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About Fick_2142

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  1. Fick_2142

    Recieving while playing

    Updated Vista to SP2, reinstalled ARMA2 and ACE. Also updated vid driver. My "receiving" bug is cured. Vista 64 home premium AMD 64 X2 6000+ 4G corsair RAM XFX 8800GTS 640 MB
  2. People are telling me that they can zoom in the TV screen after selecting the missile from the drop menu. They say to use the scroll wheel, but I don't have a scroll wheel. I would like to use my joystick to fly and send missiles with full functionality of MMA. Is it possible to zoom in this TV screen (the one with the two red arrows) to decide which targets to shoot first ? How can I config my joystick to do it. I have no mouse wheel. Thank you
  3. Thanks Maturin. I posted at the OFPEC forum in the Mando thread and got no reply in two days. Forgive me Myke for not going to the end of 128 pages of how awesome this mod is. I have a joy stick to fly, and I want to use the functions of mando to fire missiles. This seems to me to be a simple key bind problem, and not a Mando problem per se'. I will post it there anyway in hopes that someone will find it.
  4. People are telling me that they can zoom in the TV screen after selecting the missile from the drop menu. They say to use the scroll wheel, but I don't have a scroll wheel. I would like to use my joystick to fly and send missiles with full functionality of MMA. Is it possible to zoom in this TV screen (the one with the two red arrows) to decide which targets to shoot first ? How can I config my joystick to do it. I have no mouse wheel. Thank you
  5. I would like to see a real rifle range take shape with individual target frames that are manable like a staic implement such as an artillery gun does. They could be set out individually in a row to simulate a real known distance rifle range in suitable places within the ARMA world. The targets would be pulled by another online player via up down toggle or the movement of the mouse. Upon reaching the bottom of the carrier the bullet hole could turn into a 3 inch spotter, and the target is run back up for the shooter to see it's placement. With this we could simulate accurately the USMC rifle qualification with 5v 200 yrd (able) target, 5v rapid 300yrd (dog) target, and 5v 500 meter (baker) target for a 250 pt agg of 50 rds. We would also need to be able to adjust sights for windage and elevation with the standard M16A2. I would love for someone to help me do this.
  6. I would like to get with someone with the expertice to explore the possibilties of ARMA 2 with respect to creating a real rifle range. I am an NRA/CMP National Match high power rifle competitor. Since playing ARMA2, and ACE2 mod, I am intrigued with the idea of modeling and scripting a very realistic rifle range that would operate in much the same way of a real world range. A virtural USMC known distance (KD) course as a mini mod or addon may be possible. I believe that it is entirely possible to create a target with movable frame that could be manned by an online player while another online player fires for record. The individual target frame and berm could be a static implement much like an artillery gun, with the ability to manually raise and lower, or by toggle command. A player would enter the target in the same way that one would select "get in as gunner" in other static implements, but in this case it could be "man target position". I would want the ability to raise or lower the target for marking, with the puller safely behind a berm ahead of the target frame. These could be placed side by side to make a target line as large as you would want. The precise shot placement could be marked on the target, or the script for blood, or other impact could be modified to resemble a 3 inch shot marker. But for realism a marker placed by the target puller would be the best if possible. This would appeal to the many in the NRA/CMP rifle community, and possibly realism units that could add a realistic USMC rifle qualification/training to their record books, and practice for sniper class to read wind and range estimation. The real world physics is there...Let's make a real USMC KD range !