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Everything posted by templargfx

  1. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    I freely and often admit the many problems with Dragon Rising. but a thread about ARMA2, in the BIS ARMA - GENERAL forum is hardly the place to discuss them.
  2. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    making that video above really brought a smile to my face, heres why : when I placed the civ vehicle in the editor it came complete with a civ driver (how do I spawn vehicles without people in them?) so when I started up, I moved up to the drivers door, my fireteam was right next to me. I shot the civ so I could drive. the moment I did this, my fireteam all turned there backs and walked away, sort of like "oh crap, he shouldnt be doing that, look away!" .... "I didnt see you shoot him sir, I was looking at that bird over there, its gone now but I was I swear" LOL
  3. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    I love been mis quoted this was after a couple of people starting bashing DR. That is off topic, I said dont start bashing the game in THIS thread. I didnt say STOP bashing the game did I?
  4. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    so thats getting angry? thats the only time I mention the lack of a defend command. and I still think its silly. defense is a fundemantal thing in war. your often defend locations, buildings, objects, areas. and yes, it was OFP DR that made me realise how much this command is needed. Seems to me like your dismissing this simply because its something thats in DR. here is a little video of the exact action I did to get the guys out of the truck. when they decided to run off over the horizon. just a quick editor test (a guy came over to the DR forums and started telling me this was impossible, and basically said I was lying about the whole situation) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgJxRkl1PTA so if you bought an automated apple pealer, and it kept leaving giant chunks of peel on the apple. but you were doing exactly what your supposed to do with that peeler. You go online for advice and everyone says, "dude, you just dont know how to use that peeler man! keep peeling apples until YOU get it right" would you not get annoyed after the 10th or so person said this?
  5. templargfx

    Great Deal: TrackIR 5 pro bundle

    thats a nice price. well I have no idea how much it usually costs, but it seems fair for what you get.
  6. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    Im not going to take it back. but its likely going to be just like alot of other games I buy, it'll get chucked on the pile of games, to be pulled out once in a blue moon when I'm bored. that being said, I will give them another 2 patches before I give my final verdict. It has promise. so I'll give it time
  7. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    can someone please explain to me how they came to the conclusion that a simple "move there" order given at a point next to a truck, only to have the ai run off in the opposite direction tranlates into "you dont know what your doing"? thats basically what your all saying. as this is what started this whole thing off. We both know what really happened, it was a glitch. It just seems you all rather blame it on the player than the game. the other example was the ai running off to engage when I wanted them to defend. when I explained what I did to get them to defend, the reply I got was "use stealth to get them to defend" how on earth is that logical? If we must use DR as a comparison. in that game, I point at the central area I want them to defend, choose the defend order. the AI will automatically find cover and position themselves for 360 degree coverage of the defend point. with squads rathan than fireteams, one fireteam will head out an roam the surroundings while the rest stay to defend. all from a single command. much like in real life. you dont have to tell each soldier every tiny little thing they should do. although you are free to correct them if you dont like what they do (just like in DR) WHEN the AI works as advertised. I have no problem doing all of the things you all keep talking about. the latest beta patch greatly decreased the frequency of these strange occurances, but they still happen. MODS : please close this thread
  8. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    what does this setting do : UltraAI=0
  9. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    so, from what I can gather from the replies here. the AI are really only any good if you micro manage there every action? if thats true, thats a real shame. Im not a fan of holding the hand of AI friendlies. I can understand how some people would love the extra control. im just not one of em. I like being able to give one command to the entire squad, and then leave them to sort out the details.
  10. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    no, not directly at you, but you have to understand how your comment fits into the context of the discussion : we were talking about the AI being dumbed down for the start of the campaign, and you start talking about how the AI in DR are stupid. surely you can understand my mis-interpretation of your motive? That particular comment was however more aimed at anyone else who came in and decided "hey here's some people taking the piss out of DR, lets join in" not yet, I prefer not to start modifying games until at least after I've finished the SP campaign. well things such as that, which effect the game across the board
  11. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    ok, I had installed the beta patch, but had not modified my shortcut to run the beta patch. the whole experience was improved (even performance, which is awesome considering how well it ran before :p) since running under beta I only had 1 guy run off and do his own thing. I ordered my men to get into a hummer, but there wasnt enough room for one guy, dont know where he was going LOL. I built another hummer too, so I ordered just him to get into that one and drive me around. The game seems to be harder now, AI are reacting alot better. is there any way to continue my campaign now i've switched to the beta? at the moment if I choose continue it crashes the game. I would like to not have to restart this is the only comment I'll make in these forums regarding DR AI. The ai they programmed is absolutely fantastic. possibly more complex than the AI in this game. Codemasters just then idiotically slapped stupid restrictions on the AI from just about every aspect obviously to dum it down for console people.
  12. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    please dont turn my thread into a DR bashing session. Im having perfectly reasonable issues with ARMA2 here, just because I like DR doesnt mean its time to start bashing that game in my thread. have any mods/whatever come out that stop the undergrowth changing shape so close to you? its off putting cos I find I start watching it when I should be looking at enemies. :p
  13. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    wouldnt I need to turn it on first? seen as "Open Fire" is the default combat mode? well, perhaps its stupid, but I expect a patch to install what its supposed to without needing to check to make sure it installed. never had to check to make sure any patch in any other game ever has installed. they just do. even if this were true, I dont think this is the problem, as even stupid AI should be able to tell Im standing less than 15 meters infront of them. so because I like Dragon Rising, I'm not allowed to play this game? and dont try and pull me into a flinging match over which is has better AI. is there a way to get enemy units called out by the player character to be hinted at/displayed on screen. my guy can see things I cant LOL and its most off putting. I'd rather he say nothing, if I dont know whats he talking about
  14. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    Im running 1.04, I dont know if the beta installed because when I click the latest build link, and downloaded the file. when I ran the installer it still said 1.04 in the installer. I installed it anywho. but I dont think it worked. I have no mods installed at all. I've just given up on commanding the AI. I just tell them to follow me. then end up getting way ahead of them and them being useless. but at least there not doing things I havent told em to do (mainly because Im not telling them to do anything LOL) continued the single player campaign today. again I had the AI just not react to my presence. walked around the corner to find 3!! guys huddled in a little alcove at the back of the building. not one of them did anything. so I shot all 3. Im guessing that APC with a turret ontop was scripted to not engage me. cos it happened to drive past while myself and my entire team were crossing open ground, and it didnt even slow down. I think this game just hates me because I like Dragon Rising
  15. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    they were following me when I got the crossroads in wedge formation. I pointed at the centre of the area I wanted them to defend and told them to move there. I then put them in danger mode I told 3 guys in the centre to scan horizon thats it, seen as there is no way to tell them to actually defend? which seems stupid as soon as the enemy started shooting, they charged the enemy. Im not one for holding the AI's hand. I could understand them running off if I told them to engage at will. as that command could be interpreted this way. but when I tell em to move somewhere, they should stay there
  16. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    im sorry, but since posting my issues, DMAKATRA has been practically the only person to not blame it on me. dont worry about it guys. Im going to play the game again today. if this crud continues im returning it. No matter how awesome the mission editor is. if the AI in this game is really this moronic, I wont be able to get any enjoyment out of making stuff. the more I play this game, the more I like Dragon Rising. sure its crippled and I cant do things like lean around corners, or look left and right in a car, which is just moronic. but the AI in that game is absolutely fantastic (and I should know)
  17. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    I own and have played to death : Operation Flashpoint : Cold War Crysis ArmA : Armed Assault this aint my first rodeo people
  18. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    im sorry, this is pissing me off now. how in the world can you translate AI getting stuck in thin air. or me telling them to move next to a truck, and them running off to the horizon as being me not knowing how to play the game? 80% of those who replied in here have thus far, tried to blame these problems on myself. the other 20% have THANKFULLY given decent replies. another "experience" with the AI. I told them to defend a crossroad section in a town. what did they do? CHARGED THE FRIGGING ENEMY!!! how does defend turn into CHARGE FFS -Ziggy- LOL now THAT is legit
  19. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    I dont think you can get more legit than this
  20. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    how do you turn off "FADE protection" because so far my experiences with the AI have been borderline moronic
  21. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    cheers Nazul, downloading it now. MadDogX : in the manual it says there the same thing. I have a feeling the menu got screwed up the second I left those two soldiers who got stuck in the village .-=EDIT=-. Colonial Marines! Oh my god *starts hyperventilating* you just talked about my favourite movie of all time! runs to download
  22. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    in the manual it says you push space to get a context sensitive list of commands appropriate to your situation/facing. but when Im in a vehicle, theres no dismount option for my squad. If I get out, dismount shows up tho. unfortunately, multiplayer is not a great attraction. I will play it dont you worry, but I get far more enjoyment out of singleplayer stuff. can anyone reccommend some scenarios that really make ARMA2 shine? .-=edit=-. so HOLDING space gives a different menu to pressing space? thats hand to know LOL
  23. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    hey guys, Im not having a good time with ARMA2. hopefully you can help me. firstly, the game runs super smooth. this is not a problem with controls or graphics or perfomance. in that first campaign mission, I stumbled onto the 2 guys holding the doctor hostage. I was like 5 meters from them,and they didnt notice me. "its pitch black" I thought, so I shot one of them. and the other guy leaning against the wall just stood there. didnt react at all. so I shot him too. Trying to figure out how to rescue the doctor (shoulda just waited) I walked up to him and pressed the middle mouse. luckily I realised I just planted a satchel charge at his feet (LOL) so I disarmed it. while I was doing this, another bad guy walked up to me, about 10 meters away and opened up, full auto with his AK-47. he didnt hit me, the doctor, or anything. so I stood up, pulled my gun out and shot him too. Some of you said the campaign was bad, so I chalked it up to that. headed to armaholic and downloaded "Cipher" second most clicked mission with a rating of 9 (seems like a cool mission) anyway, I got dropped off with my 10 man squad, and stupidly didnt read my objective and headed straight for the nearest town (too used to player Dragon Rising me thinks) of course, no baddies were there. I went in the wrong direction entirely! LOL so I turn around and start to head back. 2 of my squad seem to get completely stuck on thin air, and start running on the spot. nothing I did would dislodge them, so eventually I had to leave em behind. Going in the RIGHT direction, I eventually arrive at the truck and first rendevous point. get my guys to all get in the truck and I jump in a driver (as the AI guy started driving at 2km/h?) a few minutes later, my guy calls out the enemy vehicle driving down the road in our direction. so I bring up the command menu, and I cant find a dismount command (did I miss it?), the enemy have stopped and are getting out of there car, so things are turning bad quick. I hold ALT down, look to the left of my truck and tell my squad to move to a point just next to the truck. this makes them get out. but instead of moving to where I told them to. what do they do? they start running east. my entire squad just runs off, and keeps going. leaving me by myself to fend off 4 enemy soldiers (which I did just). thats when I quit. whats going on man? that old saying, first impressions last. well this has really hurt ARMA2 in my eyes. hopefully you can redeem it. because I WANT to like this game
  24. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    you need to learn what a particle is. they are particles. the claim by CM pre launch that they are 3d particles was complete bull. but there still particles. and the standard FOV is 90 degrees (just look in your entitydatabase.xml file for all the fov settings)
  25. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    one of the first things I did in the demo one of the second things I did in the demo forced it off before I even started the demo this aint my first rodeo ;)