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Everything posted by templargfx

  1. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    they were such noob reasons I ignored them. First you say its hard to tell because its shrunk, they you give straight edges as evidence to photoshopping. which is an extremely common occurance when shrinking with bicubic filters, then you talk about the "black outline" which is my HAIR.
  2. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I have no need to prove its not photoshopped, it is you who is accusing me of creating a fake image to trick people into thinking I own the game. it is you who has to PROVE its photoshopped. not the other way around. could I prove it tho? sure, I could take a video of me opening the box, taking out the discs and manual and holding them up to my webcam. but why should I. the picture is real, and anyone with image expertise could tell you so straight away
  3. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    believe me, if I could release my mission for the console people for free I would. My mission is free on the PC, which is the only comparison you can make to this game and its community, as there is no ARMA2 for consoles. If there was, I can almost guarentee you BIS would charge for DLC, because it does cost money for a company to put stuff up for console users to download. What would you rather as a console user, pay for community content, or no community content at all? Honestly?
  4. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    yeah I said I'd buy it on steam, then I was in EB and it was special for half price, cheaper than steam so I bought it. You greatly over estimate my photoshopping abilities. If you knew anything about photo manipulation you would be able to tell straight away that the webcam shot of me holding the game has not been altered in any way. And as the problems I was having had nothing to do with my ability to shoot people, or me turning into a bird. no, the problems I had did not sound fade related (as many people said after that idiot accused me of having an illegal copy) Show me how that picture is photoshopped, Mr Photo Manipulator Professional. oh wait you cant, because its not edited in any way....
  5. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I created the mission for the PC, and had no intention of doing anything in regards to consoles with it. then the console community started harassing CM for it to be ported to the consoles (via threads, pms and emails). As i am in contact with the community manager over there, he made me aware of this. I asked what is the most likely way to get CM to actually port it to the consoles. the answer, to show that CM can make money. So I created that poll. And I can't believe I'm having to say this to YOU again, right SMACK in the first post of that poll I state VERY CLEARLY I do not want any money for myself. Take your blinders off FFS
  6. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I didnt feel cheated by CM, because I ignored all the bullshit they spouted before they released the game, just like I do for all games, becuase they all lie. hell BIS made it out like ARMA2 was gods gift to gamers, but when it came out, it had all the bugs ARMA had plus many more, and was basically unplayable from a singleplayer standpoint. I dont understand why you feel cheated, what did they cheat you out of exactly?
  7. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    you know what happened last time I left this forum with the intention of not returning? some of your oh-so-nice members followed me back to the CM forum and starting posting there, they then started flooding all my youtube videos with ARMA posts, and sending me PM's here. All to continue there trolling.
  8. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Actually I was admitting that you all consider anything I post as being a troll post.. TROLL POSTS your all just as bad, and in many cases worse than I am. Stop insulting/flaming me and I'll stop posting plain and simple
  9. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Im "trolling" this forum for an entirely different reason to feeling ripped off. you proved my thoughts absolutely correct zipper5. On posting that I thought to myself "whats the chances someone from the BIS forum will quote this over there to say Im lying because Im trolling there forum? EXTREMELY LIKELY"
  10. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    yeah it was pretty stupid, as he suggested it get nominated for the 2009 GOTY award in 2010. He then talks about time travel. love the way you highly over exaggerate the situation
  11. templargfx

    No mod tools and no dedicated server files for BF:BC2

    DICE simply saw an easy way to make more money out of the PC market by forcing clans etc to have to rent out servers. I bet if they dont make alot of money out of this, there next release will lose DS altogether
  12. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    the draw distance of vehicles doesnt drop, its the LOD that drops
  13. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    The modding side of it is great!
  14. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    actually a pro-arma member asked me what I didnt like about the game, I wasnt going to reply (and said as much) until he he started trolling because I didnt reply. So I replied, and got an infraction. and that infraction was given before I posted the smartass numbering comments go figure. looks like this forum is not better than your hated CM forum
  15. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    thats what I got a warning for. cited as a troll post. Apparently because I dont like ARMA, my thoughts on it are just trolling
  16. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    and Janxy wasnt trolling? you mean kind of like me being given an infraction for listing what I dont like about the game, yeah, this forum is "so much better" than that "other" forum
  17. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    smartass comment #3
  18. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Smartass comment #2 MP is so laggy in DR because it doesnt have dedicated servers. the mission editor automatically configures all the optimizations according to what you have put into the level You make it sound like putting in echelons is a hard thing. and you only need to do that if you want to build your own customised fireteams, of which there is little need as each side has around 30 fireteams and 10 squads already configured for you you dont need to script suppression or flanking, just tell them to assault and they will do these things automatically
  19. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Completely agree ArmA's SP was terrible, OFP's was awesome. I still remember that first ride in the truck with my squad as we approach the objective, getting out and following the squad leaders orders. quite a "this aint no kiddy shooter" moment It was actually the soldiers getting stuck, I had a hummer run into a building once, but that was it vehicle wise. I have seen my guys morale break on several occasions and not take any orders. how they fall looks good (recorded animations always do) but shooting a guy and have him dramatically fling his arms up and slowly fall down to the left looks like something out of a cartoon adding MP to Island war was as simple as highlighting the 3 other members of the fireteam and choosing "multi-playable" all the code runs off player 1 and completely disregards the other players
  20. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    smartass comment #1 you know, getting stuck as in not moving and having to be left behind because of some invisible whatever they cant get over
  21. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    ok, boy I cant wait for the smart ass comments your all going to throw at this one! Singleplayer plain old sucks. Singplayer sucks because the AI is terrible. they get stuck, they ignore people being shot right next to them, even when they should have full morale, they often dont do what you tell em, or they decide they should do something else first. death animations look like something out of a cartoon did I mention singleplayer sucks? thats the main reason I dont like, I dont give a flying shit about multiplayer, I dont wanna play multiplayer
  22. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    see, told you. you cant just not like this game. Its like your all members of some fanatical cult -- I was all for not coming back here, until several of you decided to insult me for no reason other than I made a mission for Dragon Rising
  23. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    huh? ------------------
  24. templargfx

    Dragon Rising has been released

    oh come on, you dont really care what I didnt like, you just want to try and find more stuff to flame me over