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About InsurgencyRising

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  1. Since noone have replied here is the model files in 3ds format, if someone ever make them work please post them in this topic or put up on modding sites like armaholic etc. Mirror 1
  2. InsurgencyRising


    Is there a way to on the fly change the maximum range of RPG-7 rockets? Like the OG7? It's pretty annoying having to create different kind of ammo for different distances... Here's a demonstration of it's effectiveness, would be really awesome if this could be made practical. k_hibgbJYks Yes I know this thread is a duplicate from the scripting section but I'm not sure where to put it, maybe more people will see it here and come with input.
  3. InsurgencyRising


    Is there a way to on the fly change the maximum range of RPG-7 rockets? Like the OG7? It's pretty annoying having to create different kind of ammo for different distances... Here's a demonstration of it's effectiveness, would be really awesome if this could be made practical. k_hibgbJYks
  4. You don't actually have to animate the launch itself? Sorry I have no experience in implementing anything, so you just make it dissapear from the ramp and spawn one without the ramp or somethig? Regardless if someone could make this happen in any way it would be much appreciated, leave a message here if you can make it work and I'll drop you the DL link to the models.
  5. So here's what I got: However this is not animated and I have not the slightest idea how to implement it. If someone wants a crack at this then I'm willing to send the model to you.