosted or dedi server.
You can run a dedi server on your computer and then connect to it.
But if you need to simulate more than one client then you will need some friends :butbut:
AI convoys are a pita, to be honest. I would suggest you use some of the scripts out there.
You can use:
And I think they added the ability to save to documents in a beta, but I don't remember the command's name. :/
I think its only for Take on Helis(will probably be in ARMA 3)
But yes, there are no file operations in arma. Though if you know what your doing you could work something up using a small program outside the game that saves a file that you put to the clipboard in game. Take a look at the ACE Clippi. Thats how sickboy does it for saving ACE settings out of game.
Your missing two (")
If you want to include double quotes (") in strings enclosed by double quotes, the inside double quotes have to be written twice.
_string = "my string ""with"" quotes"_string2 = 'my other string "with" quotes'
Create unit still works but it is depreciated. You should use createUnit Array
_myguy = _grp1 createUnit ["I44_Man_G_WH_K98k", getMarkerPos "respawn_east"]; _nul = [_myguy, 5] execVM "deleteUnit.sqf";
The general rule that I stick by and I have seen others say this as well is, if your going to run it more than twice, then you should pre-compile it and call it as a function.
A call from memory is always faster and more rescource efficient than reading a file.(As long as you have enough memory to hold your data and still have some overhead).
But scripts will always be on the low priority for server performance due to the scheduler in-game.
There for most of your gains to mission performance are going to come from, Amount and skill level of AI, Number of objects on the map and thier proximity to each other,if these objects are moving then this complicates it even further do to the increase of net traffic. Then you have to worry about how much data you are sending out with things like publicVariable and RE. You will find much better gains in misson performance if you can optimize these areas vs scripting.
- \\\\\ <---- Top Choice
What you want is a display.
Things like gps,compass those are none interactive dialogs, the game refers to them as displays.
You use diffrent commands to create them but their configs are almost the exact same.
Check the link for more info, I'm on my phone or I would post more.
The problem your having is that your trying to #include from another directory in the mission file. Its a limitation with relative path in arma.
You will need to do away with the directory "Include" and put the file "includes.h" in each directory your trying to access it in.
So you would need a copy in Base and Logic
So if you were including it in a (script) in the folder (base) then you would copy the file to the folder (base) and then you could use this includes:
#include "base\includes.h"
Understand now?
What is the Real file structure in your mission?
Your examples keep changing and an example like this:
#include "include\defines.h"
Works just fine is my mission.
But lets quit using "syntax" for paths, give us your REAL file structure so we can help you.
Also you should not use:
#include "\C:\Users\User\Documents\ArmA 2\missions\myMission.cmr_ovaron\include\defines.h"
Just because this is the path on your computer does not mean that will be the path if someone else trys to play your mission, and like I said before that is the path to your user editor mission, when you save that to a pbo it will be in a different place.
But this raises a question, if you do not understand the basics of editing in arma why are you using preprocessor commands?
If your running the file with the #includes from your mission you do not need to point to it. It will look in the mission folder first if not specified. Also what you typed above is not the path to your mission, that is the path to your editor save. You cant point to it like that. That is why the game looks in the mission folder first for your files.
I assume you have a folder named "include" in the base of your mission folder and the file "defines.h" is in there.
#include "include\defines.h"
that's actually game error message. its bit different but problem is exactly the same.i guess there's no way to include file from other folders in mission?
(unless the file is above in directory structure from the file that tries to include it)
Yes you can, you just need to know the path to the file.
Here are some examples to help you out.
Include for CBA to use the macros from the addon in your mission.
#include "\x\cba\addons\main\script_macros_common.hpp"
From one of my addons, to include settings from my file in the userconfig folder in your base arma directory.
#include "\userconfig\RSLO\RSLO.hpp"
Path to a picture in the base pbo of the game.(this is from a GUI)
text = "\ca\ui\data\ui_background_controls_ca.paa";
You can use:
[left][color=#3E3E3E]unit_Who_triggered = [/color]thisList [color=#3E3E3E]select 0;[/color][/left]
It has to be used in the init/condition or deactivation of the trigger.
Its not documented to well but it does work, you just have to be careful with the settings of the trigger or it might not return what your expecting.
You can choose to not show it when you respawn, But the player can still bring it up. Changed in the description.ext
The only way to truly disable it is in the server config:
[color=#333333]NetStats=0; // Off[/color]
Here you go:
The issue you are dealing with here is the scope of the variables.
If you're going to need to refer to it later might as well make it global to begin with. Use car instead of _car.While this is true, if your going to be creating lots and lots of cars then you might not want to clutter up the mission namespace.
If your only going to have a few of the objects and then you could just make it global.
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