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Col Penny

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About Col Penny

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    Private First Class

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  1. Col Penny

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    After adding an Admin, that member is now invisible and can no longer be manipulated. This is from different computers, browsers, and after logging out and back in. https://units.arma3.com/unit/15thmeu
  2. (Sorry for double post) Played with it for about an hour with another player, and found out what they meant by AI 'randomly dying'. When I have ten workers in the area (which, tbh, is a little much, but you know, testing) sometimes some of the AI will get teleported out to the edge of the map. On one occasion it was only one, on another it was 6 different AI. As requested, here is a screenshot of our settings: https://imgur.com/a/kw2Cj For additional reference, here is a screenshot of the construction they're building. It's intended to be a checkpoint. https://imgur.com/a/FdWEM EDIT: I put this and the above post on your GitHub for tracking purposes. I'm sure that's where you'd prefer bug reports, after I thought about it.
  3. Interesting. That makes for some nice scenarios I have to make them work around. Doesn't bother me, just didn't expect it. Does that also mean BLUFOR couldn't order around the construction workers to get in vehicles or go to the site, etc? Also found something. Been testing the settings that they had for this mission. Had 40 pieces set to work at 5 minutes each when 10 workers are present. Left the server for a bit because I had to go to dinner.. when I came back ~1.5 hours later, I had completely lost the ability to interact with anything. Couldn't use the foreman functions, and couldn't load one of my materials. For testing purposes I restarted the mission, and all the functionality came back. I left the server and rejoined, and I could still call materials but could no longer call for workers. Also had another player JIP and they could call for materials, but not for workers.
  4. Trying to recreate it. I was told by some people who had tested it, but in subsequent testing I can't make it happen. Trying to do their mission that they set up but... it wasn't done correctly either. I have noticed something, though. It seems that if you set the workers to be the CIVILIAN faction, a BLUFOR player cannot access the foreman. If you set the workers to be BLUFOR then a BLUFOR player can interact with the foreman.. but of course OPFOR will engage and kill the workers.
  5. We've been having an issue where 5 or more AI workers will get killed by some of the ambient spawning tools, as well as them just cluttering up the area in general. Is is possible to disable these, or at least reduce them?
  6. Oh. There's the changelog tab. If I could read that would help >.>
  7. What was the feature added in this update?
  8. Col Penny

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Reposting this since it was skipped..
  9. Col Penny

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    We're having some issues this morning. I have a guy dedicated to managing the membership of the ArmA 3 Units. He's in the group, I changed his title this morning, but after that he's magically nowhere to be found. He's still in the group, you just' can't find him on the roster. He's set to be an Operations Manager for the group.. but is not listed as one, and you can't add him as one because he can't be found through searching the group (or possibly because he already is one, just it's not showing up?) Somewhat related, but why can't 'Operations Managers', who are listed as able to 'Manage Members' remove people from the group?
  10. Col Penny

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Reposting since this question was skipped.
  11. Col Penny

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Why was the ability to use certain punctuation in the titles removed? Why was it changed at all? After a suggestion I made was denied, the reason was you guys said you wouldn't be changing anything because it would mess with the website... and now it has, in a very detrimental manner.
  12. Col Penny

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Change your image to 512x512 and make sure it's in PNG format. This will kick in the Bohemia 'hack' (as they call it) and make it work. Make sure you have your unit selected (top right-hand corner on the Main Menu hover over the person silhouette and click on your profile name, then click Units, then select your unit from the dropdown)
  13. Col Penny

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Are there any plans to increase the Squad Tag size? Currently my unit uses a tag of 13 characters (15th MEU(SOC)), but the limit is 10. We can adjust accordingly if we need to, but tradition dictates I at least ask you guys if it will be changed to, say, 15 characters. Also the in-game logo now works if you set the image to 512x512. I've been asked to ask, however, if it would be possible (for advanced users) to set a unit logo and separate in-game squad logo? Our logo is bright and colorful and we like that on the Units page to grab attention, but in-game we have a subdued/camouflaged version that looks better against uniforms/vehicles. Also will we be able, or will the individual be able, to set the Name, Email, IM, and Remark fields for the in-game data? Currently it displays all blank, though convential wisdom would say that the name and remark could be easily taken from the data in Units (Name is.... BI name, and Remark is Title).
  14. Col Penny

    The new unit system replaces squad.xml?

    Try uploading it at 512x512. That's what got it to work for me.
  15. Col Penny

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Are there any plans to increase the Squad Tag size? Currently my unit uses a tag of 13 characters (15th MEU(SOC)), but the limit is 10. We can adjust accordingly if we need to, but tradition dictates I at least ask you guys if it will be changed to, say, 15 characters.