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About Nikoladis

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    Private First Class

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  1. Nikoladis

    Allow players to cancel tasks

    That is so nice, exactly what I was looking for, thanks.
  2. Nikoladis

    Allow players to cancel tasks

    Thank you for the reply. However I am not sure where to put that code. Should it work with tasks that are made as modules also? Should it pop up in the menu for the player that comes up when I use mouse scrollwheel?
  3. I would like to allow players to cancel tasks. I know it can be done cause I have seen missions where tasks can be canceled. But my tasks, which is made by modules cannot be canceled by players, they simply dont get the option.
  4. When I do that I also get the error. Btw. the tasks are made with "create task" modules. Found a workaround though: this and ["t1"] call BIS_fnc_taskCompleted and ["t2"] call BIS_fnc_taskCompleted and ["t3"] call BIS_fnc_taskCompleted and ["t4"] call BIS_fnc_taskCompleted and ["t5"] call BIS_fnc_taskCompleted
  5. I have this line in the trigger condition, why does it give a generic error in expression when I run scenario? this and (taskCompleted t1) and (taskCompleted t2) and (taskCompleted t3) and (taskCompleted t4) and (taskCompleted t5) t1 to t5 all exist right from start. They are all tasks. The error comes both when evaluating trigger as server only or not. Also if I try this then I get invalid number in expression: this and ((taskState t1 == "Succeeded") or (taskState t1 == "Canceled")) and ((taskState t2 == "Succeeded") or (taskState t2 == "Canceled")) and ((taskState t3 == "Succeeded") or (taskState t3 == "Canceled")) and ((taskState t4 == "Succeeded") or (taskState t4 == "Canceled")) and ((taskState t5 == "Succeeded") or (taskState t5 == "Canceled"))
  6. Why does this spawn under water? (map: malden 2035) veh = "FIR_F16D" createVehicle ([8800,10200,300]); grp = createVehicleCrew veh; unit = grp createUnit [typeOf driver veh, grp, [], 0, "CARGO"]; bomber = grp addWaypoint [getPos spawny2, 0,0,"Bomb"]; veh setVelocity [(sin 270 * 200), (cos 270 * 200), 0];
  7. I will try that, thanks!
  8. Hello, So when an AI gets kills, for example through artillery support, how can I transfer those kills to the player, as he was the one who ordered the strikes?
  9. Just to make sure. I just tested it: I subscribed to my own scenario in workshop. Made sure I was missing one of the mods it needed. (and yes, I had told workshop that it was needed) Result: Errors when running scenario.
  10. Anything has to be changed for this (v1 version) to run in Arma 3? When I do nul = [art, pad, 20, true, true] execVM "faat.sqf"; It also fired at my CUP Fishingboat where I am in, 2 Km away, even though it has no line of sight, and second last parameter is true. And should this line strings not be in capitals or does that not matter: {_gun disableAI "_x";} foreach [move,target,autotarget,anim]; I need to use v1 of this script, since v2 does not show the projectile flying, and the projectiles seems to be stuck above the target in v2 also.
  11. Yes, when I publish I can tell it which official DLCs, but not user-made ones.
  12. Lets say I am making a scenario. I use some custom mod unit in it. I publish to workshop, and in the workshop I add the mods the scenario needs. That all fine, but if a user forgets to enable a mod when wanting to run the scenario, he just gets some errors. How do I get arma to prompt him with message saying something like: "This scenario requires mod X and Y please install/enable those before you can play this scenario" Is there not some build in function that does that?
  13. Nikoladis

    Automatic Mod Downloading

    Well ArmA games is already on steam. Games like Skyrim also have both Addons and Mods. Steam handles download of that content real fine. Also the big files. I hope ArmA 3 will make use of Steam for downloading Mods and Addons. The guys who want to download from Armaholic and install themselves and stuff, should still be able to. But for most people, get downloadable content, free and paid (as now), through Steam would be a most welcome addition.