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10 GoodAbout Lamerinio
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This is quite interesting threat. Myself I prefer to play on my own. Or like many people stating here as "Rambo". But, that does not mean that I am unable to play in team. I like to play as demolitions, get satchels and get tower down as soon as possible. Every time when I join TS, I hear plenty of crap talk going on TS and that is what putting me off to join TS servers. Once, I joined one server and they had that squad night going on. And they had some kind of command structure, just like most of communities here do. What made me laugh is that when they talk, they talk like "Permission to open fire sir?" - "Permission granted". They tried to act and simulate "real" military. But its not that talk that makes me laugh. While having all these talks in place, they have game mode where you can see from 3rd person and see enemy contacts on the map. Now why would someone who want to simulate military would have enemy contact showing on their map and having 3rd person view? Why wont they have 1st person view only with no contacts on the map? That shows how much people want to be a wanna be military only they don't know how to simulate it. So, I spend good 2 hours with them playing as a team which resulted me in firing 4 rounds and rest of the time is plain useless talks. Another game I joined, it was domination. So I joined their TS and they gathered. I picked my demolition gear and para dropped on the zone to get that tower. Once again, these guys tried to act as a military squad, sitting on the hill with HQ trying to figure out how to get to the town, while I blown up tower, got static mgs down and pin pointed armored units for them to destroy from that hill, but they just ignored me. Result was that I got more infidels kills than their whole squad together and I had less deaths than any of their squad member. Now, did I ruin their game play? Perhaps in their view, but in my view if you are organising squad you shouldn't die more that a single lone "Rambo" and you should be able to clean town faster than any lone rangers. I and my friend don't play arma much, but when we do we can clear towns without much of the casualties and much time. When we play warfare we can destroy enemy bases within few minutes and hold an attack on the town just two of us against multiple players and succeed. And reason is that we don't talk like yes sir no sir, its because we talk like friends and both of us know what to do without any orders or hints. Now for the "Rambo" style. Many think it is bad, but I think it is good for future team play. Why? Because when you doing stuff on your own you get to learn things much faster for all directions. Be it a sniping position or a good position to start moving onto target. Once that lone ranger finds what he is best at, then he will perform well at tasks he is doing. And once you get these Rambos into one squad all you need is to bunch up get someone who knows all aspects of Ramboing to coordinate that bunch of Rambos and drop onto position. Regarding forcing people to play in a team. Some people joining server to shoot infidels for 20 minutes and then dash. That involvement in a team play is time consuming and not all got that time. Some people don't like playing in team because they don't want to be commanded by someone who has no clue what he is doing. Some are not mature enough to play in a team because they used to play COD and treating Arma same way. Some like to do their own mission they set to themselves aka Rambos. But restricting respawn time is just over the board, because even in a team, bunched up and doing everything careful can get you killed just because AI can shoot trough bushes but you can not because no one can see them. You can get killed because some glitch where AI shoot trough walls of buildings. Or while changing weapons you cant hit the dirt. There are many things that can kill you and you nor your team and team play can prevent it. And when you play as a team, spend good few hours getting into position to shoot and then get killed because of some stupid game mechanics and wait long time for respawn, that puts all interest away. In my opinion, if people want to have team play they (map makers, server runners) should make it easy for everyone whoever joins. Maps should be made that way that the only way to get to position is by some kind of transport and no teleports or para jumps. That way helo can drop bunch of people and most likely they will stay together after extraction and helo pilots will be happy because they will have constant trips. Make missions that require special amount of people to complete it. Make missions that you need someone to lead an actual attack and coordinate CAS and such and without that commander mission will be 80% harder to do. Make mission that, commander is the only one who knows next mission coordinates and that he can direct squads and give them instructions where to go and what must be done. Make missions like a blood baths, that every time you get to AO you get into hell in which you cant get trough without someone's help but even when you get shot you cant wait to get back again because someone who tried to help you while you were wounded might be wounded now too and you want to try to pay with the same coin and try to help him/her. Give each squad different mission at AO that each squad should work on it and then overall objective to be completed after all tasks are done by all teams. So when that happen, all Ramobos will bunch up and you'll get team play where everyone know what they are doing and can help each other by their actions. But whoever does not know what to do should be assisted and shown ways of doing things properly. Separate new comers and experts by allocating different teams to each. Say special forces to experts and ordinary marines to new comers. Separating people by skill might put them off, because some people don't want to show to everyone that they are new comers, but I don't see any shame in coming to Arma show that you don't know much and get help from people. Many people want to be in special forces but a lot of them have no clue how to be one.... Just don't limit people actions, coordinate them instead. But as I see it people cant be asked to coordinate people but want them to team play. If you want team play then go ahead and do a hard duty of being an officer and group people together. So I think that mod makers should be the first point of team play integration/promotion in Arma multilayer. ---------- Post added at 11:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:27 PM ---------- I disagree with that. Because PvP was always about amount of frags and PvE about mission completion and patience. So there is a balance between this, PvP is speed and PvE is getting things done but at a slower pace but smarter way. And warfare is a good balance between PvP and PvE. Therefore if you want to be good at pure PvP you should play warfare mode more than pure PvP games.
A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!
Lamerinio replied to sickboy's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Woah. Just tied ACE. Well... I like it, and I dont like it. I like new things added, tweaked and stuff like that is very nice indeed. What I dislike is how long it took me to understand how to install it. Anyway, best way for me was to install Yomata tools and download and run ACE from it. Its a really straight forward program and easy to use. Besides that, I am being a bit confused when I hear shots, even if they are 100 meters away, it sounds like its right next to me. Other thing is that concussion sound is really irritating my ears. May be you could remove that ultrasound quirk and replace it with something more suitable? Because Im not really up for wasting my ears over a game. Other than that, great mod. -
It seems that Russian weapons are slightly weaker than US in this game and its much much harder to hit things with Russian weapons. Things Ive tried in editor is to hit soldier from around 200m distance with various weapons from using various mods like full auto, semi and burst. I can tell that US weapons are much more accurate and deal more dmg than Russian weapons. Also I tested RPGs in game by shooting APCs from boths sides with both side rpgs. Out of all Russian RPGs only Metis manages to blow up APC completely. Rest only disabling it. However US RPGs all make APC explode from first hit. What I think is that developers deliberately added these values in order to avoid high rate of deaths in campaign.
It's not BIS's fault there's not 100,000 playing Arma2
Lamerinio replied to -Total-'s topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
And that too :) Once I get my card back Im gonna spent most Arma time in editor making campaign :D -
It's not BIS's fault there's not 100,000 playing Arma2
Lamerinio replied to -Total-'s topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
I like playing MP, but only warfare type because it gives me ability to do a big scale operations where I can go wherever I want, or go with other people together to strom towns. There you can be on your own or run around with other people. Bad part about MP that annoys me is that space bar scan, I have been spotted so many times in various scenarios where it was only possible to see me with binoculars. And couple of other warfare aspects annoys me too. But anyways, if there arent many people online, its not because they are afraid to get murdered, its because they dont like some other aspects of the game which are more important than getting killed. Like myself I like to play on the servers which allow SOW mod, because I hate Arma stock sounds. -
Here's how I got ARMA2 to perform smoothly using RAMDISK
Lamerinio replied to qwertz's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - TROUBLESHOOTING
Ive tried couple months ago removing page file. Well results were good and bad. Good is that without pagefile I had better gameplay like no stuttering even in towns. Bad is that once I reach town and spent there couple mins I get error on desctop saying I runout of memory, but I got 300-400 mb free once I looked at everest. Anyways, once I get that error I get to desktop automatically, but I can return into game and continue to play another 10-15 mins until same error comes up. The irretating part about it is that I might get kicked out onto desktop at a very interesting shooting part, or game can just crash after couple of out of memory messages, for these reasons I switched pagefile back and got stutters back but no OOM error or crashes. However, as some might know that when Age of Conan cameout, they had an issue with memory leaks, and it worked just the same way as I am getting now with no page file while playing arma 2. Only difference was AoC crashed if you had page file on and if you didnt, it just gave that error after which you could still return into game and play normaly until next zone in. So there might be an issue with Arma memory management. (thats what I think) -
Low GPU-load in game (one single-chipped videocard)
Lamerinio replied to McArcher's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
100 C is way too high and its not normal. At 105c card will start to clock down itself to prevent any further heating and after that it will stop itself which result in your system crash. After reboot it will work like before, all ok. What I was saying is once you reach max card temp, which is above 105 C or so, cook it a bit on these temps and then card's life time will start to tick down, so once youve fried it on high temps it will start to die slowly no matter at which temps you are playing after you burned it. It is good if you got lifetime guarantee, if not Ill laugh once you pass your guarantee period and card dies. :D You better start monitoring your temps on a daily basis and see if temps are rising or not. -
Low GPU-load in game (one single-chipped videocard)
Lamerinio replied to McArcher's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
You are crazy git. Running card at 120 C is a death sentence to it. One advise I can give you is to start saving cash for a new card, coz in few months time it will die, if not earlier. I had same with mine. When I bought one, it was running 60C full load, couple months later it was running 65 C and each month temperature was rising. (it begun to rise after I played crysis without rivatuner and back then drivers didnt rise fan automatically, so I burned it a bit) Eventually I had temps 100-105 C but it was still running ok, but Ive solved issue by removing metal carcas. Temps droppped back to 60C at full load, and after about 4 months my cards dropped dead. I could still use desktop and browse internet, but as soon as I run any 3D applications I got blue screen, restart and then yellow artifacts all over my monitor which looked like some sort of a maze and max resolution 640x480 with no video hardware detected in harware manager. So I returned card and been told that my Vram got damaged. Guess from what? So yea, dont play with temperatures. -
OKB 915 addons for ArmA2
Lamerinio replied to soul_assassin's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Nice stuff! Most I like is that seat positions looks like real ones. I mean when Russian troops ride one of those they usualy sit on top of it and commander is near driver. Very nice. I am actually looking for such addons to add into my planned Russian campaign. Though it would be nice as well to have BTR with inf sitting on top of it. If you could make BTR or BMP with soldiers outside seats on them, that would rock! But if you cant, just release BMD, I am desperate to have something like this in my campaign :D -
One thing that really bothers me
Lamerinio replied to welcome to hell's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
Myself, when I bought game I didnt even start campaign because I already knew what the main campaign concept would be, so I went into mulitiplayer and started to play for Russia. I like how Russian hardware look, besides that I play Russia in all games that got Russia in it because I am Russian. The thing is, I am not upset that US fighting against Russia in this game. I am just bored of same concept that Russia is a baddie. Sure BIS could of done campaing where Chedaky who got Russian hardware versus CDF who got US hardware, but then I wouldn't be able to play as famous Russian Specnaz. So then I thought, if I can play as Russian in this game, why not make campaign for them. So I printed out Chernorussian map and started to think of possible scenarios. So far I got first campaign chapter done on paper. Five missions in chapter. I got all mission scenarios made and dialogues for each mission, but then my luck turned on me...My video card died. :( So hopefully I get my new card back soon and I can start making campaign for Russia. -
Actual real life cockpit bullet protection for helicopter pilots
Lamerinio replied to wasserkool's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
That is good that you are doing your homework. It was interesting to watch clips youve provided, however, on all movies its either wood they are shooting, none cemented strucktures or shooting at 20 meter range and still not penetrating. The only pen ive seen from these movies were either AK on wood or machinegun from 19 meters away on brick. So in conclusion no, AK wont pen brick wall. Nor it will pen Hinds pilot's cabin. Next time when I get more time I will post you some stuff about real war pens not some funcky US baby videos. Besides that, in Arma 2 APC explodes from one rpg, in real life, at least russian APC like BTR-80-90 can take more than one RPG shot and be still functional (deppend where they get shot). But that's another story. -
Actual real life cockpit bullet protection for helicopter pilots
Lamerinio replied to wasserkool's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
I know that if AK would shoot trough a brick then there would be no buildings left in war zones. You wouldnt need artillery or tanks to level buildings, you would just need 50 men with AK shooting building. And regarding videos that proves me wrong its exactly opposite, there are tonns of videos showing that its not going trough brick wall. ---------- Post added at 09:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 AM ---------- As far as I see you just want to show off yourself as some kind of an expert backing up your claims that you work for a defense industry. Back on topic, I still don't see real flight models implemented into game, but I am not surprised. To me this game is a tactical or strategic simulation not flight simulator, however it would be nice to have choppers that are more closer to real models. -
Actual real life cockpit bullet protection for helicopter pilots
Lamerinio replied to wasserkool's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
I wonder when was the last time youve worked in defence industry..was it 30 or so years ago? Because as far as I know, while you work in defence industry you aint allowed to tell what you are working on or with for at least 30 years. -
Actual real life cockpit bullet protection for helicopter pilots
Lamerinio replied to wasserkool's topic in ARMA 2 & OA - GENERAL
To all those who are saying that mi24 is piece of crap and can be shot down by using AK47 should get a person who speak russian and ask them to translate clips from youtube. Just type mi24 in there and you can find alot of russian afgan veteran chopper pilot who saying that even under 50cal gun fire they lived and chopper worked. The only problem pilots had in mid 80s were stingers, but was sorted later on by introducing flare despencers. So no, pistol, AK47 nor 50 cal should penetrate mi24 crew cabin. Oh, and AK47 dont shoot bricks trough, if they would shoot trough bricks, imagine what would PK could do to a brick? So stop pulling your stuff out of your arse plx.