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Everything posted by vegeta897

  1. vegeta897

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    I might be stupid, but shouldn't you be rescaling the values he provided in the ticket to the actual dynamic range possible on a computer? Instead of 6DB per distance doubled, how about 0.25DB, or some smaller value? It's 6 in real life because the dynamic range in real life is much higher. It would only make sense to scale this down for used in the game.
  2. vegeta897

    OFP in internet browser

    At first I thought this must be a joke, but after snooping into your code, I'm starting to think this is for real. I can see that you've got the beginnings of a full on game engine going here (and not a library you just downloaded from the net; from what I can tell you created this), which goes beyond what would be required just to pull this off as a gag. But I'm confused why you say MP is working, because I definitely don't see the code that would be required to actually make this playable (maybe that part is the April Fools part?). I hope you do continue working on it, since you seem to know what you're doing. This would be a massive effort though and I'm wondering about the feasibility of a game with the scale of OFP in a web browser. That's a lot of JSON data.
  3. vegeta897

    No more dark theme on BI forums?

    I'm this close to writing my own Stylebot theme for us.
  4. Please please please don't say things like this when asking for improvements to the game. Make your feature request, don't try to justify it by saying how easy or quick it would be to do, because more often than not it isn't. The developers will make their own judgement call on how easy it is to implement vs. the benefits.
  5. These seem to fit the bill pretty well. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?189775-Little-Immersion-Tweaks-Spice-Up-Arma-3-s-Night-Life
  6. vegeta897

    50% off STEAM SALE - but not on DLC Bundle?

    This is the fundamental flaw with how you're looking at it. This sale isn't about BI giving love. It's about getting new players. Notice how everything that is on sale involves buying the game. It wouldn't make any business sense at all to offer their new DLCs at 50% off, especially when one of them isn't even released yet. They can profit from that kind of sale much further down the road, after everyone who is prepared to pay full price has already done so. Again the warped view of what a sale is. This is not about fan-appreciation. It's about marketing and promotion. Edit: The DLC bundle as pointed out below is a great example of the flaw in how you're interpreting the pricing. It's offering a lower price if you don't own any of the DLCs. If you own just Heli, you can't get Marksmen for a reduced price. Not because BI hates its customers, but because it just wouldn't make any business sense. The point of the bundle is to get you to commit to buying more than you otherwise would have by offering a discount for doing so.
  7. In what way do the AI react to dead bodies anyway, aside from confirming kills? In that case, why shouldn't they be able to confirm kills beyond 50 meters? That's what makes me wonder about this being AI-related.
  8. Yeah it definitely isn't that. Maybe something involving AI? But that doesn't seem right either, and there's no AI changelog update.
  9. Anyone know the implications of this?
  10. That paragraph just tells me you will never be satisfied with anything BI does, because there will always be more left to do, or things that could have been done better. I'm sorry, but nobody can help you. That is life.
  11. It's not an issue of the engine, and has nothing to do with outdated technology. A developer just told us the deal. It's something they haven't bothered implementing because it would be time and programmers diverted to something that is purely visual. That means something else in the game right now that you take for granted might not be there if they had decided to work on this instead. This has nothing to do with manpower or resources, no game studio in the world can implement absolutely every idea that comes down the pike. Everyone has to set priorities, and this was not deemed more important than other features we are enjoying in the game now.
  12. vegeta897

    PCML no lock

    Is that how it works in the game?
  13. vegeta897

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    That would mean cutting off previous tail, which would sound pretty rough. Worse than the overlapping, it would sound like a glitch.
  14. vegeta897

    How Long And How Much Work To Build Future New Engine?

    They said they were going to do this in DayZ a long time ago, but still nothing really significant has been done. That said the demand for it in DayZ is probably smaller than in Arma. But the fact that they said they'd try mitigating the problem and didn't come up with anything makes me think it could be a lost cause.
  15. vegeta897

    Exclusive First look stream FAQ

    New vehicle(s) are briefly mentioned, but whether it's just a texture or slight variant, is unsure.
  16. I'd have to disagree, I think it's more intuitive, cleaner, and easier to separate DLC from vanilla content with no icon. What would be gained by giving it an icon?
  17. Yes, I agree that putting attachments back on to weapons on the ground is neither necessary nor authentic.
  18. Being able to take attachments from weapons on the ground is really great. I did notice you can't put attachments back on to weapons on the ground. Is this by design?
  19. vegeta897

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Anyone else notice the items on the left? And Ondrej's words "a certain not-yet-announced gear mechanic that will simplify weapon manipulation" Looks like we'll finally be able to take weapon attachments directly off of weapons on the ground.
  20. Woah, I missed that. Thanks for posting.
  21. Doesn't answer DS6's original question of where in the inventory UI the bipod will go. Whether it shares a space with the flashlight/laser slot (not very ideal), or if it will be a new slot.
  22. Perfect example of what I mean. Animated attachments are on the roadmap for DayZ, so it's going to be within the capabilities of Enfusion. Enfusion is a whole lot of heavy duty overhauling (that's why DayZ is taking so long), though you can bet there will be even more necessary to suit the engine back into milsim purposes for Arma 4.
  23. I don't see the logic of that. Why would they throw out all their work on a new engine? Every Arma game has been built on the previous game's engine. Why would this be any different? Were all the Arma games failures? Certainly not, so I don't see how you can assert that their strategy of building upon the engine they've been working on is a setup for failure. There seems to be a common belief that starting from scratch is a better choice and will fix all problems. Programming doesn't work like that. There are no permanent parts of an engine that require they abandon the entire engine just to get away from. Anything can be redeveloped if it has problems, in a modular fashion. That's what they've been doing with Enfusion. Anything that they would do differently in a brand new engine is something they can already do on top of the engine they already have. So why throw out work? Enfusion is already looking like it will be the most drastic change in the RV engine ever, and they're designing it with future games in mind. What part of that is not "next level", and how is it a surefire setup for failure? It is still alpha.
  24. I'd like the idea if it wasn't vulnerable to abuse. If it's a server wide vote, joining servers with a small amount of people could easily result in trolling the person joining by rating them down for the hell of it. You mention abuse in the other direction, but don't say at all how to prevent that. That's a huge problem that you're just brushing off. Your rating system is totally meaningless if people can just gain and lose points for no reason. User-controlled rating systems really can never be fully trusted. Look at reddit for proof. People can get downvoted for simply having the wrong opinion, no matter how useful it is for discussion. The difference here is that being downvoted on reddit isn't that big of a deal (the effect is limited to the post itself), but when admins start kicking people immediately just because they join with a low rating, we're now preventing people that could be totally innocent (or turned a new leaf) from playing, and that is something that should be avoided at all costs. Better 10 guilty run free than an innocent punished. It all seems like very little benefit at major risk, and not to mention taking away BI's manpower from more important tasks.