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Everything posted by Loggert

  1. Any chance this nice launcher might migrate to ArmA3??
  2. I've just had problems installing ACRE once and then it was a fuckup that i did myself. It's not hard if you really read the instructions.
  3. Easiest way to do it is as themaster303 say. Don't load ACRE into teamspeak, then you'll hear everyone speaking at the same time.
  4. Are you sure that you're running ACRE on the server? You can only use one backpack radio at a time so you can't carry round a 119 and a 117. Could be a problem with domination, all the missions I've played during the last 4 months have had almost no problems with ACRE. But I almost never play domination. The prc148 look a lot like the standard item_radio so that might be it. If you're not running ACRE on the server you'll see the standard radios but when picking up a ACE_prc119 it wont work as a radio. You just end up with a heavy backpack..
  5. Hmm, does the SVD even have a bipod ingame? I haven't seen many with bipods on pictures either.. Need to go ingame and look at it again.
  6. http://www.multiupload.com/OLCIL3GFQG There there, don't argue, it's soon xmass.
  7. Cammo nets! For observationsposts, snipers, fsg positions and such. Just as a nice addition.
  8. Loggert

    WarFX Particles

    They guys that do the ACRE mod is bashing their head against A2 and extended event handlers, they might be of help. And ask for their script execution thinigie ;) its a keeper... (a running every frame instead of regular arma2 waiting).
  9. Loggert

    RH wip thread

    Sniperrifle pack would be nice ;) a remake of the Pistolpack for OA and ACE would be a good thing aswell.
  10. ace_sys_weapons_test = true; in the initline of the magicbox and then you're set..
  11. Yes but as long as you're not PvP ing who cares? You just have to se it as a minor problem.
  12. You should implement a copy to clipboard command in the mod. So when you've got the pos you want just copy to clipboard and then you can paste into the editor?
  13. Easy way to solve your problem is... Don't use internal modloader. Use either a mod-line at startup or use a launcher.. If problem still continues reinstall combined operations and try again.. Maybe jay or nou can help better but i think stop using the internat modloader.
  14. Hmm not mouch to do if you've got 2 km of solid rock in the middle ;) But a bird whispered in my ear and said something about a wonderfull thing called retrans that will come soon..
  15. How i understand it is that if you're not in the game you'll hear all the people in the channel at the same time. When in game you'll only hear those close to you in game (or over radio) but still hear those that are not ingame. The muting, unmuting on ts only work when both arma2 with the plugin running and TS with the plugin are running.
  16. That's the way it's supposed to go, you use your lips to speak into the radio, offcourse the sound will be in direct (to the people close to you) and in the radio channel. It's coded so that when you talk into the radio set you talk "ingame" too.
  17. You'll hear all radios you've got on you but can only speak in the active one. Usuall loadout might be 2-3 prc 148 and one prc 119 ;)
  18. Just a thought, might create a ticket later bur right now it's just a mindplay. Could we have both flashlights and the "NV laser"? Most modern rifles have both, and is there someway to code it to use both in the game?
  19. Loggert


    If you want to use it then you need to run it when joining a server.. Aswell as all the people need to have ACE running to join a public ACE server. I don't really see the big trouble? If you want to use the first version of this plugin you would still need it running if you were to be able to use it in game. Sure you could join the server but if you would have to quit to make it working. Since most of the things in this mod aims towards a milsim experience I for sure think it would be stupid to remove some of the things from it just so that some guys who only play dommination with DMR and SMAW can join servers without the mod loaded....
  20. Loggert


    From my testings i can speak for the 006 version and when over 20pple the load on the clipboard apllication is massive and to mouch but in the next version it should be better..
  21. Loggert


    I think that the 004 version just is a fix for the ts3 beta 18, not anything new in the plugin, the version being tested by the testers has real 3d support but not this one. (not 100% sure yet)
  22. Loggert


    Sure, but that don't make the radio transmit button push to talk. That is what he is asking for, but i think it's being looked at by the team.
  23. Why not include bequia while you're at it? That's a really nice island, been there and i loved it.
  24. Loggert

    Swedish Army Mod

    If you read in the forums of ssg-clan.se and anrop.se you'll see the reason for two seperate mods. That is if you're able to read the language of neutrality and hard dry bread ;)