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10 GoodAbout Brockman
Yeah great, Dr. Pepper. Cant wait to test that respawnthing!
If you want to play cce2 longer, then just increase the Victorylimit, the prices for new troops and vehicles, oh and the "fee" for a respawn ;-) We (4 Players) need about 2 hours for a campaign till 200 VP...
Thanks for the quick answer, well i got something working with your zombies and the good old DAC by silola, actually it works pretty well, just the Unit caching behaves sometimes strange and i have to style those spawncamps, because zombies dont use campfires, ammoboxes and Flagpoles very often, i think ;-) So, back to the editor... ;-)
i like this zombiepack, Dankeschön Dr. Pepper :-) For my next mission I would like to create those zombies on the fly, so i wrote a little spawnscript, but i cant get rid of the lag. I use a dummygroup for the first zombie in group, preplaced every zombietype once in the editor in a safe area and even included a one second wait after each createunit command, but still there is that lag after each spawned zombie. Some ideas, anyone? Another thing i tried is the AI on Demand script from CoC/bn880. It works perfectly with regular units, but when i use this to put Zombies in Stasis, the whole group disappears (like it should) except the last zombie of the group. Then, when the Group is activated that last zombie instantly dies and gets respawned with the rest of his undead brothers... Someone got experience with AIOD? Keep on the good work, Pepper!
Ah, very good News! Thanks Drongo! I just downloaded beta 5, but the included MpMissionsfolder is empty? About that revive thing (again ;-) ): because we are moving to a new home during the holidays, i havent got a lot of spare time for OFP, but i got a working alpha version of a heavy modified and bugged personal version of CCE with revive, which i can send it to you, Drongo. I bet you are able to dig through my changes and implement them in the next "official" version of CCE? Edit: I tried to open the included SPMission in the editor, but OFP couldnt load it, because it moans about two missing addons: WW4_bisvehicles which isnt included in the official ww4mod1 (yet) ;-) WGL_UAMortars, which i dont know :-?
OverCharger: Sure, i can share it if you like, but first i would put a few hours in it to make it "releasable" ;-) There are still a few bugs, and as i said, i just kicked the whole base (and personal) menu thing, and replaced it by radio commands, so quite a lot of those nice features Drongo put in CCE2 (scan, arti, buymenu...) are not working (yet). And i am no scriptguru, so even some simple things (like that above mentioned ammoprob i still have) take much more time than expected. BTW: Is there a release date on the horizon for the next beta of CCE2?
Indeed you got it right: A lot of work. But not as much as you did, i believe ;-) hey, i just managed to get the revive respawn thing working, but i had to throw out the whole base menu system, and replaced it with a radiocommand based system. Sorry for that, but this works pretty well for our little four man squad. Now CCE2 feels more "Commandostyle" for us, as we operate now without a fixed base on the map. Hit and run :-) All main functions (Request, abort, status... etc.) are now available for every player by radio, i even included a airdrop system (Based on Drongos airstrike script), to get reinforcements in the "field". But there i got a problem, maybe someone out here can help me: The Airdrop itself works like a charm: Radio HQ, mapclick airdrop location, plane arrives and drops whatever i want, for example an Humvee. Now, i want exactly that Humvee to be filled with a few predefined weapons and magazines. I read about the addweaponcargo commands and i know, that in MP scripting you have to execute those commands on every client. With an editorplaced object it is no problem, but how do i do it with a server-only "createvehicle" created vehicle? I dont want that every player has to order his own ammobox. I hope you understand my problem and im not too off-topic now. I would glady share that airdropthing, maybe it could be included in the next version, but first i want to get it right.
Hello there, @Drongo69: First i have to say, that we really like your CCE2-Mission, since the first beta. We play it quiete reguraly, nearly every two days or so on a little homebased dedicated Server. I played around a lot with your Mission, converted it to different islands (Winter, Jungle...) implemented different units, even converted it to WW2, added and removed a few things, really, i think i got here nearly 30 MPMissions, all based on your CCE2. I spend hours just playing around your Sourecode, learning how 2 use DAC and stuff, so i was very excited when we tested the new b3 version of your mission. Its getting better and better with every version, so you really own a BIG THANK YOU:notworthy: from a guy, who normally didnt register at forums, just to say hello or thank you. ;-) But during our games a few issues arose: Camp and Missionlocation Placement: Is it possible to check if the camp or the mission (random) location is placed in the water or on a incredible steep Mountain? We got stucked in quite a few missions, where we just couldnt reach the patrol point, or where the raid targets spawned in the ocean. In DAC they implemented a system, which prevents that such things happens. In CCE2b3 we dont get informed when we finished a mission. (No titletext with "Mission successful...".). Right now with b3 i check frequently during a mission, if our missionstatus changed and we can RTB. Sometimes the Mission Location Marker on one client disappears, while on the others it is still there. It would be nice to add more enemytypes, like 2 or 3 different kinds of Enemies, for example: Insurgency, militia and mercs during the same mission, but not mixed together (like they would be, if i pack all those units in one single CCE_Enemies Array). Well kinda like multiple Enemyarrays and at every new mission, the missiongenerator chooses one enemytype Me and my friends enjoy the COOP Mode of OFP very much, but one of the best things in coop gaming is the revive respawn script by Doolittle/PRiME/Gnat : when you die, your can spectate your teammates while they seek for your bodybag to revive you at the position where you died. If your whole team is down the same time, its over man. This Respawnmethod really support teamwork, so i always wanted to implement it in CCE2 but the revive script uses some kind of evil ofp-dialogue-voodoo, which i cant even read. So, i dont ask you to implement it, but maybe you can give me a hand or two, how i can get revive respawn 1.57 and CCE2 together without f*cking up alle the screemenus? Some other ideas: - New Missiontype: Relocate Base? (Old base disappears, Player should drive a convoy (not just a civitruck ;-) ) to a new random Area (maybe also a Marker-Array: CCE_Safes?) - New Missiontype: Defend Base? (Spawn quite a few badguys around the base and let them move in) - New Missiontype: Rescue Prisoners: like the rescue pilot mission, but with well defened area, more prisoners and maybe a time limit? - New Missiontype: Steal the ... (The Players have to move to missionlocation, take the ... (truck, tank, Kolo) and bring it back to base, where i will be converted into buying points) Im still thinking about a "Storymode" or "Behind enemy lines Mode". like CCE2 but without a base, new missions and support by radio, players are "alone", this mode should use changing missionlocation- and missiontypearrays during the mission, example: first three Missions are "easy" patrol missions "near" the start area, next three further away with more enemies... or the first 5 mission in the northern part of the island, the next 5 in the middle.... so still random, but more "storydriven". Because the players will request new missions in the field, the script should detect if New Mission Location is too near (just cleaned a city, next mission shouldnt be in the same city Last but not least: Please excuse my bad english, this isnt my native Language ;-) So, this post got longer than i thought, i have to relax now ;-) One last thing: The Enemy needs choppers! ;-)