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About hzatiger

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  1. hzatiger

    Randomly crashing

    Thank you, I will take a look at these links
  2. hzatiger

    Randomly crashing

    My game keeps randomly crashing. Sometime I can play for an hour other times I can only play for 5 minutes, completely random. My ARMA3 crash report file show this at the bottom each time: ErrorMessage: DX11 error : CreateBuffer failed : DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED I've tried 3 different Nvidia driver versions for the 780 all with the same result. I also made sure my directx is up to date. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?
  3. hzatiger

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

    :( I wish I could experience more of the Alpha online but I'm currently stuck in Afghanistan until the beginning of Q4. Can't wait to get online!
  4. hzatiger

    Windows 7 -64 Bit

    yep def not an OS problem
  5. hzatiger

    AmmoBox crash

    Any kind of ammo box that is brought from a MHQ or air dropped seems to make me and quite a few other people crash.
  6. I've done a lot of searching for arty demos and tutorials but havent seen anything on getting the arty module to work with the ace mod. Also I'm not sure how to get it to work in MP. Could anyone point me in the right direction please?