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Everything posted by instagoat

  1. instagoat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Also can we make a rule that posting pictures of the inside of the dome compounds should be spoilers until the campaign is out? I will stay far far away from those. The rest of the Island is stunning to look at. I love how dreary and oppressing it is despite the beautiful mediterranean scenery, with the wreckage and the military bastions everywhere.
  2. instagoat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    This new Island is completely bonkers. You've outdone yourselves, BI, congratulations. Tank Terrain plus Mountains plus Towns that are two kilometers on the side? Ex-cel-lent! Thank you very, very much! I am almost scared to explore, not knowing the terrain would do so much to the experience of the terrain.
  3. instagoat

    Unofficial Story discussion thread

    Actually, the SCO in part is apparently used by China to exercise power over the other Nations, instead of going into reliance on russia. As an example, they illegally copied the SU-27 late models off from Units purchased from Russia to produce them themselves as the Shenyang J-11, and Russia so far has not openly levelled any complaints about this. (There's a discussion wether or not they actually did illegally copy the SU-27, but it seems likely from available information) They rely on China for a -ton- of resources, especially for their computer industry, which has been catching up to the western markets rather slowly. As far as I know, many russian weapons actually use western designed computer systems produced in China (sometimes even purchased directly from US factories, actually.), so they are reliant as far as the industry goes too. China can offer many capacities the Russians don't possess right now, and economically, the whole SCO block has pretty deep inter reliance. China is also massively involved in the Pacific and Africa, so they are much more directly and openly doing global political powerplays than the russians.
  4. Freedom and Independence Army/Alliance. What I'd love to see would be that the Altian resistance chose that name because one of their leaders is a descendant of some Nogovian Soldier, or maybe some other connection like that. FIA was the resistance founded on Nogova to resist the Soviet occupation in 1983, and was revived on the nearby everon/malden islands in name when Guba returned to militarily force a turnaround of Glasnost.
  5. There is a video on youtube of an M1 firing in an Iraqi street. The blast overpressure was PICKING UP BRICKS from the ground and throwing them about 15 - 20 meters away from around the muzzle of the tank. Even standing behind the tank, without ear protection, you will definitely be deaf after a single shot from the main gun. These systems are incredibly violent. Another anecdote, a friend of mine was in the finnish army. They fired carl gustav and APILAS on practice, and she said that the bang from the APILAS was enough to make your ears ring from 200 meters away without ear protection, and when you fired it it didn't matter wether you had earpro or not, you'd have trouble hearing for a bit. What has to be noted is that the violence of these weapons doesn't come from the things they actually throw around, it's just the noise. Just by firing blank shells loaded up to the top with powder and some sort of end cap, you would blow out windows, rattle off doors and blast paint from the walls out to a hundred meters from the muzzle. The manuals you can find online do not make clear how terrible this noise is. The videos online often do not either, because the overwhelmed microphones turn it just into an electric pop or crackle. Also, backblast from RPGs isn't as deadly as people make it out to be. There are videos on youtube now of Syrian rebels firing RPG 7, 29, B-10s and SPG-9s from -indoors-. There are videos of people standing just barely off the axis of bore and just getting knocked around. The launchers will kill you if you stand immediately behind them or get unlucky and are hit by a part of the launcher charge thrown out the back, but for AI purposes, I think if anything at all should happen, there should be a knockdown as well as some sort of concussion simulation. The violence of these weapons needs to be made clear. Right now no explosion sounds good in this game, which is rather unfortunate. I get reminded of tyres bursting. BAPSssshhhsheewww... the rifles sound so amazing compared to the explosions. The new Autocannon sounds are excellent though, so I am hopeful that these will be changed too. The particle and physical simulation needs to be updated too, though.
  6. Tanks firing is really mostly environmental dust. The actual fireball is really short. There's tons of videos of T-72s of various types fighting in Syria, where you can see how the overpressure blast from the main gun shot tosses up enough dust to cover a city block after two or three shots. And after that, if the tank remains in place, it won't throw up dust anymore simply because it's blown everything that could be blown up away already. I think some sort of non spherical animated particles would be helpful in making tanks firing look more impressive.
  7. Excellent explanation, many thanks! This alleviates most of my fears. I gotta explain, though, what made me think that the original precept was so promising was that we basically had zero information about it. There's some negative vibes going around regarding the features supposedly "cut" (many of which are actually still in the game, which was kind of ignored.), and I kind of am affected by that with regards to the story, since that is one really important part for me with regards to the game. I´ll try not to overthink it and just let myself be surprised with what you can come up with. From an aesthetical point of view, can we still get the velcro tabs on the CSAT uniforms back, please? I love velcro. :I Cheers Instagoat
  8. Well, in general it does not matter, obviously. I just personally find that logo uninteresting, and I do not think that much time was invested to generate it. Facebook had their own typeface designed for the logo, it was staked out, and an entire PR handbook designed around it. Same for Coca Cola. The Nato logo doesn't immediately tell you what it is about, but it is only one out of dozens of such organizations. For example, look at the SCO logo. It clearly has the member states on it, as well as the name. Another logo example of an international alliance would be the league of arab states (which CSAT is a successor to?) who have pretty clear symbolism on there too. I realize that time was short, but if BI want to do completely unique and fictional entities, there should be some substance to them. The logo is the top cover, so to speak, and if the rest of CSAT is as unimaginative, I dread the background for the campaign. As far as game opponents go, you need to have some kind of powerful symbolism and "PR" so to speak behind your enemy, otherwise they become pretty unimpressive. None of the previous games needed that because you always could refer back to US vs Russia, and especially the soviet union is a powerful enemy that people immediately identify and associate with a clear and imminent threat. Even the name "Canton Strategic Alliance Treaty" doesn't tell me anything. A Canton is the equivalent to a county in switzerland, for example. What is it, a regional organization made up of rebellious arab counties? I grant that we have 0 info about them right now, and I actually do not expect it to be as bad as I am painting it here. I'd have just wished for an MGS style, HQ banner for the enemy, and not just six hexagons. Nevermind that the logo on the opfor uniforms looks... I don't know. Unappealing. Unimpressive. This small change turns them from a highly advanced, powerful, national military into some sort of Bond villain mooks pretending to be alien invaders. Sorry, but that's what the whole CSAT thing looks like to me right now. A good story stands or falls with an interesting enemy. What do you identify the brotherhood of NOD with? The logo. It's not just a logo, it could be an icon. What the CSAT logo seems to say to me is BI saying "We are creatively burnt out, we gave up, this is all we can give you.". A fantastic game, with boring native story content is a dealbreaker for me. Especially since the original premise for A3 was so promising for me.
  9. Except those were made by PR professionals trying to create immediately recognizable and memorable designs. Coke is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. And if you look at the logos of many military alliances, none of them are as simplistic or non-descript. I mean, you could make up something better than six hexagons.
  10. It would be great if you could revert the shoulder patch of the opfor soldiers to the velcro too and add a CSAT velcro patch on that along with a random flag of nationality, or Iran, or whatever major nation is part of that alliance. The massive hexagon logo on their shoulders looks massively out of place. Is the CSAT logo final, by the way, or is it a placeholder? Because it's kind of anticlimactic and uncreative, just six hexagons on red.
  11. instagoat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    DayZ also is a survival simulator, so that kind of stuff is its core gameplay. Arma is focusing on different things, so a generalized medical system works for it. It is too simple right now, but asking for something even similar to DayZ is complete overkill.
  12. That would be ideal, but the decal system is a bit weird, and it doesn't support effects like normals and specular maps, so they would look supremely ugly on the detailed uniforms. I´d love for the velcro on the upper arms of opfor to return, though. This symbol looks really eh
  13. instagoat

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    New dev patch unfortunately fouls up the shoulder patches. :/ They changed the models and textures.
  14. instagoat

    Hunter first person postion is too low

    I don't know why people complain about the Hunter. It is fine, all we need is 6DOF. You can't see shit out of these vehicles in real life either, what makes a difference is that irl you can move your head around.
  15. There are tons of uniforms that do not have their textures yet. The SF fatigues for example. I dearly hope that we will get appropriate Uniforms for the british too, from one of those. Otherwise I´d be a little bit miffed.
  16. They have been US troops from the very beginning. The other forces involved were british. Specifically, the US Army troops are part of TF Aegis, in the shape of the 7th Infantry Division. Nato flags aren't go because soldiers need to carry their flag of nationality on their uniforms as per the geneva convention, which is why I complained on the devtracker about the new CSAT uniform badges. That, and the CSAT symbol is simply not memorable and downright boring. It cheapens the whole Uniform.
  17. CSAT really needs a better logo. Six hexagons, really? :/ That logo wouldn't represent a lesser bond villain adequately, much less a continental military alliance in the middle east and asia...
  18. This update they were added. US Flags are cool, but what the hell is that thing on the opfor uniforms?
  19. instagoat

    Hunter first person postion is too low

    RH means degrees of freedom. I agree, all vehicles (not just helicopters) need 6DOF enabled. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13153 <- made a ticket
  20. All BI DLCs use encrypted content. Without BI enabling this stuff for Arma 3 on their side we will have to live with the low quality variants.
  21. instagoat

    SOC WIP Thread

    As if "Brony" were an insult. They stated that they will not consider suggestions/requests/plz-add-dis-or-dat. And I think considering the people participating in this project, we can expect quality without everyone throwing suggestions at them. It's like sitting in a theatre before the curtain goes up, and screaming at the stage with a megaphone with suggestions for the play prior to even having waited for the thing to start. Love and tolerate.
  22. Very good, I was hoping somebody would do this. Much, much more useful than my text stuff. Edit: Ideally you would run this in high speed on a headless client to avoid graphics rendering, find some clear yardsticks by which to measure the AI performance (spotting distances, did they fire inside or out of cover, where they killed in cover or out and which stance from where by what weapon/vehicle, etc, etc) and then put that up in a table to see what the averages are. Individual tests produce literally zero significant results. I once did a test row where the AI did something fancy every time for ten or so tries, and after that never behaved that way again (under the same patch, after patches behaviour is usually affected again, voiding everything found before at least to a degree). After 100 tries in a controlled setting you can begin to estimate where the AI has drawbacks and where it is performing well. Player anecdotes are often extremely unreliable because everybody has different expectations, skills and playstyles, as well as often discrepant settings. I hope this will go somewhere as development progresses! Looking forward to seeing more come from this
  23. instagoat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Wah ffff I wish I could be at gamescom, but just visiting for Arma 3 was too much of a hassle and investment. I am very much looking forward to seeing Altis, though.
  24. RPG-42 hasn't had AA ammo in ages. It was replaced when the Long Titan arrived with its AA round.