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Everything posted by pwnstar23

  1. Reboot steam and relaunch game will now decrypt the files.
  2. Does any know if a pic of the map of Zargabad, the huge city map in OA exists? I'm trying to plan a mod and I need to see the map ASAP for planning.
  3. pwnstar23

    New beta build 71749 up

    Running this patch for many hours today. Ran like a dream no crashes, much improved smoothness and stability
  4. pwnstar23

    Headset (£60 max)

    Best headset ever. hands down. cheaper at other places on the net as well
  5. All i hope for beside the new maps being great, is engine optimizations, and AI improvements.
  6. yes cause it makes perfect sense, making everyone the as a prisoner of your military makes perfect sense that is absolute perfect design! YA BALLZ! For a mil sim this thing has a real hard time simulating what everyone's military actually does most the time and thats walk around and not shoot everything that moves. PWNED, want some more?
  7. my design may not be the greatest but its not nearly as bad as the BIS's design of the ai. It's cause after the soldiers are gone a unarmed civ can still steal the money from inside the truck. A unarmed civ is still very dangerous, they can run over the soldiers break the kamaz's tires, plant bombs (IED's). Again if the green mode did what it actually says it does, then this wouldn't be a problem. But then again the ai isn't smart enough to realize this either and under captive they would not return fire even as the civs run there friends over one by one, so whatever. Discussion over..
  8. except they won't move while civs are around cause they will be to occupied being in combat mode (just not shooting), and pointing there guns at the civs. Which is yet another problem with ai.
  9. well im trying to make a mission where the ai follow a truck and defend it. The civilians on the independent side are not even armed most of the time and they occasionaly walk past and the ai guarding the truck, under combat mode green they will shoot on sight everyone on a side that is enemy. Even if the civs are unarmed. Under combat mode green the description is not fire unless fired upon so it's totally wrong, or its totally bugged I guess that is in the eye of the beholder. Since sometimes the civs players will attack the truck and troops (these are real players on mutli server so i can't set a trigger for a time or place) none of the other options will work in this case, that I know of. Unless of course this combat mode stuff worked like it says it should. Another example is having a front line, like a border between two countries, with troops on either side, you would like to tell your troops to not fire unless fired upon. I know that you could use captive and setfriend, captive but those are not ideal for most situations , captive will set your unit to not get shot at but will still shoot the enemy. Setfriend works on the entire side, which is rarely what you want to do.
  10. how can I make initial spawn points for my mission that are independent side, but use the civ models like profiteer, rocker, villager, woodlander ect ect.. The editor won't let me do it, but I know its possible cause the CLR mod has this and it doesn't require any addons. I need it to not require addons.
  11. it is really stupid, if it says hold fire until fired upon then thats what it should do or its broken. IF this is a mil sim then you should be able to tell your units to obey the rules of engagment since that is what these commands are supposed to represent.
  12. being that plants don't have classes (or none that i could find) how can i spawn some plants via a script at the players location? also need to know how to delete them too. ---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ---------- I think im going to need to make a custom class with a plant how do i get my script to add my new class to the game? class CfgVehicles { class marijuana : Ruins { scope = protected; vehicleClass = "Ruins"; model = "\ca\plants2_plant\p_articum"; }; };
  13. I think the only way to place a plant as an object is to make my own class for it, but i can't find a decent explaination of how to do that. my best guess is how do i get my mission to add this class to the game, without an addon? class CfgVehicles { class marijuana : Ruins { scope = protected; vehicleClass = "Ruins"; model = "\ca\plants2_plant\p_articum"; }; };
  14. Whenever i try to play online it breaks my internet so i can't even surf the net or get anything online. Sometimes it happends right when I click on the multiplayer button sometimes it happends after I play for a while. My phone also goes through the same modem as my internet and even my phone doesn't get a dial tone. After a while 10-30 mins my internet reconnects by itself and the cycle repeats. I've tried with and without betas. I'm redownloading/installing arma 2 now from steam, anyone hear of this kinda thing happening? Seems pretty strange issue, I can play online with other games no problem at all. I have good internet speeds 15mb/2mb .
  15. pwnstar23

    arma makes my internet break

    after reinstalling arma 2 its still doing crashing my internt/phone. I have my tried with my pc connected to a router then the modem, and directly to the modem both make it crash. I have the dlink gaming router Does anyone know if setting it up to forward a port or something could fix this problem, maybe something else?
  16. Anyone know how to script arma 2 to make it link up with a SQL database? I know its possible the various life mods have it working. I need to know where to start reading (tried searching but no luck) is there any documentation on this somewhere? Googling and searchin the forums came up zip for arma 2 except the armalib for arma1 does that work with arma 2?
  17. pwnstar23

    dedicated server screwed after update

    something similar happend to our server, after a clean reinstall and patch everything was good again, be sure to back up your missions and ban.txt
  18. pwnstar23


    so u just enable it and it works all by its self? is there any commands u can use like get screenshot of players screen? Does it actually catch hackers in arma2? Anyone seen someone get kicked or banned by it?
  19. whats the proper command syntax for adding a custom action that onlys shows up when your inside a vehicle? tried vehicle addaction [action] and _vcl = vehicle player _vcl addaction [action]