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Everything posted by templargfx

  1. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I just love throwing bits out there, sitting back, and watching them all jump on it. its entertainment (something I didnt get from ARMA2, gotta get my money's worth somewhere :p)
  2. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    read the responses after someone says they dont like it "you just need to play it different" "you just dont know how to play" "you just got scared cos of the learning curve" "you just need to play it more" blah blah blah get my point? According to these people, you cant just not like the game, there MUST be something wrong with YOU if you dont like it.
  3. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    around here, if you dont like ARMA2, then you : -are not be playing it right -havent played it enough -dont know how to play -cant hack the realism it cant POSSIBLY be that you just dont like it. after all, ARMA2 is perfect in everyway, and has everything anyone could ever want. /sarcasm Gulag : its known in most parts of the world as the Christmas break
  4. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Im just of the opinion that if you get a little, you should give a little in return. :p If I wanted to be "accepted" trolling is hardly the way to go about it :j:
  5. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    another typical comment from a member of this supposedly "great" community
  6. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    for a person that really like such a complicated control schemed game like ARMA2 I find it hilarious that you dont know theres an ammo type button. Press and hold ' to access the ammo type menu and choose the bullet/grenade type with the scroll wheel. and it should be : it's a bad game. In my opinion. just cos you think its bad, doesnt mean it is
  7. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Its this mindset that annoys me more than the rampant flaming, and other nonsense. The idea that people that like DR only like it because they "dont know better". Like its not possible to just like it for what it is, regardless of whats out there, that they only like it because they havent played a BIS game. The thing that saddens me the most is that people (a great amount of which are ARMA fans) bag out the game, call it crap and what not, simply because its called flashpoint, and isnt like the original. or it doesnt have DS. And forget to look at the game thats there. This saddens me because I think of those poor programmers and artists and developers that slaved for hours and hours over this game get to see there "baby" have shit plastered all over it, due to the actions of the publishing branch of CM.
  8. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I would hardly say I am welcome, just look at the number of insults directly at me in this thread LOL Yeah I stopped that crap from happening in my mission, you actually have to shoot vital parts now. I was actually trying to shoot he pilots through the windows when it was facing me :p I thought CM came up with the name, and that was why they got to keep it Doesnt it say that on the ArmA box? or something very similar There were about 30 guys attacking the village there, so I would not have survived even if the gunship hadnt come! the chopper you see in the video has purposefully not got a front gunner in it because the dam thing kills you all the time. I took him out so only pilot has rockets to make it slightly more likely you wont die :) I just wish patch2 would come out already so that I can put my ultimate AI mod into my mission and get the accuracy of the AI back out of console world
  9. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    learn to read jeeze round 1 I came 2nd, winning 3 codemasters games, an A3 signed poster, and collector goodies round 2 I came 5th winning a CPU 0db8UzUptd8 Watch the fight at the start (my entire squad gets owned) none of the first bit is scripted. I have taken the town, and the enemy units currently spawned have been given only 1 command, Search And Destroy the location of the town. They steal my chopper! (near the end) And FFS dont start posting ARMA2 comments like a "Few" of you did on some of my other videos, they have nothing to do with ARMA2 and are not trying to say anything about arma2. not that I expect the people who do this are mature enough to not do it again
  10. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    well I just made a verrrrry quick test with a concrete bunker between me and a pla unit on normal difficulty, but with an echelon. I popped my head out like in the video, he saw me, I then moved behind and he immediately ran around the bunker and killed me
  11. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    how is that a fair comparison? 100% ARMA2 AI vs 50% DR AI how do you not get this. to set AI to the lowest skill level in DR, you set there experience to green, not remove the echelon. again, without the ECHELON, AI in DR are missing HALF of the AI components. For example, the playbook is used by the echelon, not the unit. Creating there own orders in reaction to situations is again done by the echelon.
  12. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    as far as I know it only cheats like that when smoke is involved, when you or an AI moves behind a solid object, the game does movement prediction. I have seen this many times in action watching the map as my AI fight the enemy, an enemy will go behind a building and out of sight, the enemy marker will become transparent (meaning no longer in sight) but continue moving in the direction the ai was last travelling in, then often it will either stop or dissapear. but you quite often see them snap back to the real position of the unit when someone gets an eye on him. this is just my opinion, but read sig ;)
  13. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    adding an echelon is not telling a unit to do anything. as to why its like that, ask the devs, I have no idea why they built all the high level AI into the echelon entity, but they did. and units will still move around without an echelon if : they have no ammo there moral breaks they are suppressed
  14. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    another video showing an AI unit without an echelon. which makes it invalid as a comparison. you cant compare all of the AI in one game, to half the AI in another. unless your trying to be bias you know I was just thinking about this very same thing for all the ARMA2 fanboys that go over to the CM forum and do nothing but post about ARMA2.
  15. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    sorry whos the fanboy? listen to yourself LOL WOW there are so many people over here that get way to emotional over this stuff. It entertains me to no end
  16. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    if your going to bash someone, at least bash them about something that happened It was ACTUALLY getting people out of a truck, while inside. of which a whole heap of people posted that what I was doing was not possible and I'm a *insert generic templar insult here* (heavily simplified the argument here) so I made this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgJxRkl1PTA you know why I left last time, I posted my reason : ARMA2 fanboys insisting the problem is with me, and NEVER with there precious game.
  17. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    try again, I ran it a few times, there were enemies in the stupidest locations at times (and at times in great locations) I seemed to find more vehicles in the forest than I did anywhere else. I think you mis understood what I mean, when you start in my mission, as you move around clearing areas of enemies, noone will spawn in places you have already cleared, up to about 3km around the players location (when on foot). no its not just a circle, to get the idea, imagine using a thick paintbrush that follows the players movements on the map, if the paint is more than 3km away from the player it dissapears. anywhere painted is "no spawn zone" reinforcements that help the enemy not you. Im sorry but that was crap (dont take offense you spent what 15 minutes doing that?). If you havent played my mission, dont bother trying to recreate it in ARMA2 ------- where ARE you people getting this "im doing it for money" thing? honestly where is this coming from? I find DR more FUN than ARMA2, so who cares if its easier in this game, I like DR more. but of course, instead of all of you just accepting that I (and many others) like DR, you feel you need to SMEAR ARMA2 facts and videos and links and posts all in our faces at every chance you get. me especially
  18. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    and so you feel the DR community should be ones to suffer the brunt of your anger? cos thats where it goes The only "proof" Im looking for is that you can make it in 5 minutes like several people have claimed both here and int he DR forums. we all know it CAN be done already while there are similar missions, there isn't any single mission with the same features, plus theres no information on how long they took to make, thereby making them useless in this case Post away
  19. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    the proof is in the pudding they say
  20. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    heres a quick rundown : Taxi Service to take you back to base AH-1 Gunship that can be called to aide your assault controlling areas of the map so the enemy cant spawn in this "area of influence" multiple starting areas with all the weapons and vehicles randomly generated capture and hold objectives reinforcements coming from surrounding towns randomly spawning enemies that defend, patrol or search randomly spawning vehicles note : spawning is random but "intelligent", people dont spawn in places that make no sense to see people (out in an open field in the middle of no where for example) I could make a completely random system in about 5 minutes (a real estimate) but it would not be "intelligent"
  21. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    you obviously have no idea about the content of my mission. that "description" is woefully inadequate
  22. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I dont work for CM. I find it funny that you all think I (and others from the DR forums) dont read this thread... I made it clear when I posted that thread (and if you bothered to read you would understand this) that I want no money for my mission, and the "amounts" are solely to sweeten the deal with Codemasters, because lets face it, CM arent going to release a user made mission onto consoles without getting something out of it. this thread does not speak highly for the maturity of the ARMA2 members I must say. have you READ through this thread lately? Theres enough personal insults in here targeted at me to get more than a few people "taking a holiday" Lots of you say you could make a better mission in ARMA2 in 5 minutes that the current version of Island War for DR. Proove it. I'll give you 48 hours to post a downloadable map for ARMA2 with all the same features. thats a hell of alot more than 5 minutes
  23. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    Hi all, I just finished installing ARMA2, havent run it yet as Im downloading patch 1.04 at the moment. can all you experienced guys give me your "best tips" for making my first foray inside the game as enjoyable as possible? thankyou all
  24. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    I asked it to be closed about 4 pages ago in a post, I also reported my OP asking it to be closed through that system and sent a message to a mod. I saw this coming a long time ago. unfortunately the mods arent listening at the moment
  25. templargfx

    Just got ARMA2 - advice?

    wow, oh my god. I didnt ask about defending, not once after that original post on page 5. the only subsequent times I mentioned defense was in a post summing up some of the "out there" responses I got to problems (but no questions regarding this were put forward, responses like "use stealth" to get them to defend), and the last time was just above, where I was accused of getting angry over not having a defend command. So I re-quoted myself, I wasn't angry then, and re-reading it now, it still doesn't seem like I came across as angry over the lack of this direct command. What are you talking about, "asking for answered questions" ?