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About Gumzster

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    Private First Class
  1. Gumzster

    Arma2 - GTX295 Disaster

    Wauw! Just did a test with Razani. Everything on very high...including AA. Draw distance set to 10 km. Never went below 50 fps and I didn't notice any stutter either. THIS is the way it's meant to be played! I can see why they want to go with a desert environment in Operation Arrowhead. To bad MP is my thing and all servers are running Chernarus :(
  2. Gumzster

    Arma2 - GTX295 Disaster

    I have a feeling we have the same problem (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91677) Try to do this: Crank the settings up, run Chernarus empty from the editor and strafe around a bush (maybe with some trees in the background) You get microstutter from that? I will try running your missions. EDIT: Tested your missions. I was running in 1920x1080, most set to high, AA off (hardware in sig) Mission 1: 60-70 fps. Smooth, except when panning past trees (maybe i have become a little more sensitive to the stutter?) Mission 2: 34-38 fps. Stutter. More then I would accept. I would probably spend my entire evening trying to tweak and bang my head with the keyboard if this was a real online scenario ^^ Mission 3: 27-29 fps. Unplayable imo. The combination of screen tearing and extreme stutter would give me a headache within a few minutes.
  3. I know there have been extensive improvements to the AI in some of the beta patches...if it affects their driving abilities or not I don't know, but it might be worth a shot to try.
  4. Gumzster


    So..I finally managed to turn vsync on..lol Turns out that the vsync option in Nvidia control panel when using Win XP affects both OpenGL and DirectX games (unlike Vista and Win 7 where it only affects OpenGL..go figure) However, it didn't quite have the effect I was hoping for. It removed the extensive screen tearing I'm having, which was extremely pleasing to the eye, but the microstutter was still there no matter how low the setting were, and it introduced a slight delay on mouse movement. Anybody know of another way of limiting FPS other then vsync? So far I have spend way more time trying to optimize the game then actually playing :(
  5. Gumzster


    ^ FRAPS will limit the framerate to whatever speed it's recording with and the FPS indicator will turn red...kinda hard to miss ^^ The microstutter is evident whether FRAPS is running or not...but thanks for your input :) I just downloaded the game under my Win XP instalment (I have the Steam version). Nothing changed. I might have gotten a few FPS more, hard to tell, but the microstutter is just as bad :(
  6. Gumzster


    1000 is just default..ye? So it will do max frames ahead = 3? What should I set it to? No..not using FRAP to log...just looking at FPS Didn't understand this last part.
  7. Gumzster


    Check to both. I have just spend a couple of hours trying to enable vsync..everybody keeps saying it on by default, but I have frame rates way above my monitor and lots of screen tearing, so it's definitely off. I noticed in Nvidia control panel that the vsync option only affects openGL...so how do you enable it? I have a feeling that would fix it for me. Update: Lol..I couldn't even force it on with Direct3D Overrider :/ This game doesn't like me.
  8. Gumzster


    Well..with HT disabled, my cpu count IS 4, but I'll give it a go.
  9. Gumzster


    @Seany: It happens no matter what I'm doing. Trees and bushes seem to be the worst, but some other models produces the same microstutter. I will have to get back to you on settings (baby girl screaming her lungs out atm) I can (sorta) make it go away if I lower my settings so I never go below 100-120 FPS...but then it gets uglier then Arma 1 to achive that. @bensdale: I have disabled HT via bios long ago.
  10. Gumzster

    Windows 7 + arma2

    Really? So why do I get 100+ FPS if I "Use the 3D application setting" in my control panel? Shouldn't I be limited to 60 FPS (my monitor)?
  11. Gumzster


    Turning off NOD32 didn't do anything. It is set to 60..same as my monitor. Anything in there that looks odd btw?: language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=93750; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1920; Resolution_H=1080; refresh=60; Render_W=1920; Render_H=1080; FSAA=2; postFX=1; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=919994368; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; Windowed=0; winX=16; winY=32; winW=1920; winH=1080; winDefW=1920; winDefH=1080;
  12. Gumzster

    Windows 7 + arma2

    O_o How on earth do you enable vsync for Arma 2? I have terrible microstutter and I know vsync would fix it...so I'm dying to know..pretty please.
  13. Gumzster

    Patch 1.05 "Announced". Includes AH-64

    Yea..the video shows the radar on top of the chopper = it's AH-64D
  14. Gumzster


    Hmm..I have NOD32 running. Don't think it's much of a system hog though, but I'll try and disable it and report back.
  15. Gumzster


    Now..I know there have been tons of threads regarding stuttering, but my problem is not related to harddisk loading. If I stand still and stare at a tree, I have 80+ FPS on high settings according to FRAPS, but it will microstutter soooo bad that it completely kills the immersion. I (and many others) had the same problem in Fallout 3, but there was a trick where enabling vsync would smooth it out. That's not an option here. I'm also familiar with FPS limiter, but I can't get it to work with my Windows 7 and I don't think you can run betas with it. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)