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Everything posted by blackpulpit

  1. When I run the installer it goes for a short time then the box closes with no message or anything, it does not download anything at all, any ideas why it closes.
  2. I have not updated in about 2 to 3 weeks and now when I run the updater it does not bring me to the red update page? has something changed that I am not aware of that I need to change? thanks.
  3. How do I use the earplugs, simply grab them from my ammo crate? steps please, thanks.
  4. blackpulpit

    AT unit question

    When I have an AI unit in my coop and he is carrying a SMAW or anti tank weapon and I order him to take out a tank, why do they simply get up and run towards the tank instead of using there anti tank weapon from the spot they are already at? how can I get my AT man to stay put and take out a particular tank? any help with this would be appreciated, thanks. Say he is F6, I press F6 place my crosshairs over tank and get the crosshair up and order him to take out tank...is this correct or do I press F6 then 2 then give order to take out tank at particular direction? either way they do not immediately switch from there rifle to there AT weapon and taske it out, they get up and start to head towards the target and place themselves in a dangerous situation...any ideas what I need to do besides use it myself to destroy a tank?
  5. Concerning the new beta patch: Meatball how would I add it properly to my preset, should I download it from armaholic and run it? or how exactly to do it through the updater? thanks in advance mate.
  6. Meatball how would I add it properly to my preset, should I download it from armaholic and run it? or how exactly to do it through the updater? thanks in advance mate.
  7. I used the vanilla 1.05 updater selection and created my own personal updater for the game just like one of the Updater video's showed to do, I ran the updater yesterday but forgot to look to see if my game showed the new beta patch, can someone tell me if it automatically will use that patch when I updated the game or no because I originally used the vanilla as my "Main" page update ??? hope this makes sense.
  8. "Should be already working if you have the beta selected " No I dont have it selected, I reinstalled Ace2 after the 1.5 patch and have it as my personal set up using vanilla. Looks like this on the updater "main" page...My personal Ace2 setup or something, can I simply run the beta?
  9. will Ace use the new beta patch sometime soon in the updater? thanks.
  10. Thanks JW that worked. One thing I noticed when I used this script is that the units did not patrol, they move to there spots in formation then did nothing? what am I doing wrong you think? thanks.
  11. Alex72 I made a microsoft word folder with the USPS in it in my scripts folder? because I have no clue on making a "text file". I alt tab out of my editor and can copy the script but how in the world do I paste it in my init? my mouse does not let me paste it in there, I know I am doing something wrong so please bear with me and help me out with this, I appreciate your help, thanks.
  12. Make a scripts folder and then place the USPS.sqf in that folder? then how exactly do I access it from the editor?
  13. JW I love the script ,but, is there a way to place it in a folder or something so I can access it in my editor on my maps and copy/paste it in the init instead of always having to type it out? sorry I am not very learned in scripts and how to use them easier, I simply have to type them in all the time, but, I thought I saw were there is a way to have it always available to use in my editor? any ideas or steps in order to do this? thanks mate.
  14. Love the Aimpoint on the guns, the small dot and clear scope looks excellent, great job.
  15. Ok that worked "dragging to desktop and saving it there", thanks guys.
  16. Ok this is a noob question, "everytime I go to save a new Key setup for the keys such as CQB sight adjustment, when I try to save it it says in notepad "access denied" ????? What must I do in order for notepad to let me save a change in the Key folder? steps please thanks.
  17. blackpulpit

    Not able to select fire of a weapon

    I get the same thing, never happened before but recently it is. Did you use the mod GL4FX? just curious but it seems after I tried that mod it starting doing it, but, it also could be from a different one as well.
  18. I would like to use VOP Sound mod "Environment" and "Gear" along with just AcexSM as my only sounds, can I simply place those pbo's from VOP into the AcexSM folder? if not what is best way to do this, thanks all.
  19. Hi Guys Not sure if this is because of Ace but it started after I did the last update a few days ago and also using Chammie's sound mod latest and also GL4FX. I keep having a problem with the rate of fire and "F" functions, in other words I will only get single fire/smoke grenade....or....full auto/M203...but...not the entire sequence such as Single/Full/Grenade/M203/Smoke. Any ideas why or what to do about this? I use AcexSM with CSM latest and I place the configs each time I update into the Arma2/Ace/config folder along with CSM one as well in the config folder.
  20. Anyone else having a problem with rate of fire, I will either be stuck with single fire/m203 or full auto/smoke or some sort of combo like that, I cannot get my full set up of single/full/grenade/smoke/M203.
  21. blackpulpit

    co14 - The Job (ACE / Quesh-Kibrul)

    How do I pack my men or a man (A.I.) with satchels? I have never done that before. I of course know how to pack myself but not others.
  22. blackpulpit

    co14 - The Job (ACE / Quesh-Kibrul)

    Ooops, dam now I need to start over in order to pack them.
  23. blackpulpit

    co14 - The Job (ACE / Quesh-Kibrul)

    Question for ya JW, I am now at the radio tower and none of my 6 guys has explosives? we supposed to use the AT for it?
  24. blackpulpit

    co14 - The Job (ACE / Quesh-Kibrul)

    Another great mission JW, keep them coming mate.
  25. Could someone please walk me through how to use the Key binds, I can't quite figure it out how to use them.