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Everything posted by Vixente

  1. Vixente

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    And more RAM! Don't forget. DDR3 is really cheap this days. And your big projects in those apps will feel the love too.
  2. Vixente

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    You don't need SATA3 unless you plan on using SSDs. Mechanical drives are castrated in performance by its physical limitations, they barely reach 100 MBytes/sec, 150 on the good ones (WD VRaptor, 10k rpm 1TB hard drive... but it is very expensive, 300+ $). Even with a RAID setup you don't need SATA3 with mechanicals. So you are good too on that area if you don't have SSD.
  3. Vixente

    Arma 3 Community Alpha - Announcement!

    Yo have to be trolling me.
  4. Vixente

    Will Arma 3 be better optimized

    That tweak is awesome, never thought of that, have to try it some day. When i have shitloads of ram... :)
  5. Vixente

    .NET (C#) and the Arma 3 Game engine

    Yes, intellisense or autoformat has nothing to do with the C# language itself. It's just the IDE (Visual Studio). Eclipse IDE (Java) has some sort of helper, but not as good as VS.NET.
  6. Vixente

    .NET (C#) and the Arma 3 Game engine

    From my small point of view (hobby programmer), it could be done, using wrappers and shit, but the quality?, no. Barely nothing can surpass C++ in speed. (only ASM or a few others i guess) Don't get me wrong, i love C# and .NET, i've been 'deving' with it for small winapps and it's great. But for a game of this magnitude (Arma series) all speed ('quality') is welcomed. huh? Java is pretty easy. In fact is very similar to C#, i don't see the difficulty. Java is a very good choice for scripting.
  7. Vixente

    AI Improvement

    Maybe not focusing much in AI improvement results in a performance problem when there are a lot of AI, who knows... I think one of the things that they have to revise the most is when an AI gets engaged in an open area. Who the hell would kneel, stand up just there when taking fire? At least prone, ok. But the normal (human) thing to do is to run (sprint) to get under cover... a bush, a rock, a wall, slope, corner, just hide anywhere to not get killed. Some great mods in A2 already achieve this (ASR, UPSMON, ZEUS... if i remember correctly) and other things, which is great and you feel it when engaging those AIs. It's not like a player, but the improvement is enormous. So, if BIs does not substantially improve AI, i am confident that the community will. :)
  8. Vixente

    What is the first thing you will do in Arma3?

    Do all the boot camp missions.
  9. Is that file server-side or client-side ? I can't find it, i've got kicked with same error but different number: Getting kicked by BattleEye for script #16
  10. I may have to travel to Madrid and find him. I hope he is ok. :)
  11. Vixente

    Operation E3

    The game is not finished, ffs.
  12. Vixente

    Mouse Acceleration in ArmA 3

    If some of you are concerned about the issue when some player tries to take advantage of his 'leet' mouse by increasing sensitivity... Well, i just did a test myself out of curiosity, with Arma 2. I was in a tank as a gunner, and increased the G9 DPI to the max and the turret continued to turn at the same speed. I think i'ver heard this is an issue with BF3, but as i did the test, it was as it should be, so BIs did his homework about this. As said by Pathethic Berserker, there IS a maximum turn speed, independently of mouse speed... and it works. :cool:
  13. Vixente

    Operation E3

    It's not even an alpha yet. And probably, it has pretty high details configured to show its quality. And probably, those i7 are not overclocked...
  14. Vixente

    Congratulations Bohemia Interactive

    meh I don't agree at all with that article. The thing that excites me more about DayZ are not the Zombies, but the players and the harsh environment. Just knowing that you can't trust no one, that you have to be sneaky, that you can lose everything you posses. Those are the kind of things that give you the feeling of true PvP. Those are the kind of things that i like more about DayZ and not zombies. Whoever has played Ultima Online, Lineage, Eve Online or others, knows what that feeling is. Zombies are only a decoration imho.
  15. Vixente

    Operation E3

  16. @metalcraze: And, how does it run? smoothly? poorly? I haven't tested this version yet, but i don't mind a game eating half my cpu power as long as it runs fine and it uses all cores well. Hell, that's what the CPU is for. The thing i don't like is seeing a game where your cpu or gpu use is low and you get crappy performance... I've come back playing A2 after a six months hiatus and i feel a great performance improvement with the beta patches. I like that
  17. Some footage flying A10 (with TrackIR and some mods) in a Domination: (HD 1080p) 5z25guoK8mI
  18. Do this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=2016021&postcount=11 and avoid any capital letters within all the path to your Arma 2 folder ( e.g. /home/user/Desktop/arma2 will give you troubles, but .../desktop/arma2 shouldn't. That was my case. )
  19. The more the time goes by, the more i like BI. By far one of the best companies out there. Thank you for the uninterrupted efforts.
  20. Try lowering MinErrorToSend more. I have my server at 0.001 and it runs pretty well. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/basic.cfg
  21. Nice. Going to test it right now. THANKS