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Everything posted by JSj

  1. A stinger launcher + missile weighs 15 kgs, the Javelin system 25 kgs (and the Javelin missiles 11 kgs each). How many extra missiles are you carrying? Add to that your other weapons, ammo, helmet, body armor, clothes, vest, grenades, binoculars, and whatever other stuff you carry. How far do you think you could run with all that in real life? In real life, no one will sprint around and fight while carrying a heavy AA or AT launcher or a heavy backpack. You might carry those things and WALK to your destination when you're out in the field, but if the enemy shows up and you need to run and fight, the first thing you will do is drop all those heavy things.
  2. How much did you run with? 30lbs is about 14,5 kgs, quite different from 30 kgs. Also, see my previous post, the weight shown is just what's on the gear screen, the total weight carried is a lot more than that (at least for soldiers, it will be lower for insurgents/guerillas that don't carry a lot of heavy stuff).
  3. Those 30 kgs are just the stuff that shows up on your gear screen. Add another 15-20 kgs for clothes, body armor, helmet, vest etc., and you get completely different loads. You may perhaps jog a short bit with all that weight, but probably not sprint for more than a few meters. I think this should be reflected by having a "base" weight value that is then added to when you pick up and carry gear. That would more clearly show how much you are actually carrying. And the quick release thing for backpacks is a good idea. Then you can ditch the pack in an emergency so that you can run further if you have to.
  4. JSj

    Controls in need of fixing

    I agree, the controls really needs fixing to be more consistent. For instance, it is so awkward playing as gunner in a HMMWV with an M2 or M240 now. Why doesn't a single right click with the mouse work to use the sights? It is mapped to the same control (optics) as for using ironsights on a rifle, so it should work. Also, after entering the sights mode, holding down the right mouse button doesn't work to zoom in, you have to use the special zoom in key. This really makes it awkward being a HMMWV gunner. This is just an example, there are many similar issues for other weapons too. More consistency would make the controls much better.
  5. JSj

    Test ACE gear "mission"

    Love the new mission, and Mando Missiles is a great mod. Really makes anything in the game related to missiles so much better! Again, thanks for sharing a great mission.
  6. Go to the folder arma2\userconfig\ace. There you find a file called "ace_keys.hpp". Open that with notepad or another text editor. In the file you see things like this, for instance: class Afterburner { key = 58; // CAPS }; That means that afterburner (used for some aircraft), is mapped to the caps lock key. That is key 58. In the bottom of the file there is a list of keys and their numbers. Just change these numbers if you want to change the key binds for a certain function. For example, if you change the text to this: class Afterburner { key = 21; // CAPS }; then afterburner is now mapped to Z. (CAPS after // is just a comment, the key is changed even if that is still there. You could change CAPS to Z, just to remember what key you mapped afterburner to, but it is not neccessary.) Naturally, you can change all the other key binds in the file too in the same way. (And even if you don't want to change anything, this file can be checked to find out what the key binds are if you can't find that info somewhere else.)
  7. This is not really ACE related, but I'll tell you how I do: Switch the gunners weapon to hellfire with Ctrl + F (I think, might also be Alt + F). Then choose the target he should fire at with tab (next target). You then also have to order the gunner to fire (Alt + Fire (Left mouse button), or maybe Ctrl + Fire). Because you practically have to do everyhing yourself anyway, I prefer to use manual fire. (And I would be interrested to know if there's an easier way that I don't know about.)
  8. JSj

    Test ACE gear "mission"

    Are you sure? I seem to remember only needing to use the "radio" menu in the campaign, not "communication"? Or maybe it's just my memory that's screwed up... well, at least now I don't have to walk back to base wounded while also trying to avoid enemy patrols when my chopper or plane gets shot down. :-) (Yes, I know you can restart the mission, but where's the fun in that?)
  9. JSj

    Test ACE gear "mission"

    Ok, I didn't know that I needed to use "communication" after calling "Radio HQ". Thanks for the help! And thanks again for a great mission. I'm using it all the time to test new stuff, and also for learning about using the editor. Looking forward to the new version.
  10. Yes, that sounds great. I look forward to that, and appreciate the work they are putting in on the SOAR stuff. But again, what would have been the problem of leaving the old ones in until the new stuff is ready? But like I said, it's not a big deal, just pointing out that it was a strange decision they made.
  11. I know that, and it's not that big deal for me. I just can't see any reason why they were ever removed in the first place.
  12. I think ACE already contains a huge amount of amazing stuff. If even more things will come in the future, that's really great and I will be very grateful when it arrives. And even though this thread contains a lot of complaints sometimes, we all appreciate all the hard work you are putting in for free just to bring us all this great stuff. I just don't see the point in removing something that is already released and that a lot of people enjoy playing with.
  13. I don't think the Apache is part of ACE, it came with the new 1.5 patch. So why should the ACE team remove that? But I agree that there seem to be no good reason to remove the Litte birds. They could have just put more SOAR stuff in when it was ready if they thought having just the Little birds was illogical. Why the rush to remove them? They could have been left in while we wait for the new stuff.
  14. I agree that you should be patient and helpful, and that you can not expect new people to read through 200 pages of a thread. But the very first post is always where all the basic information about a topic is located, usually with lots of links to places where you can learn more. If everyone had read the first post of this thread before they ask something, the thread wouldn't be half as big. So, I think we should keep pointing people who ask simple beginners questions to the first post, but we should always be polite about it and not negative and rude.
  15. I don't have time to start up the game right now to make sure, but I seem to remember that the two versions are the normal AT4 and the AT4 CS. The CS stands for "confined space", this weapon has less backblast so you can fire it from inside a building. So I assume this version has less of the ACE backblast effect.
  16. We want the Littlebirds back... now... :beeeers:
  17. 1.5 is not released on Steam yet, don't know what the delay is about. But the manual download works with the Steam version of the game.
  18. I had the AH64 addon required message before I updated the game to version 1.5. Could that be your problem? Do you use 1.5?
  19. JSj

    Test ACE gear "mission"

    Ok, I'm enjoying this mission and testing out all sorts of stuff, but now I have a couple of questions. How do you call the transport helicopters to come pick you up? I can choose air support and "call helicopters", but that's just an airstrike. Can't find a transport option. Also, I can't seem to get the EASA module to work. I landed my Little bird close to the yellow box, but when I went to the trailer and pressed "reload", nothing happened. Hope you have time to answer these newbie questions... EDIT: Ok, EASA worked on the A-10, guess it's not made for helicopters. Still wondering about the helicopter transport though.
  20. Yes, you can turn off all map and waypoint indicators in the difficulty settings.
  21. Ok, sounds great. I will definitely get that guide then. Thanks for the info.
  22. Oh, I will have to try to find those prisoners. Never did know about them before.
  23. I see that the guide is for ArmA. Are there no differences compared to ArmA 2? Is everything still the same?
  24. I am trying to come up with good key binds for the controls. To minimize the numbers of buttons to remember I try to reuse as many keys as possible. I was wondering if this might cause any problems. For instance, can you use the same control (shift +v) for rifle sight, grenade launcher sight and selecting grenade throw modes? Since you use these three controls with different weapons selected, that should be doable, right? Also, I see that "clear jam", is mapped to shift + R. Is there any reason not to change this to only R? Would that cause a problem with the normal reloading process? EDIT: Is this table really correct?: http://ace.wikkii.com/wiki/Keybindings_for_ACE2 Here, unjam is listed as only R, in the config file it seems to be shift + R. Also, in the config file, GL sight adjustment is shift +0 (numpad), not shift + V as listed in the Wiki.
  25. Looks great! There is no other game out there like ArmA 2, the one thing I have missed is it being set during WWII, not modern times. So I am really looking forward to trying this out!!!