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Everything posted by JSj

  1. If you are bothered by such insignificant details, then just wait for the finished game to be released.
  2. Yes, this is one of the most urgent things to fix. I hope that with the new targeting capabilites that we've seen in Take on Hinds, something similar will also be implemented in Arma 3.
  3. JSj

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    The difference is, of course, that paying extra to get earlier access is ok. If you choose to purchase at release, you pay more to get earlier access than if you wait for a post release sale. That's not what happened with ACR. We who preordered early were punished by having to pay more without getting anything for it.
  4. JSj

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Agree, I don't care about the money, but it feels like a slap in the face to be forced to pay more because you preordered early. If a game is on sale some time after release, then you'll have got something for your money if you bought it at release, you got to play the game before those who waited for the sale. With ACR, we have to pay more without getting anything out of it. It's not about the money, it's the principle. This is no way to treat loyal customers who chose to preorder early.
  5. JSj

    PMC Mission 1

    PMC lite doesn't have a campaign. If you can play the campaign, you've got the full version installed. PMC didn't have any scenarios at release, but there should be 3 missions added if you've got the latest patches.
  6. JSj

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I like Steam, it's by far superior to anything else out there. You can download your games freely as often as you like, there's automatic patching and you launch your game from the same platform where you buy it. By comparison, Sprocket/the BIS Store is just a limited purchase and download site, you have to download and keep track of installation files, and you need to keep up with patches yourself. Call it hypocritical if you want, I call it prefering to use the best possible service/product that you can get. Still, I will be buying ACR and Arma 3 from the BIS Store. Unlike other developers/publishers that I couldn't care less about, I want to support BIS as much as possible. Also, again unlike other games that I play less often, automatic patching of Arma is less important to me, as I check the forum almost every day and will quickly learn if a new patch has been released. Also, with a non-Steam version it will be easier to install and use beta patches and mods.
  7. JSj

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Well, when you eventually decide to start buying games through digital download like everyone else, we'll be here to welcome you to the 21st century. ;)
  8. JSj

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    On the preorder website, it says that ACR requires Combined Operations. That means you will need both Arma 2 and Operation Arrowhead to run it. (I really don't like the confusion BIS has created by giving special names to something that is nothing more than just the presence of two previous products. Anyway, Combined Operations is just Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead, in case someone who reads this doesn't know that already.)
  9. JSj

    Moveable Target Range

    After you've loaded the mission in the editior, double click on the blue (player) unit. In the "initialization" box, remove the first part, with "run" and "move". Just leave the "defdist" part. "defdist" is the starting distance of the target, so if you want the target so start out on something else than 500 meters away, you can change it here.
  10. JSj

    PMC Campaign Mission 9

    That might very well be the case here, but you can't really be absolutely sure without extensive testing. I've heard about and encountered several instances where mods were causing problems in unrelated areas which they seemingly should not have affected at all. Sometimes it's the combination of two or more mods that causes a conflict that has totally unexpacted effects. So it's always safest to play the official missions without any mods at all. And if you do play with mods and encounter problems, your first action should always be to disable all of them and see if the problem goes away or not.
  11. An armory improvement I'd like to see is being able to choose the mission, and not have to wait for a random mission to get assigned.
  12. I wish Arma 3 could have a normal save system, like every other game that has ever had a save system. That is, "Save", "Load" and "Start new campaign/mission". Now in Arma 2, you have "Revert", "Resume", "Continue" and other illogical options, and there is no way to go back to old saves if the mission ends. This is really frustrating. You also have this system where you can't just end a mission without saving, you have to use "suspend", which becomes the last save point, even when you don't want that. So, also make it possible to leave a mission without saving! Another wish is that the difficulty options gets fixed too. Instead of changing every difficulty level independently, just have one set of options, where you can change everything. Have the different levels as presets that you can choose instead. Now, some things are locked on some levels. For instance, I want to play with most of the "Veteran" settings, but with unlimited saves. There's no way to do that, so I have to use "Regular", and change every setting to the Veteran ones, to be able to turn on unlimited saves. Another annoying and frustrating thing.
  13. JSj

    PMC Campaign Mission 9

    First of all, you're not using any mods, are you? If so, disable them. Never use any mods with official missions/campaigns. I had no problem with the AI not firing, make sure that he CAN fire, that means, he has to see the enemy, and don't fly at top speed, as that may make it hard for the AI to acquire and fire on the bad guys. Fly low and slow, and make sure you are pointing the door gunner towards the targets.
  14. JSj

    PMC Mission 1

    One would think that this would be the natural, common sense first reaction before reporting a problem here. But I guess not, as this keeps happening all the time... :)
  15. JSj

    PMC Mission 1

    No, these random artillery grenades is making this mission difficult and unpredictable, and forces you to be careless and run at full speed, not the way Arma 2 should be played at all. Because of this, I really did not like the first mission at all, but there is nothing similar in the rest of the campaign. There are still a few issues with other missions, but overall it's a great campaign. It has the best storytelling of all official Arma 2 campaigns/missions (perhaps with the exception of Eagle Wing), but it's not quite as tactical and realistic as the previous ones.
  16. Wasn't there some changes made to CBA, so that you need 3 versions of it now?
  17. I think that with a normal harddrive today having at least 1 TB of disk space, those few GB should not be a problem. Surely there are better things BIS can do with their time than save a little space for those few who have too small harddrives in their computer.
  18. Yeah, BAF Lite doesn't come with a campaign. Look under Expansions, I think BAF Lite should be listed there.
  19. Already answered: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?100135-Jungle-Wars-Island-of-Lingor&p=2130044&viewfull=1#post2130044
  20. What does the donation have to do with CoD? It's still a crappy, boring game.
  21. Balancing in Arma is not about giving every faction an equal number of comparable equipment. Balancing is done by the mission maker. If one side has more efficient aircraft, for instance, then you just give the other side more aircraft or some AA units to make the mission nice and balanced.
  22. Ok, thanks for the info, that makes things a bit more clear. Looking forward very much to this update!
  23. This sounds awesome, but what does it mean exactly? Only that Arma 2 maps can be used for flying in THOH, and Arma 2 units can be used as AI by placing them in the TKOH editor? But you can't play as infantry or as vehicle crew in TKOH, and there will be no multiplayer compatibilty between Arma 2 and TKOH?
  24. JSj

    Take On: Hinds!

    Give it some time, and you'll probably feel the same way about the Hind.
  25. JSj

    Take On: Hinds!

    Have you flown the Ka-50 in DCS Black Shark? It truly flies like a pig, there's no comparison to a fixed wing aircraft like the DCS A-10C, for instance. So the Hind, being equally difficult to fly, seems to be a big step up in realism for BIS. I like the DCS sims, but for fun gameplay Arma 2 is much, much better. So I have very high hopes for Arma 3. If the "lock boxes" and cheating radar gets replaced by a more realistic targeting system (which we have seen the beginning of with the Super Hind targeting console), then I might completely abandon DCS and do all my flying in Arma.