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Everything posted by kalxen

  1. Sickboy - can you help confirm this? Otherwise whats the point of a "stable" version? We had set up a server to run 316, updated the ACE_serverconfig.hpp "VERSIONING_LEVEL 3", and people are running into random issues connecting, 322 causes CTDs when connecting to 316's, etc. Also running into an odd issue that after 6-7 hours of play, a 316 server will start to give mismatch errors to otehrs saying the server is running 319 instead. After reboot, its back to 316.
  2. I guess I was confused that we are beyond the 1.0 number (typically you don't number an application beyond 1.0 for a non-release beta but heck its a crazy world), and since 6 updater gives base options for "Vanilla" and "Beta" I assumed it was referencing released vs beta code. No biggie, thanks for the info and setting me straight. Looking forward to the release. :)
  3. How often is Vanilla being updated right now? I love all the work you guys are doing, it seems a bit excessive for being a 1.0 Release, almost like beta never ended. Are there plans to time the periodic updates to maybe once a week instead of every 2 days? It would make it much easier for us to adminitrate the server(s) and synchronize the playerbase without being suprised each day with the "out of Sync" popups. Sickboy - left you a PM.
  4. Unfortunately, there appears to be no native API to allow this. Sparta (www.legionofsparta.com) has built a bridge app using the clipboard copy to access a SQL DB. We use it to to track all approved/registered players who can fly helo/planes or drive the MHQ for our maps. Its fairly customized for our server, but one day MH6 (the dev) may release it. It would be nice to see Bohemia provide a cleaner way instead.
  5. Tankbuster - on line 68 of the x_sidearrest.sqf, I think you are missing a closing semi-colon. Appears that Xeno may have left it out in earlier versions as far back as 1.12. if (_winner == 1) then { ["d_sm_p_pos", position EFLAG_BASE] call XSendNetVarClient; } else { ["d_sm_p_pos", position WFLAG_BASE] call XSendNetVarClient; }[b][color="Red"];[/color][/b]